Skeletal System
Transcript Skeletal System
Skeletal System
• Functions:
Supports the body; Protects organs (ribs, sternum, skull); Place for
muscles to attach; Stores Ca; Makes blood (hematopoiesis)
• Varieties:
Long (arms, legs); Short (toes, fingers); Flat (skull); Irregular
Greatest number of bones in the hands and feet
• Anatomy of a Long Bone:
Periosteum: a seran-wrap covering over the whole bone; contains
blood vessels (protection)
Cartilage: shiny, bendable tissue at the end of the bone (articular);
few blood vessels (protection)
Compact Bone: solid (no holes); the middle of the bone; high in Ca
Spongy Bone: has holes; the ends of the bone; low in Ca
Red Marrow: makes blood; center of the bone
Yellow Marrow: makes fat; ends of the bone
• Ossification:
Process of cartilage turning into bone
Infants (“soft spot”); Males long bones (21); Females long bones (18)
Osteoclasts eat cartilage and primitive bone cells appear (osteoblasts);
Osteoblasts mature into osteocytes
Begins at the diaphysis (center) Primary Ossification Center
Continues at the epiphyses (ends) Secondary Ossification Center
Epiphyseal Disk: last place for cartilage to turn into bone (growth
• Haversian Canals:
microscopic view of bone
concentric circles of blood vessels and cells
• Human Adult Skeleton (206 bones)
• Axial Skeleton: skull, vertebrae, thorax (80)
Skull: (cranium); protects the brain; depressions called sinuses;
cartilage in infant skull to make birth easier/allow the brain to grow
(fontannels); Bones include: frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
(foramen magnum)
Ear Bones: (3); smallest bones in the body
Facial Bones: hyoid (tongue); Mandible (lower jaw); Maxillary
(upper jaw)
Sternum: breast bone (protects the heart); ribs attach to it
Ribs: (12 pairs); protect the lungs; true ribs (1-8); false ribs (9-12);
floating ribs (11-12); intercostal muscles
Vertebrae: backbone; axis (yes); atlas (no);cervical (7); thoracic (12);
lumbar (5); intervertebral disks (cartilage); slipped disk/herniated
disk; kyphosis (hunchback); lordosis (swayback); scoliosis
Pelvis: (pelvic girdle) hips; females (wider and stronger)
Sacrum: fusion of 5 bones; wider in women; spina bifida
Coccyx: tailbone
• Appendicular Skeleton: Includes pectoral girdle (126)
Clavicle: collar bone
Scapula: shoulder bone; contain bursa (sacks of liquid); bursitis
Femur: thigh bone; longest bone
Patella: kneecap (sesmoid bone)
Tibia: shin bone (front); shin splints
Fibula: calf bone (back)
Tarsals: (7) ankle
Metatarsals: (5) arch; “flat feet”
Phalanges: (14) toes; bunions
Humerus: upper arm bone
Radius: lower arm bone (up from thumb)
Ulna: lower arm bone (up from little finger)
Carpals: (8) Metacarpals: (5) palm
Phalanges: (14) fingers
• Articulations; any place where 2 bones come together
• Types of Joints:
Fibrous (immovable): sutures
Cartilaginous: intervertebral disks
Synovial: freely move (with synovial fluid)
Hinge: move in 1 plane (knee, elbow)
Ball & Socket: rotate (hips, shoulders)
Gliding: wrist, ankle
Pivot: crossing over (radius-ulna)
• Ligament: an elastic band that connects a bone to a bone
• Tendon: an elastic band that connects a bone to a muscle
• Skeletal System Conditions:
• Fracture: a broken bone (simple-compound)
Reduction: open vs. closed
Dislocation: a bone is forced out of its normal position
Hematoma: a bruise
Sprain: ligaments or tendons are stretched
Osteoporosis: brittle bones; women after menopause
Arthritis: inflammation at the joints
Bursitis: inflammation at bursa
Rickets: decrease in Ca and vitamin D: bowed condition
Gout: uric acid crystals accumulate at big toe joint
• Involve movement
• Work in antagonistic pairs (one muscle stretches/the other
muscle contracts); extensor/flexor (triceps/biceps)
• Origin: place where muscle begins (on an immovable
• Insertion: place where muscle ends (on a movable bone)
• Muscle Types:
Skeletal (striated): moves the bones of the skeleton;
voluntary; bands called striations
Cardiac: branching bands; in the heart; involuntary
Smooth Muscle: wavy; in all organs that cannot be controlled;
involuntary (intestines, uterus, stomach)
• Exercise:
Isotonic: Muscles stretched out against an immovable object
Isometric: Muscles push against something that gives
Cross-training: combination of isotonic and isometric
• Muscular Conditions:
Charley Horse: knot in muscles; lack of O2
Cramps: muscles contracting too fast; use a muscle relaxer
Strain: a pulled muscle
Steroids: build up muscle mass; long period with side