Know Yourself

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Student Wall Planner
and Study Guide
Study Technique - Learning
Study Effectiveness
Learning Style and Learning Behaviour
Know Your Learning Style
Not everybody
learns from the same
Most people actually
have a preferred
learning style.
Your Learning Style
Find out which of the three learning
styles suits you best:
 Auditory – listening
 Visual – seeing and writing
 Kinesthetic – motor skills - action
Your best learning style will help you
with increased data retention and Study.
Your Learning Style
Your learning style
has implications for
how you study and
Also how you
manage your
learning at school
and at home
Auditory Learn by Listening
Learn from verbal instructions
Talk while you write
Remember names but forget faces
Distracted by noise
Remember by listening, especially
with music
Games and pictures are annoying and
Auditory Learner
Learn from tapes/digital recorder
Listen and take notes
Review notes frequently
Sit in the classroom where you
can hear well
Read, summarise and recite it
Visual – Learn by Seeing +
Writing or Drawing
See words or pictures
Remember faces but not names
Vivid imagination
Think in pictures
Facial expression can tell their moods
Use colour
Tend to draw diagrams and flow charts
to summarise
Visual Learner
Use charts, maps
Notes and flash cards
Practice visualising or picture
words/concepts in your head
Write out everything for frequent
and quick visual review
Place notes around you
Kinesthetic – Learn by Using
Motor Skills – ‘Action’
Learn by doing, being mostly active
and moving
Not an avid reader
Remember what was done, not what
was seen or discussed
Doesn’t ‘hear’ things well
Touch is important
Loves games
Kinesthetic – Learner
Learn taking and keeping notes
Write things out several times is
Explore things physically –
mould, manipulate, hit or pound
Know Your
Learning Behaviours
Effective learners
seek to advance their learning,
 Ineffective learners (10) PASSIVELY
wait for everything to come to
 Use the checklist to give you a quick
assessment on how you are using
the various (11) learning behaviours as
your disposal at the moment.
Learning Behaviour
Changing your habits in and out of
class is not a easy task.
 If there are learning behaviours you
want to work on and change –
 you have to write them down as your
goal and
 Frequently ask yourself if you are
making progress or not
Managing Test Anxiety
It is
natural to feel anxiety about
taking tests.
A little test anxiety helps motivate
you to prepare for your best.
It is what you do with the anxiety
that is important.
Managing Test Anxiety
Any time you face a challenge
in life you are likely to be faced
with similar anxious feelings.
 If you are too anxious about
taking a test it can affect your
preparation and your ability to
answer questions properly.
What Can I Do About Test Anxiety?
Good Study Techniques
Study Routine is Important
Rest and Well Fed
Stay Away from Junk Foods
Don’t talk to people about the
material as you wait to go into the test
Deep Breaths
Focus on Positive Self-Statements
DETER Strategy
Follow a plan for taking the test such as:
(22) D = Directions
 Read the test directions very carefully
(23) E = Examine
 Examine the entire test
(24) T = Time
 Appropriate amount of time per marks given
(25) E = Easiest
 Easiest questions first
(26) R = Review
 Allow time for reviewing the test at the end