Providing First Aid

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Transcript Providing First Aid

Providing First Aid
 First
Aid – the immediate, temporary
care given to an ill or injured person
until professional medical care can
be provided.
Universal Precautions
 Precautions-
actions taken to prevent
the spread of disease by treating all
blood and other bodily fluids as if
they contained pathogens.
 Hepatitis B
Emergency Response
 Check-
Check the scene and the victim
 Call
Call for help, send someone else
 Care
Not breathing
Bleeding severely
Types of Injuries
 Open
 Abrasion- occurs when the skin is
scraped against a
hard surface.
Very easily
becomes infected.
Open Wounds
 Laceration-
a cut caused by a sharp object, such
as a knife or broken glass.
 Usually has smooth edges.
 May have rough edges
 Stitches
Open Wounds
 IncisionA
very smooth clean cut in the skin
caused by a surgeon’s scalpel (knife)
 Very small scar
 Stitches, staples, tape
Open Wounds
 Puncture
 A small but deep hole caused by a
pin, nail, fang, or other object that
pierces the skin.
 High risk of infection
 Tetanus shot
Open Wounds
 Avulsion-
tissue is partially or completely
separated from the body.
 Heavy bleeding
 Finger severed
 FA- pack in ice.
First Aid for Bleeding
 Clean
with mild soap and water
 Cover with a sterile gauze or clean
cloth and press firmly.
 Cover with a pressure bandage
 Elevate above heart (if possible)
 Call for help
Pressure Points
 If
elevating the wound and applying
pressure does not work, you may
have to use
“pressure points”.
Tourniquet- only
as a last resort.
Do Not Remove!
 Various
HEAT – most common
Radiation from the Sun
 Three classifications:
 First, Second, Third
Treatment for Burns
First degree- run under cold water or soak
in cold water (not ice)
 Second degree- top several layers are
damaged, blisters. Use cold water, (not
ice), cover, elevate and seek medical
 Third degree- severe, may damage fat,
muscle, nerves and bone. Cold water,
cover with sterile dressing, seek medical
help immediately.
(may not have pain)
Common Emergencies
Muscle, Joint and Bone injuries
 Vary in severity
 Some can be treated at home, other need
medical attention.
 May need a few days to heal or a few
 Muscle cramp- tightening of muscle
 Many causes First aid- stretch and massage until loose
Strains vs. Sprains
 Strain-
an injury to a muscle usually
from overuse.
 Pain, swelling, bruising, loss of ROM
 Sprain – an injury to ligaments,
usually a twisting force at a joint.
 Pain, swelling, bruising, loss of ROM
 Both may be mild, moderate or
severe – which requires surgery,
First aid for Sprains /Strains
 R – Rest- avoid movements and actions that
cause pain.
 I – Ice- apply ice immediately to help reduce and
swelling. At least 20 minutes on then 20-30 off.
Repeat for first 48 hours.
 C- Compression – wrap with an ace bandage to
help reduce swelling. (remove at night or loosen)
 E – Elevate- raising the injured part above the
heart helps reduce pain and swelling.
Bone injuries
 Fracture
– a break in the bone.
 First aid- immobilize, do not move,
splint in the position it is in, ice,
elevate and seek medical attention.
Bone injuries
 Dislocation-
bones that are placed
under stress and disconnect –”out of
socket” or normal alignment.
 First aid – immobilize, ice, elevate
and seek medical attention.
condition in which a person is not
alert and aware of his or her
 Different levels from drowsiness to
 First aid- keep airway open until
medical help arrives. Recovery
 Occurs
when blood supply to the
brain is temporarily inadequate.
 Usually brief.
 First aid- lie on back and elevate the
legs. Loosen tight clothing. Sponge
face with water. Do not prop head
(airway) Seek medical attention.
 If vomits- quickly roll into recovery
position to avoid choking
jarring injury to the
brain that affects normal
brain function.
 Varying degrees
 Symptoms may not appear
to be serious right away.
Should be monitored.
 If unconscious- do not move- may
have spinal cord injury.
 May
be caused by trauma or dry air
that dries the mucous membrane.
 First aid – traditional- apply pressure
to the nostrils.
 Non- traditional- Mr. Altland will
 Crutch
walking–STAIRS-” up with the
good, down with the bad” (handrail)
 Cane – which side?
 Answer – opposite
 Ice or heat?
 Answer – ice first 48 hours or until
swelling is gone, then heat.
 NO aspirin after concussion!!!