Transcript Scott_Tobin

University of Adelaide Library
The well connected catalogue
Patricia Scott, Denise Tobin and Helen Attar
Life Impact The University of Adelaide
A well connected catalogue is...
One that makes obvious the relationship between one item
described in the catalogue and another item
Enables the user to easily link to that other related item that has
a specific relationship with the first
Enables the user to link to other useful resources that are
relevant to the item catalogued
In essence enables the cataloguers’ art to provide a rich fabric for
the user to explore
Some added services to library catalogues
under consideration today are...
Links to book cover art, links to book reviews and links
to online book shops
Facility to enable users to annotate titles in the
Help like “did you mean” or “other books like this”
These can be generated by the system at a “macro
level” by mining catalogue data, if we have the
systems capability to do it
There are many links within the core
information in every library catalogue that
could take the users easily down paths that
could interest them
Consider the links provided
through catalogue records
Links through to other works by the same author,
same subject or same series are standard
features of a web catalogue
Specific relationship headings and notes are
included in the best catalogue records
Links in the University of
Adelaide Library catalogue
 Two
main types have been explored
Linking – between different but
related bibliographic records
 Links to relevant external resources
 Bib
Bibliographic linking –
Why bib linking?
How does it work?
Why bib linking?
Offers the user the ability to get easily
from one bibliographic record to
another related record that they might
need through specifically created links.
Connects users to the information they
need about the status of the item
Is intellectual ‘value adding’ by
Types of Bib-linking used
Analysed titles which are part of a
 Earlier and later journal titles
 Links between formats i.e. electronic
to print
 Links to titles in electronic datasets
How does it work – defining
linking relationships - the first
09X → 909 child to parent
909 → to 09X parent to child
*022a → 780x preceding to succeeding title
*035a → 780w
*785 → 022a succeeding to preceding
*785w → 035a
*Pre-set in Voyager
Linking relationships – we
added more
027 → 035 e-child to e-parent
035 → 027 e-parent to e-child
035 → 776 print to electronic
776 → 022 electronic to print
776 → 035 as above (better than 776 to 022)
762 → 022 parent to sub series
762 → 035 parent to sub series (no 022)
Bib linking example 1
Need for standard structure
Parse call numbers into stems and “pieces”
Matching parent call number in 909 with data in
child 090
Click from individual title to parent to see loan
A monograph published in a series requiring
an analytic entry
The analytical bibliographic record with links
to the parent
The link takes the user to the parent record,
where the status of volumes not on the shelves
is shown
Other titles in the series are linked for
Marc record in cataloguing client with drop
down navigation
How does it work behind the scenes - a
‘derived template’ helps…
How behind the scenes
- using the template.
The highlighted tags need to be stripped if
cloning is used instead
Bib Linking example 2
Earlier and later journal titles
Standard feature in Voyager
Links ISSNs or systems numbers from subfields
x or w
780 to 022 or 035 in earlier title
Same with 785 in reverse
Journal record with links to earlier and later
Journal record showing earlier and later title,
where library has later only
Bib Linking example 3
Print journal to electronic version
Electronic journal linking to record of print
journal (not as convincing?)
Bib Linking example 4
Records for electronic datasets
All 5561 Factiva titles are displayed
alphabetically and linked
It is commonplace to find web-enabled links to
remote resources in most catalogues where
libraries currently purchase those items
MARC supports the provision of URLs in a
variety of fields, including notes, which has
enabled us to link to the full text of many other
related digital resources or documents in a more
meaningful way
Tags that allow an URI
505 (Formatted Contents Note)
508 (Creation/Production Credits Note)
511 (Participant or Performer Note)
514 (Data Quality Note)
520 (Summary, Etc.)
530 (Additional Physical Form Available Note)
538 (System Details Note)
545 (Biographical or historical data)
552 (Entity and attribute information note )
555 (Cumulative Index/Finding Aids Note)
583 (Action Note)
670 (Source Data Found) in the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data
678 (Biographical or historical data) in the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data
852 (Location) proposed
Some of the links to related
information sources used
Online contents and summaries in 520
 Annual or cumulative indexes in 555
 Finding aids in 555
 Visual map indexes or other indexes
relating to complex holdings in 856
holdings tag
 Licence agreements and copyright
permission linked to the 856 in the
holdings tag
Thesis summary using 520 tag
A link to an online annual index for a print
journal using 555 tag
Link to online finding aid that grew to full text
so now uses the 856 tag
Link to online “index” using 555 that is really
a database with increasing full text.
Link to NASA Technical Reports Server
Link to online index for microfilm set - 856
Map series with link to scanned visual index 856 holdings
We hold the sheets outlined in black, no. 1-21
Streamed music
A recent agreement through AVCC has resulted
in the purchase of a music licence
Individual music tracks can be linked to a
streaming server
The use of derived templates provides quality
The system allows material to be monitored in
terms of the agreement
Streamed music file accessed via catalogue
The future
Catalogue software should support interconnections
made by cataloguers
Recognise the value of authority control behind
 for every author his/her heading, and for every heading only
the right books
Authority cross references added to keyword data, to
supply specific “did you mean?” help
Authority see also reference to supply “would this
interest you?” with low hit queries
Systems architects seek advice from record creators
What is required?
The well connected catalogue uses links to provide more
depth, less clutter in the catalogue
and uses the intellectual information provided by cataloguers
to assist the user in better choice of items.
“the scholarly problem is to imagine ways of working we do not
know, to give scholars the means of imagining them”. Willard