Transcript Speed Test

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1. One night in a hotel room
costs £25. How much would it
cost to stay for 3 nights?
2. Dave lives 2.1 miles away
from school. He walks there
and back every school day.
How far does he walk in a
3. There are 50 apples in a
box. Three fifths have gone
bad. How many are OK?
4. Look at these numbers:
4.81 4.805 4.91001.
Write down the smallest
5. Add the numbers 246 and
6. Work out 11 times 12.
7. Work out 156 take away 74.
8. Add 312 to 411 then
multiply by 1. What is the
9. The numbers 1 4 9 16 and
25 are square numbers. What
is the next square number? .
10. Think of the number 3482.
Round it to the nearest 10.
11. Estimate the answer to 79
times 4.
12. A coach can hold 70
people. How many coaches
would you need for 340
13. Write in figures the
number one million four
hundred thousand and six.
14. At 9 a.m. there are 56 cars
in the car park. By 10 a.m.
there are 141 and none have
left. How many have come in
during the hour?
15. Look at these
-4.2°C -0.9°C -5.3°C.
Write down which is the
16. How many sides has a
regular heptagon?
17. I think of a number then I
multiply it by 3.
Then I add 16.
The answer is 43.
What number did I think of ?
18. How many cm are there in
4.7 m?
19. Find the volume of a
cuboid which measures 8 cm
by 10 cm by 5 cm.
20. A cube has a volume
of 64 cm3.
What is the length of 1 side?
Press any key to see the answers
1. 75 pounds
2. 21 miles
3. 20 apples
4. 4.805
5. 275
6. 132
7. 82
8. 723
9. 36
10. 3480
11. 320
12. 5 coaches
13. 1 400 006
14. 85 cars
15. -5.3 C
16. 7
17. 9
18. 470 cm
19. 400 cm3
20. 4cm