Transcript 第五讲

Lesson 3
For a national effort to develop a
vaccine to counteract AIDS
By Nina
Foreign Languages College
 1. What is AIDS?
 2. How does the AIDS virus spread?
 3. The World AIDS Day
 4. Do we now have the vaccine for AIDS?
The author
 Robert. E. Pollack
biological sciences
 Professor of _________________ in
Columbia University
 About the AIDS vaccine
Text A
 vaccine: substance that is injected into the
bloodstream and protects the body by making
it have a mild form of the disease 疫苗; 菌苗
develop a polio vaccine
counteract act against and reduce the force
or effect of (sth) 对抗; 抵消
My grandma has to take several pills to
counteract high blood pressure.
 underwrite: to support / undertake to
 The government will create a special
agency to underwrite small business loans.
 novel: adj. Strikingly new, unusual, or
 inoculate v ~ sb (with sth) (against sth)
to inject a weak form of a disease into one’s
body as a way of protecting them against
the disease.(给某人)接种, 打预防针
 inoculate sb (with a vaccine)
 inoculate sb against cholera
 inoculation n 接种; 预防注射
 fastidious difficult to please; possessing or
displaying careful, meticulous attention to
detail 难以取悦的; 吹毛求疵的
 She is so fastidious about her food that I
never invite her for dinner.
 succumb v ~ (to sth) stop resisting
(temptation, illness, attack, etc); yield; give
in屈服, 屈从
The Minister said his country would never
succumb to pressure.
infectious easily or readily communicated
传染的, 有感染力的
Flu is highly infectious.
infectious enthusiasm / an infectious laugh
 agent: a force or substance that causes a
cleaning agents
oxidizing agents
Yeast is the raising agent in bread.
 conclusive: convincing; decisive; ending
doubt 令人信服的, 确凿的, 消除怀疑的
exotic unusual or different; excitingly
strange异国的, 奇异的
exotic houseplants
mangoes and other exotic fruits
exotic clothes
 antibodies are substances which a person's
or an animal's body produces in their blood
in order to destroy substances which carry
disease. 抗体(血液中形成的抵抗并杀死病
 optimal (optimum): most favorable or
desirable 最理想的, 最佳的
the optimum temperature for the growth of
irreversible adj impossible to reverse or
revoke; unalterable不能更改的
She could suffer irreversible brain damage if
she is not treated within seven days.
 swear/take an oath (esp law) promise
solemnly to tell the truth, give one's loyalty,
 Before giving evidence the witness had to
take an oath.
 narcotics drugs such as opium or heroin
which make you sleepy and stop you feeling
pain麻醉剂; 毒品
 succour (in AM, use succor)
assistance in time of distress; relief. 援助; 援
 solace comfort or relief (from pain, trouble,
distress, etc) 安慰; 慰藉 n./v.
 The sick man found solace in music.
 lobby v ~ (sb) (for sth) to try to influence
the thinking of legislators or other public
officials for or against a specific cause游说
 lobbied against the proliferation of nuclear
 lobby for higher farm subsidies