Byte Addressable

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CSCI 136 Lab 1:
135 Review
Our machine uses 32 bit memory addresses.
A memory address refers to a single byte in
memory. (“Byte Addressable”)
00000000 00000000 10000000 00000000
But our data path out of memory is designed to
move 32 bit words (or multiples of 32 bits) at
a time.
Data Path
Life is simpler and we get MUCH better
performance if we divide memory in to 4 byte
chunks (“words”) and always access these word
size chunks.
This is called “Word Alignment”
Data Path
An address is “word aligned” if its 2 least
significant bits are 0… (and thus is divisible by 4)
Disclaimer: You can use lb (load byte) and sb (store byte) to
get a specific byte… but these commands are slow and often
use lw (load word) and sw (store word) “inside the machine”
along with a couple other commands to implement lb and sb.
Accessing Bytes
When might we use lb (load byte) and
sb (store byte)?
Byte Ordering
Assume 32 bit word: Big Endian vs. Little Endian
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
00000000 00000000 10000000 00000000
On a Big Endian machine the Most Significant Byte (MSB) of a
32 bit word is stored at the lowest memory address.
What is this number on a Big Endian machine?
Byte Ordering
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
00000000 00000000 10000000 00000000
On a Little Endian machine the Most Significant Byte (MSB) of
a 32 bit integer is stored at the highest memory address.
What is the above integer on a Little Endian machine?
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
Byte address:
00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000
What is the above integer on a Little Endian machine?
What is it on a Big Endian machine?
Byte Ordering
Computer designers can’t seem to agree on
whether to use Big Endian or Little Endian.
Neither design is really superior to the other.
What kind of Endian are Intel PCs?
What kind of Endian are Macs?
Sun SPARC Stations can be set in either
mode… (but Solaris OS requires Big Endian).
Most of the time.. you probably won’t notice
Endianness. But SPIM simulator uses the
“Endianness” of the machine you run it on!
Where does it matter?
• When does “Endianness” matter?
• We will grade projects using PCSpim. If
you use a Mac or XSPIM on Sun, make
sure you test on a PC before submitting.
Load Immediate (li)
What does the following instruction do?
li $t0, 4
What does the following sequence of
instructions do?
lui $t0, 0
ori $t0, $t0, 4
li (load immediate) instruction is really
When the assembler sees an li instruction it
lui (load upper immediate) followed
by an
ori (or immediate)
In the place of the li (load immediate)
We’ll use li in the next few examples
Binary and Hex Review
• What is 0xAF
(32 bit word)
• What is 23 in binary?
in decimal?
2’s Complement Numbers
To get negative number from a positive..
Invert all digits and add 1.
To get a positive number from a negative…
Invert all digits and add 1.
Assume 8 bit word. What is -57 in 2’s
complement notation?
How do we do change a number’s sign in
assembly language?
Sign Extension
• Sign extension can be used when you shift
a register right… the sign bit is repeated to
keep a negative number negative…
• This is referred to as “Arithmetic” variety
of shift
• If the sign bit isn’t extended.. (i.e. empty
spots filled with 0s) then the shift is called
“Logical” variety of shift
Assume 8 bit words…
What is result of logical right shifting -11 by 2?
assembly: srl (shift right logical)
srlv (shift right logical variable)
What is result of arithmetic right shift -11 by 2?
assembly: sra (shift right arithmetic)
srav (shift right arithmetic variable)
What is result of rotate right -11 by 2?
assembly: ror (rotate right)
What is the assembly code to do this?
What is result of rotating left -11 by 2?
assembly: rol (rotate left)
What is the result of logical shift left -11 by 2?
assembly: sll (shift left logical)
sllv (shift left logical variable)
What is the assembly code to do this?
Why isn’t there a sla (shift left
arithmetic) assembly instruction?
Useful Shifts
Considering an 8 bit word… how would we
compute dividing -6 by 2?
Consider an 8 bit word… how would we
compute multiplying -7 by 4?
Useful Shifts
Shifts are fast. Compilers will often
substitute shifts for multiplication and
division of integers by powers of 2.
Note that rotate instructions require
that rotation amount be supplied by a
register. There is no “shift amount”
constant value in a rotate instruction.
MIPS Adding and Subtracting
What does following instruction do?
add $t1, $t2, $t3
How about the following?
addi $t1, $t2, 4
How about the following?
sub $t1, $t2, $t3
What is Overflow?
Consider unsigned 8 bit integers.. What
happens when we add 0x73 and 0xA9 ?
Can we get overflow when we add a positive
and a negative number?
Consider signed 8 bit (2’s complement)
integers.. what happens when we add 0xBC
and 0xB0?
Multiplication Math Review
• What is result of multiplying unsigned
integers 0xF and 0xF?
• If we multiply two 32 bit unsigned
integers… what is the size in bits of the
largest possible result?
Multiplication Instruction
What does the following do?
mul $t2, $t3
What do mfhi (move from hi) and
mflo (move from lo) instructions do?
What does the following instruction do?
mul $t5, $t7, $t3
Memory Space
• In our SPIM simulator memory space,
what percentage of our memory is
reserved for the OS?
• With 32 bit addresses and byte
addressing… how much memory can our
machine have?
Offsets in lw and sw
In our lw (load word) and sw (store
word) instructions we can only supply a 16
bit offset. This offset is sign extended.
What does this command do?
lw $s0, 0x0004($t0)
What does this command do?
lw $s0, 0xFFFC($t0)
How many bytes can offset?
Global Pointer ($gp)
Where does our data segment begin?
If we want to load the word stored at
0x10010020 the following code would be
lui $s0,0x1001 # What does this do?
lw $s1,0x0020($s0) # and this?
This is kind of inefficient. We’re always
using 2 instructions to read any word in
the data segment.
(example from Hennessy et al. page A-21)
• Register $gp (decimal number 28) holds the
constant value 0x10008000
This allows us to
offset back 32k
bytes to the
beginning of the
data segment. Or
offset forward 32k
To load the word stored at 0x10010020 we can
lw $s1, 0x8020 ($gp)
Offsets in Branch and Jump
In load word and store word
instructions the 16 bit offset field of
instruction counted number of bytes.
In branch (16 bit offset field) and jump (26
bit offset field) the offset fields count the
number of instructions to offset.
Since instructions are 4 bytes.. This is also
the number of words to offset…
Time Units
• How long is a microsecond?
• How long is a nanosecond?
• How long is a picosecond?
• If a clock runs at 450MHZ how long is a
clock cycle?
• If a clock runs at 1.2GHZ how long is
clock cycle?
Cycles Per Instruction
Different Instructions may take different numbers of
clock cycles to execute.
CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) refers to number of clock
cycles an instruction takes in a design
What is average CPI of the following 600 MHZ
machine? What is the MIPS rating?
Instruction Class
Load Word
Store Word
ALU (R format)
• Registers $s0,$s1,…,$s7 (16
through 23) are “callee saved”.
What does this mean?
Notes on Stack Pointer:
Our stack pointer will always point to the
last word in the stack. In the real
world, the stack pointer occasionally
points to the next free space below the