Transcript document

The Obediance Study
authority – (noun) the power or right to influency, control, or prohibit the actions of others.
confederates – (noun) person or a group united with others; an ally.
They found that virtually nothing the victim did or said changed the likelihood of compliance.
barbarous – (adj.) savagely cruel or harsh
Researchers in other countries have also found high percentages of obedience.
compliance – (noun) a tendency to yield readily to others, especially in a weak and subservient way.
They obeyed even when they themselves were anguished about the pain they believed they were causing.
obedience – (noun) the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior
Only someone who was disturbed and sadistic would administer the highest voltage.
anguished – (verb) to suffer, or feel extreme pain.
The learners were confederates of Milgram and did not receive any shocks.
sadistic – (adj.) getting pleasure from extreme cruelty
Milgram wanted to know how many people would obey an authority figure when directly ordered to violate their own
ethical standards.
There is a big difference between people who initiate sadistic, barbarous policies and those who follow orders.
atrocities – (noun) extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal acts.
Milgram shows us how ordinary people can become the origins of atrocities in the real world.