QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 1
Transcript QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 1
“Morphology of the words”
Lesson 10
Lessons from the book
basics of Arabic Grammar
Compiled by: Sheikh Safdar Razi Ali
13- Patterns of derived nouns
(Al Ism Mushtaq)
• There are 7 Patterns in Nouns that we will discuss:
1 Subject Noun FAAE’L كاتب=فاعل
2 Object Noun MAFU’OOL مكتوب=مفعول
3 Siffah Mushabihah (Description similar to Subject), Extensive
Emphasis AFA’L اسود=افعل
4 Superlative Noun AFA’LA MIN اكبرمن= افعل من
5 Amplifying noun FA’AAL الرحمن=فعّال
6 Time Noun MAFE’L مغرب=مفعل
7 Place Noun MAFA’L مركز=مفعل
8 Tool Noun MEFA’AAL منشار=مفعال
الص َفة ال ُم َشبَّهة
similar to subject noun
• ص َفة ال ُم َشبَّهة
ِ : اسم فاعلcannot be derived from some verbs like
ُ )الف ِعverbs. In such a case Siff-Althe intransitive (ل االزم
Moshabaha is derived from it.
• ص َفة ال ُم َشبَّهة
ِ does not indicate the doer of an action but
indicates a stable description
such as اس ٌن
ِ (ولَ ٌد َح
َ ) اسم فاعلbeautifying boy and (ولَ ٌد َح َس ٌنa
َ ال ُم
beautiful boy) (شبَّهة
ص َفة
ِ )
َ ال ُمbecause it is not اسم فاعل
It is called MOSHABAHA شبَّهة
(subject noun) but acts like it grammatically, so it is similar
َ )ال ُمto اسم فاعل
Forms of الص َفة ال ُم َشبَّهة
– 4 lettered form similar to اسم فاعلsuch as َ اِعت َد َل َ َيع َتدِل مع َتدِل
– Most of the tri-lettered verbs has commonly known form
(SOMAA’EYA) such as كريم
ِ on the scale of ف ِعيل
– Except for the ones which indicate a color such as َسود
َ ََا
(black) and defect such as َعمى
َ َ( اblind) or a character such as
َ ََ(اgenerous). For these are formed on the scale of فعل
َ َا
Four-Lettered Forms
َ ( َفFemale)
• AF’AL (آفعلMale),
FA’LAA’A عَلء
– AHMAR (اَح َمرMale), HAMRAA’A مرا ُء
َ ( َحFemale) = Red
َ ( َفMale), FA’LAA ( َفعلَىFemale)
• FA’LAAN عَلن
– JOWA’AAN وعان
َ ( َجMale), JOW’AA ( َجو َعىFemale) = Hungry
– Further the standard forms are mentioned in coming slides.
Intransitive form 1: َف ِع َلhas three
َ الص َفة ال ُم
If the AYN had a KASRA then the شبَّهة
ِ will be as
Tri letter form: FAE’LA َف ِع َل FAE’LUN َف ِع ٌل
ََ ( َف ِرFARIHA)ٌَ( َف ِرحFARIHON) - Happy
Intransitive Form 2 verb ََ َف ُع َل
(If the Ayn of the verb had a dhamma and is intransitive ()الف ِع ُل الَلزم
FAOLA َ َفع َل FAE’EELUN ٌ َفعِي َل
KARUMA َكر ََم KAREEMUN =كري ٌَمGenerous
Zaofa َضعفZaEeefun ضعيف
Faola Fuaalun َ َفع َل فعال
َ Shujaa’’a شجاع
Shajoa شج ََع
FaolaFa’lun َ َفع َل فعل
Sahola َ سه َل
Sahlun ٌ =سه َل
َ Easy
FaolaFa’aalun َ َفع َل فعال
Jabuna ََجبنJabaanَجبان
Faola Faalun َ َفع َلفعل
Batulaََ َبطل Batalunَََب َطل
Faola َ فع َلfu’lun َ َفع َل
Saluba ب
ََ صلSalbun
ََ ص
Patterns – Seegah mubaalagah
َ الص
يغة ال ُم َبالِ َغه
Amplification in Description
• Seegah Mubaalagha الصي َغة ال ُم َبالِ َغه
is used to
emphasize, amplify and magnify the emphasis of a
Forms of amplified nouns
• from the triliteral verbs: there is no standard forms but (SOMAA’EYA). The most
famous forms are:
A. (َ َف َّعال:َ( َج َّبارgiant)
B. (َ َف َّعالة:َ( َع اّلمةhigh scholar)
C. (َمِفعال:َ(مِفضالexcellent)
E. (َفِ ِّعيل:َ(صِ دِّيقvery truthful)
F. (َ َفعِل:َ( َحذِرvery cautious)
G. (َفعيل:َ( َرحيمvery merciful) (form is used as a SIFFA MOSHABAHA
to indicate the amplification of اسمَفاعلas well . In this example it
is an amplification of َرا ِح ٌمRAAHIM)
H. (َ َفعول:َ( َکذوبbig liar) (form is used to indicate a meaning similar to
اسمَمفعولsuch as the amplification of سل
َ مرis َرسول
Rule of رحيم – فعيلin both cases ( فاعلand ) َمفعول
• The rule that applies to the form ( فعيلthe description) and the
noun that it describes is different depending on its meaning:
• A. If فعيلhas the meaning of ( فاعلsubject) then it follows the noun
it describes in gender.
ٌ فيق و هذه َش
ٌ هذا َشthis male compassionate person
• For example: فيقة
and this female compassionate person.
• B. If it has the meaning of an objective َمفعولcompliment it remains
masculine even if the noun it is describing is feminine. For
example: ( جا َء رج ٌل َجري ٌحan injured man came) and جائت امرأةٌ َجري ٌح
)an injured woman came). This is only the case if the described
word is mentioned, if it is implied the adjective must follow the
described word in gender. For example: ريح ٌة
َ جا َء َجري ٌح و َجthe injured
[man] and the injured [woman] came).
Rule of رسول – َفعُولin both cases
( فاعلand ) َمفعول
• If the form َفعُولdescribes a noun that has the meaning of an
objective ‘ َمفعولcompliment it follows the noun’s gender.
• For example: هذارسولthis
male messenger and هذه َرسولَةthis
female messenger).
• B. If it has the meaning of subject فاعلthen it remains
masculine even if the noun it is describing is feminine. For
example: ُ( جا َء األب ُالحنونthe loving father came) and جائت األ ُ ُّم
ُالحنونthe loving mother came).
• This is only the case if the described word is mentioned, if it is
implied the adjective must follow the described word in
gender. For example: جا َء الحنونُ و الحنو َن ُةthe loving [father] and
the loving [mother] came.
Grammar of seegah mubaalagah
َ الص
يغة ال ُم َبالِ َغه
• الص َغة ال ُم َبالِ َغهcan
replace a verb if two
conditions are present:
َ الصis
The يغة ال ُم َبالِ َغه
• Articulated with Al اَل
• Depends on Mobtada (Nominal Subject,
Negation or interrogation)