Transcript Keynote
The 15th Asia-Pacific Seminar
on Climate Change
Overview of Discussion Topics
Draft(31 Aug. 2005)
Prepared by the AP Seminar Secretariat
[email protected]
Image of Seminar’s Structure
General theme
Chair’s Guidance
Specific theme
Specific theme
Specific theme
General theme
Report on
Elements of APS Discussion
AP Regional WS on Art. 6 of the
Joint Wrap-up
“Messages from Asia and the
General theme
Session I:Co-benefits of GHG Mitigation Efforts
A Brief Introduction by Chair
Key Presentation
Key Presentation
Key Presentation
General Discussion (suggested topics include)
-The concept of “Co-benefits” (or Ancillary benefits) being relatively new, the
discussion should first clarify the mechanisms /structures of the concept
proposed. Though, in there are some variations or diversities in the concept
on academic level, the Seminar may focus on recognizing its key elements,
rather than streamlining such a variety in the academic discussion, if it
prefers practical discussion.
-One may be interested in what would be good menus (actions/policies
integrating different sectoral matters), to provide policy makers/communities
with opportunity for GHG mitigation and other benefits??
Application/Replication of good examples from the presentation may
encourage participants visualize more practical actions in their respective
- What are technical measures/tools that enables us to approach to it? i.e.
Data on GHG and Air Pollution Substances (Local AQM Inventory),
information dissemination tools/public awareness to integrate communities?
- Introduction by Chair about
goal, objective of the Session,
showing a roadmap of
-Presentation of a Paper by
Energy Efficiency and
Agricultural Co-benefits
-Presentation by Mr. Kevin
Rosseel, USEPA, on Cobenefits of GHG mitigation and
experiences from Integrated
Environmental Strategy(IES)
-Presentation by Mr. Cornie
Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative
for Asian Cities(CAI-Asia)
Session II:Clean Development Mechanism(Part1)
A Brief Introduction by Chair
- Introduction by the Chair, on
“Operational Mode for CDM, Working
for Environment with the Business
Sector” and the roadmap of the
discussion of Part I Introduction to
touch upon discussion points
Main Presentation
Support Presentation
Support Presentation
General Discussion (suggested topics include)
-After the Kyoto Protocol entered into force, world’s carbon market has
enlarged its size, and started involving more stakeholders than before.
Recognizing the intrinsic nature of CDM-ie, a market based instrument- one
may have to look continuously at the market. At the same time, to better
utilize the market mechanism for sustainable development, the Seminar may
wish to discuss best practical measures in our way forward.
- Unfortunately, the window of opportunities is said to be closing down,
countries may be interested to exchange views with business sectors/CDM
experts regarding practical steps to promote investment by business people.
- The Procedural aspect of CDM is something not to be neglected. There still
are new topics like bundling Small Scale CDM, or application of new
methodologies, which should be understood by countries.
- Mr. N.Y Dinesh Babu, Asia
Carbon B.V speaks about the
updates of Int’l Institution(e.g.
CDMEB), and the development
of the Carbon Market
-Presentation by Ms Monali
Ranade, MOEF,Government
of India
-Presentation by Mr. Akira
Sekine, Det Norske Veritas
Session II: Clean Development Mechanism(Part2)
A Brief Introduction by Chair
Main Presentation
Support Presentation
support Presentation
General Discussion (suggested topics include)
- This part will focus on what are the roles to be played by the Public
Sector in creating an enabling environment for CDM.
- Since most countries in the region are host countries, where Designated
National Authority (DNA) is very influential to country’s success of CDM,
participants may wish to share practical experiences in setting host
country approval criteria/procedures, and the situation of their
- Participants may also include those from the private sectors engaged in
project development, carbon brokerage, and other types of CDM business.
It may be a very good opportunity for countries to exchange
information/views on issues(without any specific commitment!), so that
understanding about the situation is enhanced.
- Introduction by the Chair, on
“Enabling Environment for CDM” and
the roadmap of the discussion of Part
II. Introduction to touch upon
discussion points
-Presentation on Japan Kyoto
Mechanisms Acceleration
Programme (JKAP) by the Gov’t of
- Presentation by Ms. Mariko
Fujimori, Pacific Consultants K.K.
- Presentation by Mr. Sum Thy,
Chief of Climate Change Office,
Session III: Adaptation to Climate Change (Part I)
A Brief Introduction by Chair
Main Presentation
Support Presentation
- Introduction by the Chair, on
“Managing the Risks” and the
roadmap of the discussion of Part I
- Presentation on Updates of
Vulnerability Assessment and
adaptation to climate change by Prof.
Mimura, Ibaraki University
-Presentation by Mr. Hiroki Hashizume,
Asia-Pacific Network on Global Change
Research (APN)
Support presentation
-Presentation by Ms. Joyceline Goco,
Deputy Director, DENR-EMB, Philippines
General Discussion (suggested talking points)
-The Session may wish to capture on the most updated situation of the
V&A in academia/science field, as well as policy field, which will provide a
solid and sound foundation, on which countries would make action to
adapt to climate change.
-Bearing the intrinsic nature of V&A discussion, which is relatively not
stream lined, the Session may tentatively focus on technical/science
aspects of the issue, and related matters, rather than having broader
socio-economic aspects.
-Capacity Building is one key theme in the discussion. Bearing the gap
and constraints of the current situation, the participants may wish to
exchange ideas on how CB activities should serve in the region.
Session III: Adaptation to Climate Change (Part II)
- Introduction “Mainstreaming of
Adaptation to Climate Change”
A Brief Introduction by Chair
Key Presentation I
Key Presentation II
Support Presentation
General Discussion (suggested topics include)
The focus of this Part is how countries and communities in the region can
mainstream the issue of adaptation to climate change into their
development planning.
-What are common and generic element of mainstreaming Adaptation
Issues? OR, it is possible for us to take a universal approach to
(Assessment could be done on the level, scope, context etc. of the
“commonality of those elements=if not generally/commonly applicablesimilar approached cold be take to similar countries/communities)
- PMA may be a possible remedy to adaptation to CC in countries. If so,
each country may discuss how they can apply this concept.
- Education/awareness may/should play a role in adaptation to CC.
How/When/to Whom?
-Assessment and Integration of
Adapation Measures
by Australian Greenhouse Office
-Mainstreaming Adaptation
(Micro Adaptation)
by Dr. Ancha Srinivasan
-Presentation by Mr. Brian Phillips,
Climate Change Coordinator,