High-Level Segment - Agenda 3 - TEAP Presentation

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Transcript High-Level Segment - Agenda 3 - TEAP Presentation

The TEAP and TOC 2010 Assessment Reports
Timelines and issues that will be dealt with
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
TEAP and its TOCs
Technology and Economic Assessment Panel
Chemicals TOC
Foams TOC
HTOC: Halons TOC
MTOC: Medical TOC
MBTOC: Methyl bromide TOC
Refrigeration, AC and Heat Pumps TOC
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
2010 TEAP and TOC Assessment Reports
Timeline of Work:
Definition of scope and content of the reports
Designation of chapter lead authors for specific chapters and sections,
as well as the entire authorship
Initial determination of reports structure and layout (TOC meeting)
Identification of areas needing particular work - development of task-list
TOC meetings to discuss items and decide on first draft
First draft of reports (when dependent on specific TOC) and discussions
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
2010 TEAP and TOC Assessment Reports
Timeline of Work:
Further compilation and update of necessary information
Report drafting (new drafts)
TOC meetings or CLA-TOC meetings to discuss drafts
Preparation of review drafts (and possible external review)
Final discussion of comments and review comments (TOC meetings)
Finalisation of TEAP report
Submission of reports by 31 December 2010
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CTOC 2010 Assessment Report
Process Agents (as a follow up to XVII/6)
Laboratory and Analytical Uses
nPB; Overview of updates (in response to Decision XIII/7)
Feedstocks and emissions from feedstocks
Reconciling bottom-up CTC emissions versus emissions derived from
atmospheric measurements
Use of solvents and non-medical aerosol propellant applications
Update on destruction technologies
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FTOC 2010 Assessment Report
Report on transition to zero ODP options in Article 5 and non-Article 5
Review status of proven in-kind technologies (HCs, HFCs) to replace
HCFCs in foam and comparison with not-in-kind options
Evaluation and validation of methodologies to estimate the impact on
climate change of HCFC phase-out projects (LCCP, Functional Units, GWP)
Validation of emerging in-kind HCFC replacement technologies as
potential alternatives to high GWP HFCs and hydrocarbons (HCs)
including: methyl formate, HFC(HFO)-1234ze, other liquid HFCs (HFOs)
Evaluation of pilot projects to assess the emerging technologies
Update size of banks and emissions of different ODP GHG blowing agents
Progress in bank management efforts
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
HTOC 2010 Assessment Report
Update of halon supply and demand particularly with respect to
airlines and Article 5 Parties
Assessment of the environmental and fire protection implications of
over/ or under supply of halons and functionality of banking
mechanisms to supply halons to ongoing critical needs
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
MTOC 2010 Assessment Report
Review of available technology
Global status of the MDI transition
Progress of transition in Article 5 Parties
Production of pharmaceutical-grade CFCs
Remaining challenges for phase-out of CFC MDIs
Review of available technology
Global status of the sterilant transition
Global use of HCFCs
Remaining issues for the phase-out of ODS in sterilisation
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MBTOC 2010 Assessment Report
A listing of alternatives successfully adopted in non A5 and A5 Parties
for all uses, with particular emphasis on remaining critical uses
Technical, economic and regulatory constraints to the adoption of
alternatives to MB for remaining uses (non A5 and A5)
The contribution of MB phase-out to ozone layer protection, human
health, sustainable development and the impact of alternatives on
climate change, particularly in A5 Parties
An update on the technical and economic feasibility of emission
reduction, recovery, reuse and destruction of MB
An analysis of QPS uses
Case studies on adoption of alternatives
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
RTOC 2010 Assessment Report
Report on transition to zero ODP options in Article 5 and non-Article 5
Review status of replacement technologies (HCs, HFCs, CO2, others)
for HCFCs in the refrigeration and AC sub-sectors, specifically
commercial and large size refrigeration, unitary AC and chillers
Review status and developments in sub-sectors which have already
transitioned to non ODS solutions
Evaluation and validation of methodologies to estimate the impact on
climate change of HCFC phase-out projects (LCCP, Functional Units,
Update size of banks and emissions of different refrigerants in the
different refrigeration and AC subsectors
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a
TEAP 2010 Assessment Report
The TEAP 2010 Assessment report will consist of:
An executive summary of the executive summaries of all TOC
assessment reports (and will contain all executive summaries of
the TOC reports)
Specific assessment of new developments and issues important for
the 2010 Synthesis with the SAP and EEAP Assessment Reports
T E A P a n d T O C s - A s s e s s m e n t 2 0 1 0, M O P - 20, D o h a