Transcript File

Discuss with your partner:
What do we mean by exam techniques?
In groups of 4 brainstorm as many different exam
techniques as you can. Consider:
- General exam techniques:
e.g. how to use time, clues given by questions
and answers
e.g. pictures, what you know about the culture of
- Language
e.g. cognates, grammar
Let’s see how many of these you got…
General exam techniques:
1) Read the questions carefully and
highlight any key points to ensure you
answer it correctly
2) Look at the number of points for each
answer and ensure you have an answer
for each point
3) For the listening exam:
Listen carefully to the examples to ensure
you understand how to answer each
4) For the reading exam:
Read the text through first to get the gist
and to help you know where to look for
the answers (remember these are always
in order)
5) Ignore words which you don’t need to
answer the question
6) If you get stuck move on don’t spend
too long on one question you can always
come back to it!
7) In the listening exam use the time
between the questions to continue to
check your answers and read ahead
8) Narrow down your options as far as
you can and then make a calculated
guess if necessary. DO NOT LEAVE
9) Ensure that the answer matches the
format requested e.g. if it asks for a letter
don’t write a number!
10) For the listening exam use your
reading time wisely:
- identify the pictures
- translate any German words
- translate any English words
- write down any language you think you
might hear
11) For the reading exam use the visual
and verbal clues:
- layout
- length
- type face
- pictures
- title
12) Make use of the social/cultural
- think about what you know about
German speaking countries and society in
general to predict answers.
13) Use your common sense!
What answer do you expect to the
What floor is the flat on?
14) Use cognates and near cognates:
e.g. Hand, Name, Knie, Adresse, Ingenieur
15) Split the word down into its component
e.g. Bus/halte/stelle = bus stop (bus stopping
16) Look for adjectives embedded in words:
e.g. verbessern/beruhigen
N.B. even if you can only recognise part of the
word have a guess!
17) Use prefixes:
un = negative e.g. unmöglich/ unglücklich
ab = away e.g. abfahren/abholen
auf = up e.g. aufstehen/aufgeben
aus = out e.g. ausgehen, Ausfahrt
ein = in e.g. einsteigen/Eintritt
durch = through e.g. durchfahren/Durchschnitt
mit = with e.g. mitgehen/mitnehmen
an = at/on/near e.g. ankommen/anziehen
um = around/about/change of state
e.g. umsteigen, umziehen
zu = to/at/for e.g. zuhören/Zuschauer
18) Use suffixes:
in = feminine form e.g. freundin, Engländerin
heit = -ness e.g. Krankheit/Faulheit
schaft = -ship e.g.
19) Infinitives used as nouns:
das Schwimmen/das Wandern (-ing)
21) Watch out for false friends:
e.g. Gymnasium, Gift.
22) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- plurals
Q) Does Lisel have any brothers and
Lisel hat zwei Brüder
What other clue do we have here?
- Number: zwei
23) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- negatives
Q) Does Lisel have any brothers and
Lisel hat keine Geschwister
24) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- adjectives
Q) Which room is small?
Die Küche ist groß aber das Wohnzimmer
ist klein.
25) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- pronouns
Q) What is Georg’s sister called?
Ich habe eine Schwester und sie heißt Nicola
aber er hat eine Schwester und seine
Schwester heißt Karin.
26) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- prepositions
Q) On which floor is the flat?
Die Wohnung hat fünf Zimmer und es ist auf
dem siebten Stock.
27) Make use of your grammar knowledge:
- verb tense
Q) What sport does Katja normally play at the
Dieses Wochenende hat Katja Tennis gespielt
normalerweise spielt sie Handball.
What other clue do we have here?
- Time phrase: normalerweise
Tense clues:
- e/st/t/en/t/en = present tense
- Form of haben/sein + ge + t/en = past tense
- Verb has an extra t = imperfect tense
- Form of werden + infinitive = future tense
- Form of würden + infinitive = conditional tense
N.B. Verbs may move places with word order so
underline/listen out for the parts you recognise:
e.g. Am Wochenende habe ich einen Film
gesehen, anstatt Fussball zu spielen, weil es
geregnet hat.
Time phrases:
- normalerweise/ morgens/ = present tense
- Gestern/ damals= Past/imperfect tense
- in der Zükunft/Morgen =Future/conditional tense
N.B. Present tense can be used for the
immediate future indicated by a time phrase.
Can you brainstorm some more??
• The answers are in the order of the text.
• Check which Language you need to
answer in – otherwise the whole answer
could be incorrect (if you answer in the
incorrect Language).
• Look out for the questions with BOLD
words. Extra help for you!!!
How many did you get?
What else can you add?
What 5 exam techniques have you taken away
from today’s lesson?