Reflexive Verbs Verbos Reflexivos

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Reflexive Verbs:
Reflexive Verbs are used to
talk about a person doing
something that involves himself
or herself.
I bathe (myself).
I shave (myself).
Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive verbs use reflexive pronouns
that refer to the person doing the action.
Reflexive Pronouns
• Me = myself
• Te = yourself
• Se = him/herself
• Nos = ourselves
• Se = yourselves/themselves
Reflexive verb infinitives end in “se”
Levantarse = to get oneself up, to get
out of bed
Levantar = to raise up, pick up
*Levanto el libro.
*Me levanto de la cama a las siete.
How to use:
1)Take the “se” off the end of the
infinitive verb
2) Decide what pronoun to use:
me, te, se, nos, os, se
3) Conjugate the verb like normal, and put the
pronoun before the verb:
I get up. =
Me levanto.
I got up. =
Me levanté.
1) I wash my face. (lavarse)
Me lavo la cara.
2) I woke up at eight. (despertarse)
Me desperté a las ocho.
3) Julia got married. (casarse)
Julia se casó.
If there is an INFINITIVE in the sentence, you can
put the pronoun on the end of the infinitive:
Voy a levantarme.
Me voy a levantar.
• No me gusta levantarme temprano.
• A mi abuela no le gusta bañarse.
We are going to get up early. (levantarse)
1) Vamos a levantarnos temprano.
2) Nos vamos a levantar temprano.
Are you going to get up early?
1) ¿Vas a levantarte temprano?
2) ¿Te vas a levantar temprano?
• Write an original sentence using the word
you are given.
• You will then write your word on the
board, and read your sentence to the
• As each student presents, you should add
each word to your notes.
1. Aburrirse = to get bored
2. Cansarse = to get tired
3. Cepillarse (los dientes) = to brush
(your teeth)
4. Peinarse = to comb one’s hair
5. Pintarse las uñas = to paint one’s
6. Ponerse = to put (something) on
7. Vestirse = to get dressed
8. Preocuparse de = to worry about
9. Lavarse las manos = to wash your hands
10. Lavarse = to wash
11. Arreglarse = to get ready
12. Maquillarse = to put on makeup
13. Secarse = to dry off
14. Acostarse(oue) = to go to bed, lay down
15. Casarse con = to get married to
16. Bañarse = to bathe
17. Ducharse = to shower
18. Afeitarse = to shave
19. Levantarse = to get up
20. Despertarse (eie)= to wake up
21. Irse = to leave
22. Divertirse (eie, ei)= to have fun, enjoy yourself
23. Lastimarse = to hurt (oneself)
24. Sentirse (eie, ei) = to feel
25. Dormirse (oue, ou) = to fall asleep
26. Quemarse = to burn (yourself)
27. Enfermarse = to get sick
1. I wake up at seven.
2. I put makeup on.
3. Did you shower?
4. I get myself ready at eight o’clock.
• 10 GOOD sentences using reflexive verbs.
and house vocabulary.
• Use different subjects
(me, you, him/her…)
• Tell what you do and where you do it.
Example: Me ducho en el baño.