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ГБОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»
Выполнили: Хижинская Ю.,
Ржанова С. (гр.196)
Проверила: Гаврилова Е.Н.
 Transplantation of
the heart is a
surgical operation
on replacement
of the heart of a
donor or an
artificial heart to
a patient`s body.
They are hold in
connection with
severe diseases of
the heart. The
patient`s own
heart can be
removed or left.
Experiments on animals to
transplant a heart started since
1905 but for a long time it was
impossible to implement grafting of
a heart : the newly transplanted
heart did not get accustomed, as
well as the body defended
themselves against the alien cells
and proteins (by the way, this
problem occurs at change of any
organs and tissues).
The first heart transplantation on an animal was
made in 1964 by James Hardy.
The patient was living for an hour and a half.
And now for the first time in 1967 in South
AFRICA Christian Bernard produced a heart
transplantation, having taken the heart from
the corpse to a sick man.
The operation passed technically brilliantly,
but the patient with a transplanted heart
lived only for 18 days. After a month
Bernard repeated an operation on the
second patient: the heart functioned for 18
months. In 1974 Bernard transplanted a
heart, who worked closely to the heart of
the donor.
All these operations gave a powerful impetus
to the development of transplantology, and
pure surgical approaches have been largely
resolved, but incompatibility of issues tissue
of a donor and a recipient caused great
On December 3, 1967
the first in the history
of medicine an
operation on a heart
transplantation was
held in the hospital
Groot Jester, Cape
town (South Africa).
It was held by professor
Christian Barnard, a
heart was
transplanted to a 55year -old patient from
a fatally wounded 25year-old woman.
It was not simply a sensation and an event of
the year. Deciding on the transplantation of
the heart of a man, Barnard opened a new
page in the history of medicine.
Then Barnard was a little more than 35 years
of age, but he was absolutely confident in its
The first successful
transplantation of the body
organs was kidney
transplantation in 1967.
Elated by successful results and absolutely sure in
favorable outcome and more serious transplantation,
Barnard was looking for patients willing to heart
transplantation. It was not long to wait.
A 55-year-old patient Luis Vashanskii – diabetic- agreed
to become a “guinea pig”. By that time he had three
heart attacks.
Several times Barnard had already transplanted the
heart of the animal. Morally he was ready for
operations on the man and waited for a suitable
In the night from 2 to 3 December 1967, in
a car crash a young woman of 25 years old
was fatally wounded. Her blood group
coincided with the patient waiting for the
transplantation, and the victim's father gave
his consent to the heart transplantation.
A unique operation has passed in the night without a
picture, therefore evidence of it survived only in the
memories of eyewitnesses. The operation began in the
night and was completed only by 8 a.m.
The operation was successful, and after few
days the patient was allowed to get up from the
bed and even photographed.
Unfortunately the disaster came – a powerful
dose of medicines, which introduced to the
patient, suppressed immune system of the
patient. Few days after the operation he
picaught a serious inflammation of the lungs
and died after 18 days from pneumonia.
Then many people reproached Barnard_in
haste and expressed their doubts in the
possibility of successful heart transplants. But
Barnard continued to work, in spite of
criticism and failure. And already the second
transplantation was an undoubted success the patient lived with a new heart for
nineteen months!
For the forty years passed since the first
operation, the surgeons advanced well in the
issues of transplantation of the heart, and this
helps them not only master the technique of
operations (recently they managed to
transplant a heart), but also they achieved a
serious success in immunology and medical
By the way, the first successful operation on
transplantation of a donor`s heart was made in
the Soviet Union in 1987 by an outstanding
Russian surgeon Valery Shumakov.
Today, this transaction has already been
developed in many specialized centers and
become a quite routine - in the year they make
about eight hundred operations, and more
than seventy percent of them are lucky.
The world record on duration of life with a transplanted
heart keeps Tony Huzman - he lived with a transplanted heart
for more than 30 years and died from a skin cancer.
The main problem for these patients - rejection of the
transplanted organ of the immune system. Transplantation of
artificial hearts or animal hearts are not so fortunate, as the
transplantation of human hearts.
• The end