Sleep Lesson

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Transcript Sleep Lesson

Teachers prep…
• You need to ask the students to bring in a
pillow and reading book
• All students will need to remove their
shoes and have enough space to lie flat
• The room will need curtains/blinds
Learning objective: To understand the importance that a sleep enhancing bedtime routine
has on your health and well being
Starter: Bedtime story
Year 7 Healthy living
 To explore effective bedtime
 To understand the importance that a
sleep enhancing bedtime routine has on
your health and well being
Yr 7 PSHE: Learning objective: To understand the importance that a sleep
enhancing bedtime routine has on your health and well being.
Big questions
• Hands up if you have a bedtime
• Hands up if you have problems getting
to sleep?
Yr 7 PSHE: Learning objective: To understand the importance that a sleep
enhancing bedtime routine has on your health and well being.
Number task
• A minimum of nine hours’ good sleep on
school nights is recommended for teens.
• If Stella wakes up at 7am, what time
does she need to go to bed?
Yr 7 PSHE: Learning objective: To understand the importance that a sleep
enhancing bedtime routine has on your health and well being.
 Sleep is very important to a child's wellbeing. A lack of sleep
can cause a child to become hyperactive and disagreeable, and have
extremes in behaviour.
 Here are some approximate numbers based on age, as recommended
by the Millpond Children’s Sleep Clinic:
10 years
night time: 9.75 hours
11 years
night time: 9.5 hours
12 years
night time: 9.25 hours
13 years
night time: 9.25 hours
Teachers notes KZW
Royal Lorde 4 mins
Part 1.
1. Shoulder rolls backwards x 4
2. Arms behind the back stretch
3. Reach for the stars x 4
4. Reach for the stars on tip toes x 4
5. Hug (alternate arms
6. Legs Stretch out front knee bent hold for 4
7. Hamstring stretch hold for 4
8. Sprint stretch
9. Breath
10. Change legs
11. Hips facing forward and swing arms from side to side for 2 mins
Part 2.
Lying flat students clench and release all major muscles
Face, arms, tummy, quads, foot curls
Part 3.
Recommended Paradise music by Niall or Relax kids or nature sounds. See what works for you.
Music: Palms facing ceiling, body flat.
Breathing in and out (positive thoughts: you have no work to do now – beach/sunny day/reassurance/worries on a cloud and
blow them away)
Breath in and as though your breathing through a straw down to your toes breath out
Repeat x 10 – more times until students are calm and rested
Allow to sleep for 10 mins
Part 4.
Wake up 10 mins minimum before the end – ‘Im going ot count down from ten, on 9 move your toes, 8 your legs , 7 rock, 6,
move your hands, 5 shoulders 4, head, roll over and gently curl up – smile and put soes on.
Yr 7 PSHE: Learning objective: To understand the importance that a sleep
enhancing bedtime routine has on your health and well being.
Post it 
Next lesson; Starter
• Reflect on the previous
• Create a step by step
bedtime routine
• Feedback in 10 minutes