MIMO continued and Error Correction Code

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MIMO continued and Error
Correction Code
2 by 2 MIMO
• Now consider we have two transmitting
antennas and two receiving antennas.
• A simple scheme called ``V-BLAST:’’ Send
independent data symbols over the
transmitting antennas as well as over time.
• MIMO receiver. Will receive two samples per
time slot. hij: the channel coefficient from Tx
ant j to Rx ant i.
• How to decode the data?
MIMO receiver
• The simplest receiver just do a matrix
• This is NOT the optimal decoder! The
maximum likelihood decoder is better.
Beyond 2 by 2
• (Section 7.1.1 of Tse book.) Let’s say we have
nt transmitting antennas and nr receiving
antennas. The received signal is y=Hx+w,
where y is a nr by 1 vector, H is an nt by nr
matrix, and x is a nt by 1 vector.
• Again, hij: the channel coefficient from Tx ant j
to Rx ant i.
Beyond 2 by 2
• Each matrix has an Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD). Meaning that
where U is an nr by nr unitary matrix, V is an nt
by nt unitary matrix, and is an nr by nt matrix
whose elements in the diagonal are
• unitary matrix: a complex matrix times its
conjugate transpose is the identity matrix.
Beyond 2 by 2
• So, at the sender side, we send
• At the receiver side, we process the received
vector :
• And we will get
• And the lambda matrix is diagonal. Meaning that
you will have min{nr, nt} independent channels.
Error Control Code
• Widely used in many areas, like communications, DVD,
data storage…
• In communications, because of noise, you can never be
sure that a received bit is right
• In physical layer, what you do is, given k data bits, add n-k
redundant bits and make it into a n-bit codeword. You send
the codeword to the receiver. If some bits in the codeword
is wrong, the receiver should be able to do some
calculation and find out
There is something wrong
Or, these things are wrong (for binary codes, this is enough)
Or, these things should be corrected as this for non-binary codes
(this is called Block Code)
Error Control Codes
• You want a code to
– Use as few redundant bits as possible
– Can detect or correct as many error bits as
Error Control Code
• Repetition code is the simplest, but requires a
lot of redundant bits, and the error correction
power is questionable for the amount of extra
bits used
• Checksum does not require a lot of redundant
bits, but can only tell you “something is
wrong” and cannot tell you what is wrong
(7,4) Hamming Code
• The best example for introductory purpose and is also
used in many applications
• (7,4) Hamming code. Given 4 information bits,
(i0,i1,i2,i3), code it into 7 bits C=(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6).
The first four bits are just copies of the information
bits, e.g., c0=i0. Then produce three parity checking
bits c4, c5, and c6 as (additions are in the binary field)
– c4=i0+i1+i2
– c5=i1+i2+i3
– c6=i0+i1+i3
• For example, (1,0,1,1) coded to (1,0,1,1,0,0,0).
• Is capable of correcting one bit error
Generator matrix
• Matrix representation. C=IG where
• G is called the generator matrix
Parity check matrix
• It can be verified that any CH=(0,0,0) for all
codeword C
Error Correction
• What you receive is R=C+E. You multiply R
with H: S=RH=(C+E)H=CH+EH=EH. S is called
the syndrome. If there is only one `1’ in E, S
will be one of the rows of H. Because each row
is unique, you know which bit in E is `1’.
• The decoding scheme is:
– Compute the syndrome
– If S=(0,0,0), do nothing. If S!=(0,0,0), output one
error bit.
How G is chosen
• How G is chosen such that it can correct one
• Any combinations of the row vectors of G has
weight at least 3 (having at least three `1’s) – and
codeword has weight at least 3.
• The sum of any two codeword is still a codeword,
so the distance (number of bits that differ) is also
at least 3.
• So if one bit is wrong, won’t confuse it with other
The existence of H
• We didn’t compare a received vector with all
codewords. We used H.
• The existence of H is no coincidence (need
some basic linear algebra!) Let \Omega be the
space of all 7-bit vectors. The codeword space
is a subspace of \Omega spanned by the row
vectors of G. There must be a subspace
orthogonal to the codeword space spanned by
3 vectors which is the column vectors of H.
Linear Block Code
• Hamming Code is a Linear Block Code. Linear
Block Code means that the codeword is
generated by multiplying the message vector
with the generator matrix.
• Minimum weight as large as possible. If
minimum weight is 2t+1, capable of detecting
2t error bits and correcting t error bits.
Cyclic Codes
• Hamming code is useful but there exist codes
that offers same (if not larger) error control
capabilities while can be implemented much
• Cyclic code is a linear code that any cyclic shift
of a codeword is still a codeword.
• Makes encoding/decoding much simpler, no
need of matrix multiplication.
Cyclic code
• Polynomial representation of cyclic codes, here,
assume all coefficients are either 0 or 1.
• That is, if your code is (1010011) (c6 first, c0 last),
you write it as
• Addition and subtraction of polynomials --- Done by
doing binary addition or subtraction on each bit
individually, no carry and no borrow.
• Division and multiplication of polynomials. Try divide
Cyclic Code
• A (n,k) cyclic code can be generated by a
polynomial g(x) which has degree n-k and is a
factor of xn-1. Call it the generator polynomial.
• Given message bits, (mk-1, …, m1, m0), the
code is generated simply as:
• In other words, C(x) can be considered as the
product of m(x) and g(x).
• A (7,4) cyclic code g(x) = x3+x+1.
• If m(x) = x3+1, C(x) = x6+x4+x+1.
Cyclic Code
• One way of thinking it is to write it out as the
generator matrix
• So, clearly, it is a linear code. Each row of the
generator matrix is just a shifted version of the
first row. Unlike Hamming Code.
• Why is it a cyclic code?
• The cyclic shift of C(x) = x6+x4+x+1 is C1(x) =
• It is still a code polynomial, because it the
code polynomial if m(x) = x2+1.
Cyclic Code
• Given a code polynomial
• We have
• C1(x) is the cyclic shift of C(x) and (1) has a
degree of no more than n-1 and (2) divides
g(x) (why?) hence is a code polynomial.
Cyclic Code
• So, to generate a cyclic code is to find a
polynomial that (1) has degree n-k and (2) is a
factor of xn-1.
Generating Systematic Cyclic Code
• A systematic code means that the first k bits
are the data bits and the rest n-k bits are
parity checking bits.
• To generate it, you let
• The claim is that C(x) must divide g(x) hence is
a code polynomial. 33 mod 7 = 6. Hence 336=28 can be divided by 7.
Division Circuit
• Division of polynomials can be done efficiently by the
division circuit. (just to know there exists such a thing, no
need to understand it)
Remaining Questions for Those Really
• Decoding. Divide the received polynomial by
g(x). If there is no error you should get a 0
(why?). Make sure that the error polynomial
you have in mind does not divide g(x).
• How to make sure to choose a good g(x) to
make the minimum degree larger? Turns out
to learn this you have to study more – it’s the
BCH code.
Cyclic code used in IEEE 802
• g(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 +
x 8 + x7 + x 5 + x 4 + x 2 + x + 1
– all single and double bit errors
– all errors with an odd number of bits
– all burst errors of length 32 or less
Other codes
• RS code. Block code. Used in CD, DVD, HDTV
• LDPC code. Also block code. Reinvented after
first proposed 40 some years ago. Proposed to
be used in 802.11n. Achieve close-to-Shannon
• Trellis code. Not block code. More closely
coupled with modulation.
• Turbo code. Achieve close-to-Shannon bound.