Transcript Flexibility

Why is it Important?
• Flexibility is the term used to express the range of movement around a
• The flexibility of a joint depends upon many variables including,
 the extensibility (ability to extend without causing tissue damage) and
 elasticity (ability of muscle to return to its original size and shape after
being stretched or shortened).
• Mobility increases in a joint through use, if joints are used to moving
then synovial fluid increases allowing the joint to move with ease.
• Disease to joints can make life very uncomfortable and painful.
• Disease also limits the range of movement through a joint, as does
poor flexibility of the muscle groups.
The Who, When, Why, and How of
Who: Everyone can learn to stretch, regardless of age or flexibility.
When: ANY time is a good time
 In the morning
 After sitting or standing for long periods
 Any time you feel tense or stiff
 At odd times like watching T.V., reading, or sitting and talking
Why: As you age, your muscles tighten and range of motion in a joint can
be minimized. This can put a halt to active lifestyles and even hinder
day- to- day , normal motions. A regular stretching program can help
lengthen your muscles and restore youthful activity.
 To relax your mind and "tune up" your body
 To preserve range of motion
 To maintain flexibility
The Who, When, Why, and How of Flexibility--Continued
To prevent injury during exercise
To prepare the muscles for more vigorous activity
To help develop body awareness
To promote circulation
Frequency: At least 3 days per week
Intensity: To a position of mild discomfort
Duration: Hold stretch for 10 seconds working up to 30 seconds
Repetitions: Perform 3-5 for each stretch
 Stretch slowly and smoothly; Never bounce
 Maintain normal breathing during each movement
 Focus attention on muscle being stretched; try to limit movement in other
body parts
 Feel the stretch, but don’t strain by stretching too far
There are different types of flexibility.
The ones which involve motion are called dynamic and the ones which do not
are called static.
The different types of flexibility are:
dynamic flexibility—(also called kinetic flexibility) is the ability to perform
dynamic (or kinetic) movements of the muscles to bring a limb through its full
range of motion in the joints.
static-active flexibility—(also called active flexibility) is the ability to assume
and maintain extended positions using only the tension of the agonists and
synergists while the antagonists are being stretched. For example, lifting the
leg and keeping it high without any external support (other than from your
own leg muscles).
static-passive flexibility—(also called passive flexibility) is the ability to
assume extended positions and then maintain them using only your weight, the
support of your limbs, or some other apparatus (such as a chair or a barre).
Note that the ability to maintain the position does not come solely from your
muscles, as it does with static-active flexibility. Being able to perform the
splits is an example of static-passive flexibility.
• Pictures of the different muscle stretching exercises to
increase your flexibility follow:
The "Spinal Twist"
• While seated, extend the left leg
in front of you. Bend your right
leg, placing your right foot on
the outside of the left knee.
Extend your right arm behind
you to support your body. Place
the left arm on the outside of
the right leg. Slightly twist the
torso using your left arm until
you feel the stretch in your side.
Hold for 10-30 seconds. Stretch
the other side.
Hamstring Stretch
• While seated, extend your left
leg in front of you. Bend your
right leg, placing the bottom of
your foot on the inside of the
left knee. Place your right hand
on top of your left hand. While
keeping the lower back
straightened, reach toward your
left foot. Hold this for 10-30
seconds. During this stretch,
keep the foot of the straight leg
upright with the ankle and toes
relaxed. Repeat for the right
Calf Stretch
• While standing, place your
left foot near the wall.
Bend forearms and rest
them against the wall.
Keeping the right foot flat
on the floor, move right
leg back until you feel the
stretch in the calf muscle.
Hold an easy stretch for
10-30 seconds. Do not
bounce. Stretch the other
Chest Stretch
• Place flat palm of
right arm against a
wall. Slowly rotate
forward until you feel
the stretch in your
chest. Hold the stretch
for 10-30 seconds.
Stretch the other side.
Shoulder Stretch
• Extend your left arm in
front of your body. Using
the left wrist, place the
right wrist underneath and
pull inward toward your
body, while keeping the
left arm extended. Hold
for 10-30 seconds. Stretch
the other side.
Quadriceps Stretch
• Supporting your body with
your left arm against a
solid object, grab your left
toes with right arm. Pull
your heel up to your
buttocks until you feel the
stretch in your thigh. Hold
for 10-30 seconds. Stretch
the other side.
Forearm Stretch
• Extend your right arm.
Using your left hand,
pull your finger tips
back toward your body
until you feel the
stretch in your
forearm. Hold the
stretch for 10-30
seconds. Repeat using
the other arm.
Triceps Stretch
• Bend the right arm while
placing your fingers in the
middle of the back. Using
the left arm, pull your
right elbow backward
until you feel the stretch in
the back of your arm.
Hold it for 10-30 seconds.
Stretch the other side.
Inner Thigh Stretch
• While seated, pull both
feet inward toward the
body. Grab your feet with
your hands, while using
the elbows to press
downward slightly on the
knees. You should feel this
stretch in your inner
thighs. Hold for 10-30
"Cat" (Back) Stretch
• To stretch the upper
back, hands and knees
should be on the floor.
Just as a cat would do,
slowly lift your back
up toward the ceiling
and hold in place for
10-30 seconds.
Lumber or Lower Region of the Back
• Lie on your back and
bring your knees in close
towards your chest. Grip
below the knee joint to
increase the stretch. (
avoid griping the joint of
the knee)
• If you cannot reach over
the top of your legs hold
the back of the thighs or
alternatively relax in a
curled position.
• Hold this stretch for 15 –
30 seconds
Lower Back and Waist
• Lie on your back,
bend your knees and
take them over to one
side. Keep your
shoulders on the floor
if possible.
Gluteal or Buttock Stretch
• Performed in a seated
position. Sit upright with
your legs stretched out in
front of you. Bend one leg
(a) and place it over the
top of the straight leg (b).
Put the sole of the foot of
leg (a) on the floor and
hug the knee towards the
chest. Feel the stretch in
the buttocks on the side of
leg (a)
• Flexibility training as part of overall programming for this
group of individuals would result in less injury.
• Flexibility is of importance for all individuals seeking to
enhance their well-being.
 Reduces injury
 Maintains independence in the older adult
 Daily living activities performed easily
 Reduces stiffness
 Improves posture
 Allows the body to move as it is designed to do