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A sparse Table
of Priority Queue
Presented by: Yaniv Nahum
Written by:
Alon Itai
Alan G. Konheim
Michael Rodeh
PQ - introduction
A data structure with the following
– Search (x)
– Insert (x)
– Delete (x)
– Min
– Next (x)
– Scan
PQ - introduction
Most implementations use trees (2-3,
AVL, weight balanced trees) and
requires no more than O (log n) time.
In many cases, the algorithms devote
much of their running time and
storage manipulating the PQ, often
rendering a theoretically efficient
algorithm to infeasible or inefficient to
all practical purposes.
PQ as Sparse table
Data is stored in linear array, and
requires only one pointer.
Insertion requires:
– Searching.
– Moving (shifting of records).
– Reconfiguring (increase size and
distribute keys).
Assuming a table of size m.
Searching takes O (log m).
Move takes O (m) in worst case.
We will show that the expected
number of moves is constant.
We will present a more complicated
table, in order to improve worst case,
which takes O (n*log^2(n)) to build.
Sparse table schemata
Records are stored in a sorted order.
Insertion is improved by introducing
gaps in the table, thereby storing n
records in a table of capacity m for
some m > n.
m-n keys are dummy keys.
Genuine keys are located at addresses
2,5,6,8 in the following table:
y = (2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,5).
n = 4.
m = 9.
Building a table
Determined by 2 sequences of real
– {nk: 0<=k<INFINITY}
– {mk: 1<=k<INFINITY}
– 1=n0 < n1 < … < …
– nk <= nk-1*mk
Building a table
The size of the table, m, can only take
the values nk-1*mk for k=1,2,…
The size of the table is m=nk-1*mk
when the number of distinct keys in
the table, n, satisfies nk-1<n<=nk
Inserting x into a table of size m=nk-1*mk
containing nk-1<n<=nk genuine keys 
find address s satisfying ys-1<x<=ys
If ys is a dummy key, it is replaced by x,
yielding the table: (y0,…,ys-1,x,ys+1,…ym-1)
If ys is a genuine key, the block of t
consecutive genuine keys is shift right
one position.
Insertion (Cont …)
X is inserted at address s yielding the
Note: ys+t is the dummy key removed
from table.
When inserting x to a table with size
m=nk-1*mk, and there are nk genuine
The size of the table first increases to
nk*mk+1, and the nk genuine keys are
uniformly distribute in it.
Than, x is inserted regularly.
Some Insight …
The numbers {mk} are the expansion
The ratio r = n / nk-1*mk with
nk-1<n<=nk is the density of the genuine
keys in the table.
1 / mk < r <= 1
mk adds log(mk) steps to the binary search
but reduces the number of keys which
must be moved to insert a new key.
Some Insight …
The cost of reconfiguration is
O(nk*mk+1)  if the number of keys
inserted since the last reconfiguration,
nk-nk-1, is proportional to the size of the
expanded table, the cost of
reconfiguration per key is constant.
Some Insight …
Worst case for insertion is O(n). We
will show next that the expected
number of moves remains bounded as
nk increases (provided r is bounded
away from 1).
Average behavior of S.T.
Proof …
Some theorems …
Theorem 1: On insertion (no deletion) the
average number of move operations is
bounded by a constant.
Theorem 2: On the average, insertion
requires O(log n) operations.
Proof: search takes O(log m)=O(log n).
The expected number of moves is constant.
Reconfiguration adds only constant time per
Improving worst case
Worst case for insertion may be quite
To improve w.c. performance, an
additional structure is imposed to the
sparse table.
The basic idea is to redistribute the
keys locally when the local density
become high.
Improving worst case
h = log m – log log m
b = m / 2^h
log m <= b < 2 log m
We divide the table into m/b = 2^h
blocks B0,B1,…,B2^h-1
We shall build a full binary tree of
height h with leaves L0,L1,…,L2^h-1.
Improving worst case
Each node v wil have a segment s(v)
as follows:
– Leaf Li associate the block Bi (0<=i<2^h)
– Node with children u and w:
s(v) = s(u) U s(w)
m(v) is the size of s(v)
r(v) is the density, the number of
geniune keys in s(v) divided by m(v).
Improving worst case
The nodes of the tree are divided into
levels. The root r is at level 0, and the
level of any other node is greater by
one than that of it’s parent.
The level of the leaves is obviously h.
Improving worst case
Let 0<=tL<tU<=1.
We define the sequence t0,t1,…,th of
threshold densities of nodes in levels
0,1,…,h by: tq=tL+q(tU-tL)/h 0<=q<=h
tL = t0 < t1 < … < th = tU
tq+1 – tq = (tU-tL)/h
r(Li) <= th during the process of
Insertion Algorithm
Insert the new key as in the previous
If the density of Bi <= th, then insertion
Otherwise, find the maximal level q for
which r(vq)<tq.
If such q is found, then the genuine keys
are uniformly distributed.
If q is not found, the table size is
Theorem 3
Performing n-nk-1 insertions into a
sparse table of size m=nk-1mk requires
at most O((n-nk-1)log^2(m/(tU-tL)) )
Proof …
Deletions are easy to implement, but are
difficult to analyze statitically.
In addition to the regular reconfiguration,
reconfiguration will also occur whenever
deletion reduces the number of genuine keys to
some threshold.
The authors were not able to provide an
analysis od s.t. under a sequence of