Transcript review

200 Total Points
◦ 74 Points
◦ 60 Points
◦ 36 Points
◦ 30 Points
Writing Programs
Tracing Algorithms and determining
Short Answer
Multiple Choice
Will weigh more toward last third of course
Similar to previous exams, quizzes, and
programming assignments
Given the stack.h ADT, write a function that converts a
decimal number to a binary string.
What will the EXACT output of the
following program be?
int foo = 9;
int *ptr = &foo;
float foo2 = 5.7;
*ptr = 2;
foo2 = foo - foo2;
if (foo
else if
> foo2)
<< "Hello!";
(foo < foo2)
<< foo2;
<< foo;
cout << endl;
cout << "foo2 is: " << fixed
<< setprecision(1) << foo2 << endl;
Of what order of magnitude is a Bubble Sort?
42 points
◦ One and two-dimensional arrays
Declaration of various types
Difference between physical and logical size
Dynamic allocation
◦ Parallel arrays
 The tsuPod program
◦ Passing arrays as parameters
◦ 2-D arrays
 Game of Life program
◦ Arrays of structures
 The tsuPod 2 program
◦ Arrays of Objects
 The tsuPod 3 program
◦ Relationship between arrays and pointers
24 Points
◦ Be able to look at code or algorithm and make an
educated guess at the order of magnitude
 Look to see if the statement that is executed the
most is a function of the size of the data set
◦ Know which orders are faster and slower than the
 Constant time algorithms are denoted as O(1)
 O(log2n), O(n), O(n2), O(2n)
 There are more
12 Points
◦ May have to write sequential search, but not
the others.
◦ Know the algorithms and the order of
magnitude of each
Sequential search
Binary search
Bubble sort
Selection sort
0 Points
◦ Getting command line parameters
 Equation Checker
◦ Header files
◦ I/O libraries
 printf and scanf
◦ No const
◦ No string data type
 Know how to manipulate arrays of characters
 Know how C string functions work
◦ No pass by reference
◦ No bool data type
10 Points
◦ Declaration
◦ Use of the “.” operator
◦ Arrays of structures
 tsuPod 2
◦ Pointers to structures
 (*ptr).field
 ptr->field
◦ Use of structure as nodes in linked lists
 tsuPod 4 program
0 Points
◦ Know the fundamental operations and how a
stack works
 Push
 Pop
 Size
50 Points
◦ Fundamentals of class and objects
Instance variables
Instance methods
Class (static) variables
Class (static)methods
◦ Declaration
◦ The “.” operator
◦ Objects as parameters to functions
Overloading functions
◦ Constructors
◦ Operators
 Relational
 Other
◦ Using objects as data inside of linked lists
25 Points
◦ A pointer is a variable that holds the address of a
memory location
 Declaration
 int *ptr;
◦ Assignment
 ptr = &foo; //& is the address function
◦ Dereferencing
 *ptr = 54; //same as foo=54;
◦ You can point to any kind of data type
◦ Using pointers to create linked lists
0 Points
◦ Know the basic commands you needed to complete
the last program
◦ Know how to compile and run a C and C++
program in Linux
◦ Know how to create and move around the Linux file
◦ Simple makefiles
0 Points
◦ Given a problem, be able to provide example inputs
and outputs to test potential solutions
◦ Similar to tsuPod, but much smaller problem.
50 Points
Declaring a linked list
Adding a node to a linked list
Removing a node from a linked list
Traversing a linked list
What is the order of magnitude of each of the above
operations? (Big O)
◦ Understand the tsuPod 4 linked list program
Rewrite all the programs.
Redo labs.
Learn by doing and recognizing patterns.
Don’t stay up late!! Get some sleep and eat a
good breakfast.
Pencils and erasers
We will provide scratch paper
No calculators