Transcript Muscles
Myositis: inflammation of the
1- injury
2- infectious agents as clostridium ,as black leg.
3- Parasitic myositis: as sarcosporidia which
appear as white foci with mild inflammatory
reaction. Cysticercosis in muscle of mandible
and heart.
Parasitic myositis several damage to muscle
eosinophilic myositis. The muscle fiber is
swellen by eosinophilic infiltration.
White muscle disease =
muscular dystrophy.
It is adisease of skeletal or cardiac muscle which
appear as a pale white in color, coagulative
necrosis with fragment and disappear of muscle
fiber, macrophage, lymphocyte infiltration with
mild fibroplasia with calcification.
This disease occur in lamb and calves due to vit.
E and selenium deficiency.
its one type of muscle myopathy in horse mainly
those animal given large amount of grain in rest
period and use direct to hard work. In this
caused glycogen stored in muscle in rest time
direct hard work used large amount of
glycogen lactic acid necrosis of muscle
myoglobin in blood damage of kidney due to
myoglobin in urin. This disease also called
Monday-morning disease also lead to zenkers
necrosis of muscle fiber.
Arthritis and per arthritis:
Inflammation of any joint of the body called
arthritis. Acute infection of several joints in
the same time called poly arthritis.
Type of arthritis:
1. Serous arthritis: excessive formation of
synovia which lead to distended the joint
capsule =puffy swelling.
2. Fibrinous arthritis .
3. Purulant arthritis .
Fibrinous or purulant type occur due to wound
which open joint cavity or in generatized
septicemia or pyemic infection as joint ill
umbilicus at birth.
Synovial fringes:
Chronic osteo arthritis characterized by
proliferation of mesothelium and soft
tissue of the joint capsule which lead to
irregular form project into the joint cavity
called synovial fringes.
This growth may be detached and slowly
kneaded into round bodies called corpora
Ankylosing spondylitis =
Mean deforming occur in dog, cattle as a
result fusion of exostosis on the ventral
aspect of the adjacent vertebral bodies.
Navicular disease :
is abursitis and terminal arthritis involving
the equine distal sesamoid or navicular
bone .
Hip dysplasia:
dislocation the head of the femur in young
dog due to abnormally shallow of the
cetabular cavity.
• Tendinitis: inflammation of tendon.
• Bursitis: inflammation of synovial sheath.
• Tendo- synovitis: inflammation of synovial
sheath and tendon.
• Osteoperosis: Atrophy of bone that is to little
bone present but what bone remains is
• Osteopetrosis: mean excess of bone
calcification but not confused with excess of
osteoid formation in human. This disease called
marble bone disease.The bone is enlarged to
point of deformity. The cartilage disappear but
persist calcified and surrounded by osteoid with
decrease marrow space lead to myelophthisic
• Exostosis: is bony proliferation project form the
surface out ward. Its occur due to trauma.
• Microscopically: compact bone with out
arrangement into haversian system.
• Endostosis: bony proliferation project in the
medullary cavity arise from trabecule bone or
• Microscopically:it is composed of trabecular
bone surrounded by osteoclast embedded in
• Osteitis: Inflammation of bone.
• Osteomyelitis: Inflammation of bone and
bone marrow.
• Periostitis: Inflammation of periosteum.
• Feature of bone inflammation.
1. Osteitis: Inflammation of bone.
2. Osteomyelitis: Inflammation of bone and
bone marrow.
3. Periostitis: Inflammation of periosteum.
Feature of bone inflammation.
• Osteomyelitis: occur through
hematogenesis , trauma or direct extension.
The infection which localized in bone included
a- brucella b- T.B. c- actinomycosis. Brucella
induce intra osseus surrounded by F.C.T.
capsule and inflammation included adjacent
vertebrace= spondylitis.T.B.
actinomycosisT.B. and actinomycosis form
granulomatous lesion.
Inflammation of bone marrow the Rout of infection
1. Heamatogenous route (blood).
2. By local wound.
3. Fructure.
• Biogenic bacteria suppurative osteomyelitis.
T.B. granulomatous