Verb Usage – Part One Principal Parts of Verbs

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Verb Usage – Part One
Principal Parts of Verbs
Grade Seven
Principal Parts of Verbs
• There are four principal parts of verbs:
1. Present part
2. Present participle
3. Past part
4. Past participle
Present Part
• The present part of a verb shows an action
that is currently happening.
• A present part of a verb may end in “s.”
Ex. do, play, plan, think
Present Participle Part
• A present participle is formed by adding “ing”
to the present form of the verb.
• A present participle shows an action that
• A present participle must have a linking verb
before it to be used correctly in a sentence.
Ex. doing, playing, planning, thinking
Past Part
• A past part of a verb may add the letters “ed” to
the present part of the verb. If the verb can do
this, it is called a regular verb.
• If the verb can not be formed by adding “ed,”
then it is called an irregular verb. It has to change
somehow to form the past part.
• “Played” and “planned” are regular verbs in the
past part.
• “Did” and “thought” are irregular verbs in the
past part.
Past Participle Part
• A past participle is formed when “have,” “has,”
or “had” is placed before the verb part. If the
verb is regular, the past part will follow the “h”
helping verb. If the verb is irregular, the main
verb will change.
Ex. have, has, or had done
Ex. have, has, or had played
Ex. have, has, or had planned
Ex. have, has, or had thought
This completes the review of
the chapter of part one of verb
usage. For additional review,
see Mrs. Frow in 106 or Mrs.
Geer in the library for the
review folder.