Transcript Document

PHE Canada National Conference
October 24-26, 2013
• Drums Alive originated in Germany over a
decade ago
• Carrie Ekins – founder
• Recovery from a hip injury
• Drumming - physiological and psychological
• Became a fitness class experience
• Also relieves stress, improves moods and has
neurological benefits
General population
Aging adults
Developmentally and physically challenged
Those with aggression issues
 Beat the Odds – UCLA
○ Using drumming with school aged children to teach skills:
focusing, listening, team building, leadership and
managing anger and stress
○ Drumming can improve behaviour problems, anxiety,
attention deficit/hyperactivity issues, depression and
post-traumatic stress
Hanover Drumming Pilot
Planning took place in Spring
of 2012, with implementation
in the fall of 2013.
 Equipment was purchased
using the Health Promoting
Schools Grant from PHE
Canada as well as our
Healthy Schools Grant.
 Pilot school chosen based on
willingness and storage
 As of late September, 7
schools have now
participated in 3-4 days of
drumming and there are 2
divisional sets of drums.
Stability Balls
Bases– step risers, baskets
Fitness activity
 Physical education classes
 Special activity (Winter Fun Day)
 Intramural/Club
 Rhythm
 Music therapy
 Math – place value
 Parts of speech/grammar
Culture Appreciation
 Note: Special populations
To Begin:
Proper Stance
 Feet:
○ open V-position
○ More than shoulder width apart
 Legs:
○ Knees bent – but not in front of your toes
○ Sitting on the imaginary chair behind you
 Give thumbs up – cradle drumsticks in
knuckles and place thumbs on the stick.
Drumming Basics
Singles - beating with one drumstick at a time (1 beat)
 Doubles - beating with both drumsticks at the same time (1 beat)
 Side Beats – singles or doubles on the side of the ball (1 beat)
 Clicks – tap drumsticks together overhead (1 beat)
 Rumble – quick singles (“Just beat it!”)
 Use simple and repetitive choreography for beginners.
○ Use groups of 8 for choreography (ie. 8 singles, 8 doubles, 8 side beats, 8 clicks)
 Use a relatively slow tempo to teach basics. (ie. The Lion Sleeps Tonight BPM 124)
 Use the first 16-24 beats to feel the beat.
Sample Choreography: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Canon Style
 Beats 1-24 – Feel the Beat
 Verse:
○ Group A – 8 singles, 8 doubles
○ Group B – 8 singles, 8 doubles
Repeat Verse
 Chorus:
○ Shuffle 8 x right, then 8 x left – Repeat
 Verse
 Chorus
 Bridge:
○ Side Beats – 8x, Clicks – 8x;
○ Side Beats 4x; Clicks 4x – 2x
 Verse
 Chorus
 Bridge: Side Beats 4x; Clicks 4x; Side Beats 2x; Clicks 2x
Side Beats 2x; Clicks 2x…….Rumble
More Skills
Front Ball – Doubles on the front of the ball
 Back Ball – Doubles on the back of the ball (step back slightly)
 Around the World– Doubles around the ball
 Extended Singles – Single on the ball and then reach
 Extended Doubles– Doubles on the ball and extend both arms
 Brush – A light double beat that sweeps over the ball to the right or
to the left
Figure 8 Brush – Move arms in a figure 8 while brushing ball
Cross overs – R.H. crosses over and hits ball, left hits ball, right
hand comes back to base position and hits ball and left hand hits
again. (4 beats) To repeat on left, pause after right hand comes back
and hits ball and cross left hand over.
Shuffle – Step together around the ball
 Grapevine
 Lunges
 March
 Step Touch
 Chugs – Small 2 foot jump forward and backward
 Jumping Jacks
 V step – step forward on right foot and then on left, and
then step back on right foot and on left foot
Creating Choreography
Start simple – 8 beats of one movement
 Break it down into 4’s, 2’, or singles.
 Use lyrics to create choreography for
younger students
 Chicken Dance
 Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Rhythm Activities
Making Eyes
 Begin in a circle (sitting or standing). The leader creates a
simple rhythm and then makes eye contact with another
person in the circle who then continues to “beat” the
rhythm with the leader. The leader then makes eye
contact with another person, and so on….until everyone is
beating together.
○ Note: The leader doesn’t move on until the person gets the
The Name Game
 Create a beat for your name and share it with your group
Free Improvisation
 Rhythm Cards
DJ’s Choice Kids Fun
Kids Beats Vol. 1
Kids Beats Vol. 2
Contact Information
 Corinne Thiessen
Hanover School Division