Transcript Lesson 1

6th grade math
Addition Properties
• To use addition properties and mental math
strategies to compute mentally
• Why? To help you add mentally and get a
rounded estimate to an addition problem.
California State Standards
AF 1.3: Apply … the commutative, associative
properties to evaluate expressions …
MR 2.0: Use strategies, skills, and concepts in
finding solutions.
• Mental Math
- The process of producing an exact answer without pencil
and paper or other computational aids.
• Commutative Property
– The order in which numbers are added does NOT affect
the sum. (Just which the order.)
• 8 + 12 = 12 + 8
• Associative Property
– The way in which addends are grouped does NOT affect
the sum. (Keep the same order, but switch around the
• 7 + (11 + 5) = (7 + 11) + 5
• Identity Property
– The sum of any number and zero (0) is that number.
• 45 + 0 = 45
Compatible Numbers Method
– Group together numbers that are easily computed mentally
• 76 + 68 + 14
= (76 + 14) + 68
= 90 + 68
= 158
Break-Apart Method
– Break-apart numbers to have easier numbers to work with.
• 128 + 64
= (128 + 60) + 4
= 188 + 4
= 192
Compensation Method
– Change one number to make it easy to use. Then change the other number to
compensate (adjust). Imagine a balance.
• 173 + 16
= (173 + 7) + (16 – 7)
= 180 + 9
= 189
How to Use Addition Properties
1) Decide whether to use the
Compatible Number
Method, or Break-Apart
Method or Compensation
2) Apply the rules to solve
either one.
3) Check your work.
Choose a strategy and compute
A) 54 + 29
Use the break-apart strategy.
= (54 + 20) + 9
= 74 + 9
= 83
B) 41 + 55 + 9
Use the compatible numbers
= (41 + 9) + 55
= 50 + 55
= 105
Try It!
Choose a strategy and compute
28 + 74 + 32
325 + 225
88 + 64
124 - 79
1) Compatible Numbers
= (28 + 32) + 74
= 60 + 74
= 134
2) Compensation Method
= (325 – 5) + (225 + 5)
= 320 + 230
= 550
3) Break-Apart Method
= (88 + 60) + 4
= 148 + 4
= 152
4) Compatible Numbers
= (124 - 4) – (79 – 4)
= 120 – 75
= 45
Objective Review
• To use addition
properties and mental
math strategies to
compute mentally
• Why? You can now add mentally
and get a rounded estimate to an
addition problem. Addition
properties and mental math
strategies can be used to find exact
answers without using pencil and
Independent Practice
• Complete problems 617
• Copy original problem
• Show all work!
• If time, complete Mixed
Review: 18-23
• If still more time, work
on Accelerated Math.