Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing 2

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Transcript Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing 2

Adult Medical-Surgical
Musculo-skeletal Module:
Joint Replacement
Osteo-arthritis: Description
 Degenerative
joint disease
 Most
common and disabling joint
 Affects
hips, knees, cervical and
lumbar spine, proximal and distal
finger joints
Osteo-arthritis: Aetiology
 Genetic
 Increased incidence with age
 Previous joint damage/ injury
 Repetitive or exaggerated use
 Obesity
 Anatomic deformity
Osteo-arthritis: Pathophysiology
 Aggregation
 Joint
 Mechanical stress
 Genetic tendency
 Leads
 Chondrocyte (cartilage) response →
Osteo-arthritis: Pathophysiology
Release of cytokines (proteolytic enzymes)
 Degradation of articular cartilage of
synovial joint
 (Narrowing of joint space)
 Thinning of sub-chondrial bony plate
(reduced shock absorption)
 Osteophyte spurs
 Reactive inflammation of synovium
(increased synovial fluid)
Clinical Manifestations
 Pain
 Stretching of joint capsule/ ligaments
 Irritation of periosteal nerve endings
 Microfracture, bursitis, tendonitis
 Stiffness:
early morning, easing with
 Functional impairment, joint swelling
 Weakness/ atrophy of surrounding
Osteo-arthritis: Diagnosis
 Clinical
picture of tender enlarged
joints, joint effusions, bony nodes
 Xray shows:
 Degree of degeneration
 Narrowing of joint space (↓ cartilage)
 Osteophytes (bony spurs at joint
 Arthrography (contrast medium)
Medical Management
 Slows
rather than halts process
 Rest joints / avoid overuse
 Isometric exercises to strengthen
muscles (static quads/ straight legraising). Regular walking
 Weight reduction if relevant
 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
(NSAID) drugs
 Glucosamine/ chondroitin (retard
cartilage degradation)
Surgical Management
 Arthrocentesis:
aspiration of excess
sterile synovial fluid (aseptic
 Intra-articular hyaluronic acid to
reconstitute viscosity of synovial fluid
 Saline joint lavage (temporary relief)
 Osteotomy (to alter force
 Arthroplasty (joint replacement)
Nursing Considerations
 Patient
education about the condition
and measures to slow down joint
 Weight control
 Demonstrate isometric exercises
 Encourage daily walking programme
 Adequate analgesia to allow exercise
 Assessment of need for appliances to
support as walking stick
 Arthroplasty:
Joint Replacement
Arthroplasty: Joint Replacement
 Knee
and hip joint are most common
 Elective surgery: patient in optimum
 Performed prior to muscle wasting
 Total hip or total knee replacement:
 Metal or acrylic prostheses
 Usually patient >60 years
 Total
Hip Replacement
Total Hip Replacement:
Main Complications
 Dislocation
of hip prosthesis
 Excessive wound drainage
 Thrombo-embolism
 Infection
 Pressure ulcers (sacrum/ heels)
Total Hip Replacement:
Nursing Considerations
 Pain
relief, support and comfort
 Prevention of complications:
 Dislocation: ensure abduction of limb
 Wedge between legs. Avoid sitting
and crossing legs (head of bed 60%
 Avoid turning to affected side
 Raised toilet seat and chair when up
 Haemorrhage: monitor dressing and
wound drainage (vacuum drain)
Total Hip Replacement:
Nursing Considerations
 Prevention
of complications (cont):
 Thrombo-embolism: elastic
stockings, passive exercises, fluids,
low molecular heparin, observe.
Early ambulation
 Infection: aseptic technique,
 Pressure ulcers: frequent massage
and relief of pressure
 Total
Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement:
Main Complications
 Oedema
and haemorrhage
 Thrombo-embolism
 Peroneal nerve palsy (foot-drop)
 Infection
 Limited range of motion
Total Knee Replacement:
Nursing Considerations
 Pain
relief, support and comfort
 Prevention of complications:
 Oedema/ haemorrhage:
 Compression bandage/ ice
 Observe wound drainage (vacuum)
 Thrombo-embolism: elastic
stockings, passive exercises, fluids,
low molecular heparin, monitor
Total Knee Replacement:
Nursing Considerations (cont)
 Peroneal
nerve palsy/ circulation:
 Assess neurovascular status of leg
 Encourage hourly active flexion of
 Infection: aseptic technique,
 Limited range of motion:
 Continuous passive motion device
 Mobilisation: Knee splint/ limited
weight-bearing/ leg elevation sitting