Transcript users/PBI

Drawing phylogenies
We've seen several tree data structures but we still
can't draw a tree 
In today's first exercise we write a drawtree
module for the Phylogeny class:
Drawing other trees
Can we reuse this phylogeny drawtree method with other trees?
• drawtree needs to know child nodes and name of node
No problem: A node in any tree has some sons (or none)
and a name.
Phylogeny-specifics for drawtree:
• uses method get_sons (returns list of child nodes)
• used method get_name (returns string)
Problem: Corresponding methods in other trees may have
different names
Can't use drawtree directly
We want:
General tree drawing tool that can draw any tree if given a
converter object: an "interpreter" which knows what methods to
call for the given kind of node instead of
• For each tree data structure we need to write a converter
• Need to modify drawtree slightly to use a converter
A converter class for tree data structure X
• Should have two methods, each taking an X node as argument:
– one for returning a list of the node's sons
– one for returning the name of the node
New version of drawtree module
• All functions that take a node some_node as argument
should also take a converter object converter
• All occurrences of
some_node.get_name() and
are replaced with
converter.get_name( some_node ) and
converter.get_sons( some_node )
Example: converter for XML DOM trees
Recall: a DOM tree consists of nodes representing
tags in the XML data
- pretty simple, huh?
Drawing XML DOM trees
Import modified
drawtree module
Parse the XML file,
obtain DOM tree
Please draw this tree,
here is how (neat!)
And now for something completely different
os module: Interface to operating system functionality
The string used to separate (or, rather, terminate) lines on the current
platform. This may be a single character, such as '\n' for Unix or
'\r' for Mac OS, or multiple characters, for example, '\r\n' for
Returns a string representing the current directory
os.mkdir( path )
Creates a directory with the given name
os.listdir( path )
Returns a list of all entries in the given directory path
os.path module: functions on pathnames
os.path.split( path )
Split the pathname path into a pair, (head, tail) where tail is the part after the
last / and head is everything leading up to that.
os.path.basename( path ), os.path.dirname( path )
Returns the head and tail of path, respectively.
os.path.splitext( path )
Split the path into a pair (root, ext) such that root + ext == path, and ext is
the extension.
os.path.exists( path )
Returns true if the given file or directory exists, false otherwise.
os.path.join( path1[, path2[, ...]] )
Joins the paths to form a new path in valid format. E.g.
os.path.join( "/users/chili/PBI", "plan.html" )
os.walk - recursively
traverse directory
book symbolic link
not included
os.walk( top )
walk() generates the file names in a directory tree, by walking the tree either
top down or bottom up.
For each directory in the tree rooted at directory top (including top itself), it
yields a 3-tuple (dirpath, dirnames, filenames).
dirpath is a string, the path to the directory. dirnames is a list of the names
of the subdirectories in dirpath (excluding '.' and '..'). filenames is a list of
the names of the non-directory files in dirpath.
Calculate size of all files in PBI directories
No path info in dirs
and files lists; join
with root
Traversal is top-down by default:
OK to remove a directory from the
dirs list to avoid visiting it
Note: Project not visited
/users/chili/PBI/ consumes 155940 bytes in 45 non-directory files
/users/chili/PBI/Exercises consumes 1289251 bytes in 148 nondirectory files
/users/chili/PBI/Exercises/Solutions consumes 1095594 bytes in 109
non-directory files
/users/chili/PBI/Slides consumes 4974264 bytes in 22 non-directory
/users/chili/PBI/Slides/Images consumes 1173961 bytes in 70 nondirectory files
/users/chili/PBI/Mail consumes 6625 bytes in 7 non-directory files
/users/chili/PBI/NoAccess consumes 0 bytes in 0 non-directory files
/users/chili/PBI/ExamplePrograms consumes 770219 bytes in 160 nondirectory files
Now that we have a drawtree function..