reflexive verbs - romancinglanguages

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Transcript reflexive verbs - romancinglanguages

Point de départ
A reflexive verb usually describes what a person does to
or for himself or herself. In other words, it “reflects” the
action of the verb back to the subject. Reflexive verbs
always use reflexive pronouns.
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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The pronoun se before an infinitive identifies the verb
as reflexive: se laver.
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When a reflexive verb is conjugated, the reflexive pronoun
agrees with the subject. Except for se, reflexive pronouns
have the same forms as direct and indirect object pronouns;
se is used for both singular and plural 3rd person subjects.
Note that the reflexive pronouns nous and vous are identical
to the corresponding subject pronouns.
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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
S’endormir is conjugated like dormir. Se lever and
se sécher follow the same spelling-change patterns as
acheter and espérer, respectively.
Some verbs can be used reflexively and non-reflexively.
If the verb acts upon something other than the subject,
the non-reflexive form is used.
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When a body part is the direct object of a reflexive verb, it
is usually preceded by a definite article.
You form the imperative of a reflexive verb as you would a
non-reflexive verb. Add the reflexive pronoun to the end of
an affirmative command. In negative commands, place the
reflexive pronoun between ne and the verb. (Remember to
change me / te to moi / toi in affirmative commands.)
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Complétez les phrases avec les
formes correctes des verbes.
se brossent (se brosser) les dents.
1. Ils __________
2. À quelle heure est-ce que vous __________ (se coucher)?
3. Tu __________ (s’endormir) en cours.
4. Nous __________ (se sécher) les cheveux.
5. On __________ (s’habiller) vite! Il faut partir.
6. Les femmes __________ (se maquiller) souvent.
7. Tu ne __________ (se déshabiller) pas encore.
8. Je __________ (se lever) vers onze heures.
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