Environmental Strategies for Increasing Human Resilience in Sudan

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AIACC_AF14 Project: Environmental
Strategies for Increasing Human
Resilience in Sudan:
Lessons for Climate Change Adaptation in
Northern and Eastern Africa
AIACC Regional workshop, Open Meeting
South Africa, March2003
AIACC AF14 Project Background
Project progress to date
Stakeholders engagement
Link to national communication (NC)
AF14 Background: Partners and Goal
A joint project between the HCENR of Sudan and
Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston Center
Project Goal: To contribute to efforts to build the
resilience of vulnerable communities to climate
Actually started May 2002 and expected to be
completed by mid. 2004
AF14 Background: Major Objectives
Strengthen capacity of national actors in Sudan (and
surrounding countries) to respond to climate change
Provide decision makers with most current
information on SL/NRM strategies that can increase
the resilience of vulnerable communities.
Share lessons for promoting climate change
adaptation with the research, planning, policymaking, communities etc.
Enhance and expand regional collaboration in the
areas of SL, NRM, disaster mitigation and climate
change adaptation
Contribute to adaptation planning under the UNFCCC
AF14 Background: Project Approach
General steps:
Identify and confirm “successful” SL/NRM
Explore the nature of this success, using
indicators to determine the way in which the
community is resilient.
Ask “Why?” – what factors/conditions made it
possible for strategies to be implemented, to take
hold and to persist (lasting effect).
Distill (and communicate) lessons on how to build
community resilience to climate impact.
AF14 Background: Expected Outputs
Series of 3-4 case studies reports
Series of three project synthesis reports
Peer reviewed publication of one or more
synthesis documents
Series of four training modules
Three regional training workshops
Dedicated web page
The beginnings of regional network
AF14 Background: Expected Outcomes
Enable national and regional planning processes to
effectively consider the most vulnerable groups;
articulate unique local vulnerabilities
Identify locally-relevant resilience-building options
Build understanding of micro-and macro-level enabling
conditions for adaptation
Build local adaptation awareness and engage GOS,
NGOs and other potential adaptation project
AF14 Progress: Phases
Scoping (completed)
Preparation (near completion)
Case studies research (started; to be
completed mid-2003)
Synthesis and publication (late 2003)
Dissemination and Communication (first half
of 2004)
AF14 Progress: Scoping phase
Internal scoping reports prepared for identification
and selection of the TF members, CSRs and case
studies (CS)
TF members, CSRs identified, contacted and
Intensive literature review conducted for research
methodologies, historical climate data, SL & NRM
strategies and potential CSs
Methodology framework prepared and presented for
discussion in Trieste workshop
First TF meeting conducted during scoping
AF14 Progress: Preparation phase
Background paper prepared on climate data for
Sahelian Africa
10 potential CSs identified summarized and
circulated for review selection by TF & CSRs
Detailed Methodology and TORs documents
prepared and reviewed by TF, CSRs (at least twice)
and also by others
Two meetings conducted with the TF and CSRs to
discuss the Methodology and TORs, and review
potential CSs
AF14 Progress: Research phase
Examples of assessment indicators prepared and
discussed with TF and CSRs
Pilot case study agreed and identified (main
purpose to test methodology and TORs, and to
identify, test and finally select indicators for
resilience assessment)
Initial visit to the pilot case study site conducted
AF14: Stakeholders engagement 1
Project development phase: the project introduced
to Ministries of International Cooperation,
Environment and to UNDP
Scoping phase: project introduced to number of
organizations (local & international) involved in
NRM, SL application, relief and disaster
management, most of them contributed in the
data collection task
Preparation phase: the TF consists of members
who represent local, regional and international
organizations. CSRs represent 6 different
organizations (government, research, universities,
NGOs and private) and at least two generations
AF14: Stakeholders engagement 2
Research phase: various stakeholders at the case
study sites are expected (planned) to be involved
(Method. & TORs) these include local people
groups, traditional leaders, local government,
Synthesis, publication and communication phases
target variety of potential users and other
interested national, regional and international
stakeholder groups
A complementary project proposal on
stakeholders involvement has been prepared and
submitted to AIACC, its main objective is to
inform guide and enhance planning and decisionmaking to better respond to the needs of
vulnerable communities
AF14:Link to National Communications
AF14 is hosted and administered by the HCENR the
Sudan’s focal point for UNFCCC and IPCC and
responsible for the preparation of the NCs
SEI_B provided the technical advice to HCENR in the
preparation of the first NC and other related activities
AF14 PIs and advisers are the key contributors to the
preparation of Sudan’s first NC and most, if not all,
will participate in the preparation of the coming NC
A member of Sudan’s V&A team participated in
AIACC workshop on climate scenarios held in Norwich
Since HCENR is responsible for preparation of NCs,
NAPA and Environmental planning, it is expected that
AF14 will have direct connection with all these