The Power of 10 - The K-Crew
Transcript The Power of 10 - The K-Crew
The Power of 10
Getting Back to Basics...
The Power of 10
Today, you will have the opportunity to
reflect on your own attitude toward
math and how you currently teach
math in your own classroom.
The Power of 10
We hope to convey the value of
creating a strong basic foundation in
We will do this by defining the basics,
naming why each is important, and
showing lots of video clips.
What is sorting:
categorizing objects by attribute
Why practice sorting:
to visually create sets,
to see parts vs. whole,
precursor to subitizing and addition
Sorting by 1 specific attribute (e.g. green
or “not green”)
• hula hoop
• color plate
• Color plate sort
Sorting by 1 attribute (e.g. by color)
• Color sort video
Sorting by 2 specific attributes (e.g.
round, blue)
• use 2 hula hoops
• Hula hoop sorting
What is counting:
to name the numbers in order,
to determine an amount
Why practice counting:
demonstrate verbal sequence,
1:1 correspondence,
keep track,
knowing the last number indicated
represents the total amount
Counting: workmats
• workmats
Counting: workmats
• workmat questioning
Counting: dice race
• dice race
Counting: missing number
• missing number
Counting: dice game
• dice game
go fish: play “go fish” using a deck of
10-frame cards
Counting: 5-frame flash
• 5 frame flash
Counting: roll & find
• roll & find
“hiding” dots:
1. use 5 dots and a bush cutout
2. choose how many will “hide”
3. count and compare the dots
hiding dots
number studies:
students will represent numbers in 5
different ways: dots, 10 frame, digit,
tallies, and fingers
these may be part of the students’ math
or daily journals, used as references
around the room, or part of a class book
• Counting Rhymes
• w/o internet
Counting & Subitizing
What is subitizing:
the ability to quickly connect a number
to a set without counting
Why practice subitizing:
speeds up process of determining an
precursor to operations
Counting & Subitizing
Perceptual Subitizing:
recognizing a set (1-6) WITHOUT any
grouping (e.g. knowing it’s 4 without
having to count)
Counting & Subitizing:
perceptual subitizing
• perceptual subitizing
Counting & Subitizing
Conceptual Subitizing:
recognizing subsets to subitize the whole
set (e.g. knowing it’s 6 because you see
2 sets of 3)
Counting & Subitizing:
conceptual subitizing
• conceptual subitizing
Counting & Subitizing
baseball: use a deck of dot cards (1-6)
1. flash a dot card to the 1st hitter
2. quick answers = hit (go to 1st base)
3. slow/no answer = strike
4. keep flashing cards to advance the
*practice PERCEPTUAL subitizing by using 2
dot cards or trick cards
Counting & Subitizing
number boss: (divide group into 2 lines)
1. flash dot card to the line leaders
2. 1st to subitize becomes “boss” and
stays at front of the line, opponent
goes to end of the line
3. keep flashing dot cards to line leaders
(boss & challenger)
*practice PERCEPTUAL subitizing by using 2
dot cards or trick cards
Counting & Subitizing: trick cards
• trick cards
Counting & Subitizing: trick cards
• using 10 frame to practice conceptual
Counting & Comparing
What is comparing:
determining whether a given number is
greater or fewer than another number,
as well as its place on the number line
Why practice comparing:
to determine the reasonableness of a
problem’s solution, precursor to
estimation skills
Counting & Comparing
blobs & bars:
present the SAME graph question each
day for a week (e.g. Do you have a dog
at home?)
Students will select their response by
choosing the corresponding colored
cube (e.g. red cubes for “yes,” blue
cubes for “no”)
Counting & Comparing:
blob Mondays
• blob Mondays
Counting & Comparing:
bar Tuesdays
• bar Tuesdays
Counting & Comparing:
pie graph Wednesdays
• pie graph Wednesdays
Counting & Comparing:
yes/no bag Thursdays
• yes/no bag Thursdays
Counting & Comparing:
prediction Fridays
• prediction Fridays
Counting & Comparing
grab bag colors:
1. choose 2 crayons
2. grab color squares from the bag
3. only glue the squares that match the
2 crayons
4. Which color had more squares? How
many more? Which color had fewer
Counting & Comparing
riddles (using 10 frame cards):
“My 10 frame has more than 4 counters,
but less than 9.”
“My 10 frame has an even number of
“My 10 frame has 1 more than 5 counters.”
Counting & Comparing
10 frame routines:
keep several sets of 10 frame cards handy
give each student a card, using the cards to:
1. line students up in numerical order
2. divide students into groups (odd, even, >5,
<5, same numbers together, etc.)
3. greatest (or least) number takes first turn,
Counting & Comparing
war: (divide sets of 10 frame cards between 2 players)
1. players place their own cards face
down in a pile
2. players both draw their top card,
placing it face up
3. player with the greatest number wins
and takes both cards
4. winner must state how he won: “8 is
greater than 5”
Counting & Comparing:
1 more, 1 less
• 1 more, 1 less
Counting & Comparing:
more or less number line
• more or less number line
Making Sets
What is a set:
a number of objects in a specified group
or unit
Why practice making sets:
Understanding sets involves making and
decomposing a set/subset, a precursor
to many number operations
Making Sets
sets of 5
• show a 5 frame filled with 2 different kinds of
• describe the whole set by naming the parts
• ask questions:
• How many counters did it take to fill the entire
frame? How do you know it was filled?
• How many red parts? How many yellow
parts? Show me how you know.
• If I had ___ cubes and the whole frame was
filled, how many cubes would there be?
Making Sets
number bracelets
• add beads to pipe cleaner bracelets
• students manipulate beads to
decompose that number
(1 + 4 = 5; 3 + 2 = 5; 2 +2 +1 =5)
Making Sets
weighing numbers
• decompose a number and compare it
to the whole
• place the whole set (5 purple cubes)
on one side of the balance
• place the decomposed sets (2 red
cubes and 3 blue cubes) on the other
side of the balance
• compare each set
Making Sets
making dot cards
• provide students with 21 “garage sale
dot” stickers and 6 blank index cards
• students will create their own dot cards
1-6 to use for games and
counting/subitizing practice
Adding & Subtracting
What is adding and subtracting:
manipulating and set by increasing or
decreasing its amount
Why practice adding and subtracting:
understand how number/amount can
be changed in predictable ways
Adding & Subtracting
5 frame adding & subtracting
• 5 frame adding & subtracting
Adding & Subtracting:
building towers
• building towers
Adding & Subtracting:
10 frame race
• 10 frame race
Adding & Subtracting:
play 10 fish
• play 10 fish
Adding & Subtracting:
race to 12
• race to 12