Summary Results_Breakout Group 1 - Eionet Forum

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Transcript Summary Results_Breakout Group 1 - Eionet Forum

EEA Expert workshop on climate change adaptation
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(23rd June 2014)
Breakout Group 1:
Funding climate change adaptation platforms
Chair: Sabine McCallum (UBA-Austria)
Rapporteur: Roger Street (UKCIP)
Funding Climate Change Adaptation
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Existing and developing adaptation platforms have different
remits – linked to longer-term strategies or delivering a project
with implications for maintenance, updating and meeting users’
expectations, and to scope and nature of funding available
•A number of the national and transnational platforms were developed using
project funding (Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Pyrenees and C3-Alps). As
such, the funding was/is time limited with implications for the scope of the
services developed and human resources engaged.
•Many of the platforms are funded by the respective ministry of the
environment (Denmark, Germany, Poland) solely or in conjunction with the
respective meteorological services (Ireland and Sweden)
Funding Climate Change Adaptation
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Challenges – nature and sustainability of funding and
implications for delivery
•Project-based and / or from a single agency
•Project-based and limited timeframe funding – growing the market , and
service development and engagement challenging
• Moving from short-term to longer-term planning (maintenance, updating
and meeting users’ expectations)
•Retaining skills and human resources
Strategies for addressing these challenges:
•Sharing experiences and lessons learnt
•Identifying and considering implications of different funding models in terms
of services and sustaining operations in the development phase and
periodically thereafter
•Understanding and demonstrating value and benefits
Funding Climate Change Adaptation Platforms
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QUESTIONStitle style
1. Which different funding models used through development
and delivery of the platforms regarding timing and sources
can be identified?
2. What are the benefits and challenges associated with each
of these models from the perspective of the nature of the
services provided (e.g., scope, potential for developments
and sustainability)?
3. Which strategies that are being used to address these
challenges can be identified?
to editConsiderations
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• Is there a difference between having a website
and having a platform?
• Provision of information versus participatory
platforms supporting long-term processes
(e.g., policy and decisions)
• What are the consequences for funding?
Different funding in terms of amounts and
to editModels/Tracks
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Research / Project Driven
Policy Support
Proof of Concept (PB/ST)
- could be research driven
Building of Policy support
Policy support (PB/ST)
Proof of concept (ST or LT)
Policy Mandate (LT)
Policy Mandate (LT)
Platform (actually only
Platform (actually only
Policy mandated
Platform developed (LT)
Policy-based short-term funding
Policy-mandated provides a longer-term perspective, but funding could be