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Transcript October_15_Presentat..

Jim Lopez
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary
Arizona State University
October 15, 2010
Seattle Times Editorial, page A-8
September 7, 1988
“IF THE ‘greenhouse effect’ is exacerbated by political hot air, the
world is in real trouble.
The hyperbolic clouds of rhetorical gas belched out on this issue in
recent weeks could easily choke someone - or at least cloud the
vision of otherwise rational people. If Sims and Laing want to
study the greenhouse effect, they should buy themselves some
tomato plants and a bag of steer manure - which shouldn't be at all
hard for such experienced politicians to find.”
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Global warming: They're not laughing at Ron
Sims now
By Keith Ervin
Seattle Times staff reporter
“Now county executive, Sims has set up a climate-response
planning team — and no one is laughing.”
“Ask the climate question”
Lessons LearnedFrom All Levels of Government
 Think On the Margin
 Speak to Peoples Interest
 Think Across Disciplines
Answering the Climate Question:
Sustainable Communities Partnership
 HUD, DOT, EPA have formed the Partnership for
Sustainable Communities and are committed to
working together in support of 6 Livability Principles:
1. Provide more transportation choices
2. Promote equitable, affordable housing
3. Enhance economic competitiveness
4. Support existing communities
5. Coordinate policies and leverage investment
6. Value communities and neighborhoods
Answering the Climate Question:
Sustainable Communities Partnership
 In FY2010 budget, Congress appropriated $150 million to
HUD for a Sustainable Communities Initiative
 Approximately $100 million is available for the Planning
Grant Program
 Approximately $40 million for Challenge Grant Program
 Approximately $10 million for research of housing and
transportation index
Answering the Climate Question:
Sustainable Communities Partnership
Adaptation Language in NOFA
Eligible activity:
“h. Conduct comprehensive climate change impacts assessments to guide regional planning and implementation
strategies. Assessments may comprehensively evaluate a range of likely climate change impacts or may focus on
an impact area of special concern in the region (e.g.: sea level rise or reduced water availability. Findings from
climate impact assessments should be used as a basis for defining adaptation actions to be implemented in
appropriate plans and strategies.”
Rating Factor on Statement of Need may award a point for how well the applicant addresses the
following in its proposed plan:
“(22) threats to the environment, human health, or property associated with expected
climate changes (e.g., sea level rise and storm surge, lack of water supply, more intense rainfall events resulting
in water pollution impacts).”
For Category 2 (Advanced) applicants, Vision Statement rating factor points may be awarded for how
well the applicant addresses the following:
“(b) Identify any gaps in the existing regional plan or vision that need to be addressed and
describe how the consortium plans to address them. These may include subject-matter gaps,
such as affordable housing, fair housing, transportation, water infrastructure, climate change
impact assessments, etc., or process gaps, such as use of scenario planning methods or broadbased and extensive
community involvement. What opportunities will support from the grant program make possible?”
Ask the climate question…
Figure 1: Flexible Framework from the Progress Report of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force
Answering the Climate Question:
CEQ White House Task Force
Answering the Climate Question:
CEQ White House Task Force
 GOAL 4: Enhance Efforts to Lead and Support
International Adaptation
 Recommended Actions:
Develop a Government-wide strategy to support multilateral and
bilateral adaptation activities and integrate adaptation into
relevant U.S. foreign assistance programs
2. Enhance collaboration on adaptation among international
development, national security, and technical support agencies
3. Engage global development partners and the private sector to
promote knowledge sharing and coordinate investments
Answering the Climate Question:
CEQ White House Task Force
Next Steps
Building a More
Resilient Nation