Transcript Slide

Explaining Apparent Infant Numerical
Competence in Terms of Object Representation
Tony J. Simon
Neuroscience Center
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Bethesda, MD 20983 USA
[email protected]
Object Representation & Number
The Innate Numerical Competence Claim
“Humans innately possess the capacity to perform simple
arithmetical calculations......... Infants possess true
numerical concepts: they have access to the ordering of
numerical relationships between small numbers. They can
calculate the results of simple arithmetical operations of
small numbers of items” Wynn (1992).
Object Representation & Number
Initial transf ormation
The Task
Test trial outcomes
Arithmetically Impossible ( Wynn)
Object Representation & Number
Simon et al. (1995) Replication of Wynn (1992)
1 object
2 objects
Number of Objects Remaining
Object Representation & Number
The Identity Condition
Object Representation & Number
Object Representation Theory
Simon (1997) “Non-Numerical” Account
4 documented infant competencies sufficient for observed behavior.
• Object Individuation (perceive/represent unitary objects)
• Physical Reasoning (object permanence)
• Abstract Representation (spatiotemporal object coding)
• Memory (object/event comparison)
•If OR Theory is right it must demonstrate 2 things:
• infants, like those in the studies, must possess these abilities
• these abilities are sufficient to generate the observed behavior
• topic of this presentation
Object Representation & Number
The INFANT Model
Simon (1998) clear replication by INFANT of all key findings
Built in ACT-R 3, models Simon et al. (1995) study
Object-File” token created for each visible entity
• spatial rep’n (location, motion, support) by separate events in task
Same Object-File encodes record of hidden/removed object
Object Representation & Number
INFANT - The Model
Physical Reasoning
Create spatiotemporal prediction for Memory Object-Files
• implements object permanence
•Verify predictions for “unhidden”: entities
• 1-to-1 Object File match - Memory with new Physical O.F.
• Spatial/Object searches for disappearance/reappearance outcomes
•Time to execute actions affected by activation of objects in memory
• activation grows & decays with #/frequency of processing events
Object Representation & Number
INFANT - All Conditions
Object Representation & Number
The Strange Case of “Magical Appearance”
Wynn & Chiang (1998) report a gap in infants’ object knowledge
• LT not longer when an object impossibly appears than possible case
• conclude infants must be unable to detect/understand this violation
Object Representation & Number
Object Representation Failure in MA, Or Not?
OR predicts babies will detect MA impossibility
• obviously, 1-1=1 will be processed just like 2-1=2
• shouldn’t that produce wrong data - longer LT for impossible task?
• INFANT does respond to impossible MA outcome like other tasks
• there is no failure of impossibility detection or object representation
• yet looking times are just like Wynn & Chiang data!
Object Representation & Number
INFANT vs Wynn & Chiang (1998)
INFANT reproduces Wynn & Chiang’s habituation results:
Object Representation & Number
INFANT vs Wynn & Chiang (1998)
… and all the condition comparisons!
Object Representation & Number
Object Representation Failure, Or Not?
So why isn’t impossible MA looking time longer than possible EA?
•In 2-1=2 vs 2-1=1 procedure is identical until outcome
• extra actions needed to resolve violation create longer looking time
•But 1-1=1 (MA) gets compared to 1+0=1 (EA), not to 1-1=0 (ED)!
• the single object in MA is processed very differently from that in EA
•LT differences due to task comparison, not failure of MA detection
• different actions & activations during tasks create similar LTs
Object Representation & Number
OR Theory Explains the Puzzle
The original “number” experiments compare identical tasks
The magical appearance experiment compares different tasks
The object in MA (1-1=1) has high activation - actions execute quickly
The object in EA (1+0=1) has low activation - actions execute slowly
• different number of actions required by different tasks take same time
•Infants aren’t failing to detect MA violation, they treat it like experts
• object representation is stronger in MA relative to EA, not faulty!
•Only a detailed process theory like OR can explain the puzzle
• looking time just describes, does not explain behavior
Object Representation & Number
So, Where Do Numerical Abilities Come From?
Numerical ability foundations: 4 early-developing infant competencies
When presented with particular tasks they compute representations &
generate behavior that appears, but is not, numerical (Clever Hans).
•Object Representation Theory is coherent, parsimonious account:
• explains all existing data, resolves puzzling inconsistencies
• based on existing, documented, human infant competencies
• foundation for construction of domain-specific numerical competence
• consistent with neural development trajectory (Simon, in press)
Object Representation & Number