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‘Reducing the impact on our environment’
Fabienne Poulet
Environment Agency, UK
“Exploring new ways of reducing the
impact on the environment in our growth
regions, and de-coupling economic
growth and environmental degradation.”
•1.1 Sustainable Construction
•1.2 Brownfield Regeneration
•1.3 Waste Management
•1.4 Environmentally-Friendly Transport
•1.5 Resource Management
•1.6 Environmental Management Systems
•1.7 Flood Risk Management
1.1 Sustainable Construction
Promote sustainable construction materials,
water - / energy efficiency and all design
aspects of new developments.
Indicative results:
•Construction waste reduced
•Buildings more water- and energy efficiently
•Use of renewable technology increased
1.2 Brownfield Regeneration
Encourage use of previously developed
land for commercial, residential, recreational
or/and ecological purposes.
Indicative results:
•Re-use of brownfield sites increased
•Brownfield sites de-contaminated effectively
•Other barriers for re-development removed
1.3 Waste Management
Encourage recycling, and investigate
alternatives to landfill as well as strategies
to improve after-use of waste sites.
Indicative results:
•Waste recycling increased
•Whole life cycle responsibilities acknowledged
•Share of waste going to landfill reduced
1.4. Env.-Friendly Transport
Encourage reduction of environmental
impacts of transport and related pollutants.
Indicative results:
•Need to travel reduced
•More attractive/accessible transport modes
•Development planning and transport better
•More low-emission vehicles and renew. fuels
1.5 Resource Management
Encourage resource efficiency (water,
energy, nature, etc.), environmental
technology/advice and behaviour change.
Indicative results:
•Better env. performance of existing buildings
•Products using fewer resources designed
•More sustainable behaviour/lifestyles encouraged
•Resource saving measures applied
1.6 Env. Management Systems
Encourage businesses to use
environmental management systems
(EMS’) effectively to manage their env.
Indicative results:
•Better understanding of env. Impact of products
•More effective EMS’ implemented
•Env. performance of organisations improved
1.7 Flood Risk Management
Finding solutions for building in flood risk
areas, finding land for flood storage and
investigate impacts of climate change.
Indicative results:
•Sufficient land for flood storage available
•Effects of climate change on flood risk analysed
•Flood risk for buildings in risk areas reduced
•Dev. planning and flood risk better integrated
Budget and Target Groups
•Total budget of € 2.5 million
•Fund approximately 7 projects 
€ 100 - 400 thousand per project
•Target organisations representing the
environment, public sector, research and
education establishments, voluntary sector,
private sector, local networks
Don’t forget!
Address a Green Growth topic
At least one European partner
Activities with a European dimension
50 % /25 % match funding - cash, staff,
data, grants from non-EU sources
No large-scale infrastructure
Outputs for Success
•Establish networks of experts - build on
existing work, review existing policies
•Promote and transfer good practice training, advice, guide document, etc.
•Develop joint approaches and pilots
What next?
•Visit web-site for more details
•Contact regional correspondent for help on
partner search, bit writing, translation etc.
•Submit your bid!