Parts of Speech - Moore Middle School

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Transcript Parts of Speech - Moore Middle School

(There’s 8 of them!)
 A NOUN names a person, place, thing, or idea.
 What do the following nouns refer to?
1) Hill—place
2) Mockingbird---thing
3) Boy--- person
• Example:
Moby throws a rock into the lake.
The rock sinks to the bottom.
 A VERB describes an action or a state of being.
--Action verbs = something you have to move your
body or brain to do
--Linking verbs = are used to link the subject to words that
describe it
(we’ll worry about those later!)
 Examples:
Moby throws a rock into the lake.
The rock sinks to the bottom.
 ADJECTIVES describe (or modify) a noun.
 They usually come before the noun that they are
describing (but not always)
Moby has an orange head.
This lake is big.
 ADVERBS describe (or modify) a verb
 Sometimes they modify adjectives and other adverbs
 GOOD HINT: usually adverbs end with –ly!
Moby stood up quickly.
Moby cries very loudly.
 A CONJUNCTION is a word that is used to join two (or
more) words or phrases together
 There are 3 of the most common conjunctions:
Would you like to have pizza and Coke, or would you
prefer spaghetti and Sprite?
 An INTERJECTION is a word or phrase (not a
complete sentence) that is used to express emotion.
 Sometimes interjections are set off with exclamation
points, sometimes they are set off with commas.
 Examples:
 OUCH! That shot hurt!
 Wow, your poster looks really great!
 PRONOUNS are words that are used in place of nouns.
 You can use them to avoid repeating the name of a
person, place or thing.
 Anna brought Anna’s report card home for Anna’s mom.
(that sounds ridiculous!)
 Anna brought her report card home for her mom.
Steve, you should really take your smelly gym clothes out
of your locker.
 A PREPOSITION is a word that shows a relationship
between two (or more) things in a sentence.
 Prepositions can show where things are in relationship to
each other, or how two things are related to each other.
 HINT: Prepositions are usually found hiding between
nouns in a sentence.
There is a treasure under the bridge.
You should eat a piece of cake!
This birthday present on the table is from Susie.
(hint… not every sentence has all 8 parts of
 Sam went quickly down the road to the yellow house.
 Sam went quickly down the road to the yellow house.
 Tina, put your math homework on my desk now.
 Tina, put your math homework on my desk now.