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The CMIP multi model ensemble and IPCC:
Lessons learned and questions arising
Reto Knutti
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
[email protected]
ETH Zurich | Reto Knutti
 Motivation
 Sampling in a multi model ensemble
 Combining and averaging models
 Model independence
 Weighting and metrics
 Model tuning, evaluation and overconfidence
 Conclusions
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects
 A set of coordinated simulations from ~25 global climate models,
data freely available
 Goals: understand model differences and processes, provide a
basis for IPCC projections
 Question: How we synthesize information from multiple models?
A1B DJF 2100 Temperature change (K)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Understanding the CMIP ensembles
 Interpreting the ensemble:
- “Truth plus error”: The ensemble is a set of simulations where each
model approximates the truth with some random error.
- “Exchangeable/indistinguishable”: Each model is exchangeable with
the other members and the real system. Observations are viewed as a
single random draw from an imagined distribution of the space of all
possible but equally credible climate models.
 In the latter case the uncertainty is independent from the number of
 Model dependencies (e.g. INGV-ECHAM4 and MPI-ECHAM5)
 Best efforts vs. perturbed physics ensembles vs. experimental versions
Climate vs. Earth system model versions
High and low resolution versions
 “Old” model versions (CMIP3)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
What and how are we sampling?
 Is B1 more uncertain than A2?
 Are we sampling the uncertainties we know exist?
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Designing a research project
 Ideally: Design study, define requirements, assess driving factors and
uncertainties, build model/ensemble, evaluate, simulate, interpret.
 CMIP: Build a model (or several), evaluate, run simulation.
Then ask a question that may be answered with whatever data is
 CMIP is not designed to answer a specific research problem.
 CMIP5 specification of the simulations are carefully designed. But the
ensemble is an ensemble of opportunity.
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Multi model averages
 We average models, because we think a model average is “better”
than a single model (but don’t really defend this).
 But is it really? Is this the best we can do?
(IPCC AR4, Fig. SPM7)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Models improve, and averaging can help
Model performance
(Reichler and Kim, BAMS 2007)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Models are not independent
 Averaging is not very
effective. Less than half of
the temperature errors
disappear for an average of
an infinite number of
models of the same quality.
Average of N
Average of best N
 Black dashed: sqrt(B/n+C)
 Averaging should consider
(Knutti et al., J. Climate 2010)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Loss of signal by averaging
 Most models shows areas
of strong drying, but the
multi model mean does not.
(Knutti et al., J. Climate 2010)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
How do we define a metric for a “good” model?
There is considerable confidence that climate models provide credible
quantitative estimates of future climate change, particularly at
continental scales and above. This confidence comes from the
foundation of the models in accepted physical principles and from their
ability to reproduce observed features of current climate and past
climate changes.
US CCSP report 3.1
Aspects of observed climate that must be simulated to ensure reliable
future predictions are unclear. For example, models that simulate the
most realistic present-day temperatures for North America may not
generate the most reliable projections of future temperature
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Metrics and weighting (I)
 Metrics should be simple
 Metrics should demonstrably be related to the prediction
 Results should be understood in terms of known processes
 Robust against slight variations in the definition of the metric and
other external choices (e.g. forcing)
 Observations available with uncertainties sufficiently small to
discriminate between models
 Assumptions must be made on how the metric translates into model
 A weighted ensemble is not a PDF. A statistical interpretation of the
ensembles is required.
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Metrics and weighting (II)
 Present day mean climate provides a weak constraint on the future.
 Are we looking at the wrong thing? Is adding complexity increasing the
 Is the ensemble too narrow to begin with, so we can’t make progress?
Have we used the information already in building the model?
(Knutti, Phil Trans Roy Soc 2008)
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Establishing confidence in a prediction
 Unlike in weather prediction , the
probability/confidence in future climate
change projections cannot be established
by repeated verification.
 We cannot verify our prediction, but only
test models indirectly. Which tests are most
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
End of model democracy?
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
End of model democracy?
 “There should be no minimum performance criteria for entry into the
CMIP multi-model database.”
 “Researchers may select a subset of models for a particular analysis but
should document the reasons why.”
 “In many cases it may be appropriate to consider simulations from
CMIP3 and combine CMIP3 and CMIP5 recognizing differences in
specifications (e.g., differences in forcing scenarios). IPCC assessments
should consider the large amount of scientific work on CMIP3, in
particular in cases where lack of time prevents an in depth analysis of
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Challenges: 2013 and 2,000,000,000,000,000
 IPCC AR5: First order draft written by approx. mid 2011
July 2012: All papers submitted and available to IPCC authors
March 2013: Papers accepted or published
 AR5 Timeline as listed on Earth System Grid
Sep 2008: All required experiments defined
Late 2008: modeling groups begin running benchmark experiments
2009: modeling groups run models and produce output
Jan 2010: model output starts to be made available to community
The reality is that some modeling groups haven’t even started to run
 How can we transfer, store and analyze 2 Petabytes of data?
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
The weather analogy
 Skill?
 Dependence?
 Meaning of an
 Structural
 Range covered?
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich
Conclusions and challenges
Model sampling is neither systematic nor random, arbitrary prior.
CMIP3 is a collection of ‘best guesses’ not designed to span any
uncertainty range.
Interpretation of the ensemble is unclear (truth+error vs. indistinguishable).
Model performance varies but most observable metrics provide only a
weak constraint on the future. We don’t know how to weight models but
implicitly do it by discarding old models.
Model averaging may help but can create unphysical results.
Models are not independent and not distributed around the truth.
Models are developed, evaluated and weighted on the same data.
Time constraint of IPCC AR5 and amount of data are serious issues.
CMIP3/5 is an amazing playground for statisticians and climate scientists.
Reto Knutti / IAC ETH Zurich