Template for Reporting
Transcript Template for Reporting
Template for Reporting
Country specific action plan
Current bottlenecks in implementing CRB
1. Public Awareness and Understanding in Climate Change.
2. Implementations and Coordination to address CC issues: Policy Level and
Implementation Level
Needs: Program (i.e. CC) Budgeting
3. Proper Institutional Design (Policy Budgeting and Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation)
Designing : 1) Economic Incentives and Workflows to address CC issues. 2) Database
needed for policy makers
Country specific action plan
Actions in the immediate term – eg., 2015
1. Building Public Awareness on CC issues (both political leaders, Gov’nt officials, and
other stakeholders (i.e. civil societies)
2. Consultative Platform on Climate Change Analysis: Data and Information,
Knowledge, Analytical Tools (CCA, Program-based budgeting, and benefit-incidence),
and Capacity building
3. CC mechanism: Inter-agency coordinators, legislative mechanism (PBO: parliament
budget office)
Country specific action plan
Actions in the medium term – eg., in two years
Country specific action plan
What are the countries you would like to collaborate with?
Country specific action plan
What is your innovation?
1. Program-based budgeting (Climate-responsive budgeting)
2. Climate Change Analysis (CCA)
• Common: pariement