je me brosse - Fort Bend ISD

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Transcript je me brosse - Fort Bend ISD

La routine du matin
Le matin, je me lève et ensuite je fais
ma toilette.
Puis, je m’habille. Après, je prends un
petit déjeuner.
Ensuite, je me brosse les dents. Puis, je
me brosse les cheveux.
Finalement, je prends mes affaires et je
sors de chez moi.
Les verbes réfléchis
Reflexive verbs
What is a reflexive verb?
1. Express reflexive actions performed by the subject upon
himself, herself, or itself
2. Use reflexive pronouns (ex. me, te, se)
3. Often have to do with the following topics:
a) one's body: (such as to do your hair | se coiffer, to
blow one’s nose | se moucher )
b) one's clothing (such as to get dressed | s’habiller, to
put on one’s shoes| se chausser)
c) one's own personal circumstances (such as to get
used to | s’habituer, to rest | se reposer)
d) one’s daily routines (such as to go to bed | se
coucher, to wake up | se réveiller)
How do you form reflexive
1. All reflexive verbs start out as “ se + verb ”.
a. se brosser – to brush oneself
2. You conjugate the verb according to its type: -er, -ir, -re
a) Brosser  je brosse
3. The reflexive pronoun “se” will match the subject
a) I brush my teeth  Je me brosse les dents.
b) You brush your teeth  Tu te brosses les dents.
c) S/he brushes her/his teeth  Il / elle se brosse les dents.
4. The reflexive pronoun always goes before the verb.
• Se brosser les dents – to brush one’s teeth
• Je me brosse les dents.
• Tu te brosses les dents
• Elle se brosse les dents
• S’habiller – to dress oneself
• Je m’habille
• Tu t’habilles
• Il s’habille