Transcript Document

REReP regional meeting on “Energy and
climate” in South Eastern Europe
May 22-23rd, 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
Short overview of the climate change and energy status,
regional/cross-border projects, reporting
Status of National Communication
under UNFCCC
• In 1998 Republic of Macedonia became a party to the UN
Convention on Climate Change
• In January 2000, the Climate Change Project Office was
set up within the Ministry of Environment and Physical
Planning, financially supported by UNDP-GEF
• In March 2003, Republic of Macedonia adopted the First
National Communication on Climate Change and
submitted it to the UNFCCC Secretariat.
• In 2004 Republic of Macedonia ratified the Kyoto Protocol
to the UNFCCC and became party in 2005
Relevant projects
FNC: Time frame 2000-2003
SNC: Time frame 2005-2008 -ongoing
Top-Ups Project: Time frame 2003-2004
Regional Project on Capacity building for improving
the quality of GHG inventories (Europe and CIS
Development on National Strategy for the Clean
Development Mechanism for the first
commitment period under Kyoto Protocol, 20082012
Relevant National Strategic Documents
• National Strategy for SD (on-going): Energy and Climate
Change identified as key contributor towards SD
• Second NEAP identified problems and solutions in
climate changes
• National Strategy for the CDM for the first commitment
period 2008-2012 under Kyoto Protocol was adopted in
February 2007
• National Strategy on environmental investments (ongoing), carbon financing recognized as potential tool for
attracting investments
• National strategy for environmental approximation
• Strategy on Energy Efficiency
Relevant Programs, Projects
energy/climate sector
•Macedonian Sustainable Energy Program (GEF Program
under CC focal area run by the energy Agency including
two componenets: Sustainable Energy Financing
Facility(SEFF)+Project Development Facility (PDF)
• Investment Options in Energy Sector, 2003
•Solar water heaters project, financially supported by ADA
•Projects under FP6 Programs and other EU supported
projects for research
Relevant Documents in energy/climate
-EU level• Treaty establishing the Energy Community,
Environmental , Chapter III-the acquis on
• (In-Depth
Review of the Investment Climate and Market
Structure in the Energy Sector, Energy Charter
Secretariat-Republic of Macedonia
Relevant Documents&Laws-national level
•Questionnaire prepared for the Commission of Sustainable
Development (CSD)
•EU Questionnaires, prepared for the purpose of the country’s
application for EU candidate status, 2005
•MoUs for collaboration on Kyoto Protocol implementation
with Italy, Slovenia, UNDP
•National Indicators on environment (including energy and
CC indicators)
•Progress monitoring project 2007-2008 EC, DG
ENV,Supporting the Accession Process of the Candidate
Relevant Laws
• Law on Environment
• Law on energy, May 2006
• Law on Energy Agency establishment
Legislative level
Law on Environment
Climate change issues are incorporated in the Law
on Environment, including details on:
• preparation of inventories of GHG emissions and
removals by sinks
• action plan on measures and activities to abate
increase of GHG emissions and to mitigate
adverse impacts of climate change.
• an Article on Clean Development Mechanism is
introduced into the amended Law
Related institutional framework in the Country
(including DNA for CDM)
Independent Experts
Academic sector
Ministry of Environment
and Physical Planning
Climate Change
Project Office
Lead National Institutions
Private sector
DNA under the MoEPPSingle Model Ministry
CDM Executive
Figure 1 DNA structure in Macedonia
Ministry of Environment and
Physical Planning
DNA Secretariat
Department of Sustainable
Technical Review
Ministry of
Technical Review
Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry
& Water Supply
Technical Review
Ministry of
Transport and
Written Opinion on
Approval Letter
Sectoral Ministry (Agric,
Econ, or Trans)
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Technical Review
Ministry of Finance
Technical Advisory/Working Group
Provides written opinion on CDM projects
Chapters covered by National
GHG Inventory
Transfer on technologies, including activities relating to the transfer of, and access to,
environmentally sound technologies and know-how, the development and enhancement of
endogenous capacities, technologies and know-how, and measures relating to enhancing the
enabling environment for development and transfer of technologies
Research and systematic observation, including information on participation in, and contribution
to activities and programmes, as appropriate, of national, regional and global research networks
and observing systems, as well as information on research relating to programmes containing
measures to mitigate climate change; programmes containing measures to facilitate adequate
adaptation to climate change; and the development of emission factors and activity data.
Education, training and public awareness
Capacity building, including information about the involvement of stakeholders in capacitybuilding, coordination and sustainability of capacity-building activities, and the dissemination
and sharing of information on capacity-building activities.
Information and networking, including information on participation in and contribution to
networks, and access to, and use of, information technologies for information exchange
Chapters on Vulnerability and Adaptation including intersectoral action plan
GHG Abatement strategy,
National GHG Inventory Process
The GHG Inventory developed within the FNC
• Applied IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines, for the
base year 1994 and series for the period 19901998.
• Covers the three main greenhouse gases – CO2,
N2O and CH4, for the following sectors: Energy,
Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land-use
Change and Forestry, and Waste
GHG Inventory within SNC
• Base year 2000, according to the Guidelines for the
preparation of National Communications (17/CP.8)
• Recalculation of the series 1990-1998, taking into account
the gaps, uncertainties and recommendations from the
stocktaking exercise and improved data from the new studies
and assessments on national level
• Applying improved emission factors for Energy and Waste
sector, which will be developed under the regional project
• Calculation of the GHG Inventories for 1999 in order to
establish continual series of 10 years
• For Energy, Industry and Waste sectors to the extent
possible, calculation for the GHG emissions for the years
2001 and 2002
Institutional arrangements
 MOEPP, as a supervisor and coordinator of the whole
 National institution, as a responsible party for the
compilation of the Inventory
 Independent sectoral national experts/consultants
for the critical sectors not covered by the National
National Climate
Change Committee
Institutions (data
of wider
working group
Experts for
improvement of
methodologies and
emission factors
National Institution
Energy Enterer
Energy Checker
Industry Enterer
Industry Checker
Agr. Enterer
Agr. Checker
LUCF Enterer
LUCF Checker
Waste Enterer
Waste Checker
Inventory Cycle for the SNC
Responsible parties: NI+NE
 Revision of the inventory under the FNC (series 1990-1998)
 Application of Tier 2 methodology to the extent possible
 Extension of the current GHGs set with non-direct GHGs:
HFCs, PFCs and SF6, as well as CO, NOx, SOx and NMVOCs
 Identification/verification of data sources
 Entering and documenting the input data (activity data and
emission factors) for the upgraded inventory
 Checking and validating the input data and emission estimates
Inventory Cycle for the SNC
Integrative tasks (related to the whole inventory)
Responsible party: NI
Upgrading/Maintaining the GHG Inventory database
Calculating the integral GHG emissions
Reporting the total GHG emissions
Performing Key Sources analyses
Undertaking Uncertainty Management to extent possible
Preparing GHG Inventory Report + Summary in English and in
 Experts’ and stakeholders’ discussion about the results
Further steps needed
-approximation• DIRECTIVE 2003/87/EC of the EUROPEAN
2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
allowance trading within the Community and
amending Council Directive 96/61/EC, as amended by
Directive 2004/101/EC
Further steps needed
• Developing and maintaining national capacity for
archiving and updating inventory data is critical to
the sustainability of the inventory process.
Identified institutions for different sectors need to
be supplemented by existing infrastructure and
technical expertise.
• Further, deeper involvement of national
institutions obliged for data collection (the
Statistical Office) is of crucial importance in order
to make adjustments of the data collection
methodology, aiming to cover identified GHG
related data in the above sectors.
Further steps needed
• Set of institutional, legislative and technical measures need to be
undertaken, which will not only provide more sophisticated GHG
inventory in place, but will also contribute towards providing a
background for establishment of a national registry system, as a
country requirement within its process of EU accession.
• As an initial step, amendments to the existing Law on Environment are
necessary, in order to create background for creation of Law on
greenhouse gas allowance trading, i.e to transpose the Emission
Allowance Trading Directive (EATD) into national legislation.
• Introduction of a learning-by-doing “pilot phase” for Emissions
Trading for a two year period, aiming to strengthen capacities at the
local authorities, companies and other stakeholders for the
implementation of the system will be very helpful.
Thank you for the attention
Teodora Obradovik Grncarovska, M.Sc,
UNFCCC Focal point for the
Republic of Macedonia
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information see: