Chapter 7 notes

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Memory Management
Memory Management is the managing of
the pool of available memory in a
computer system, allocating space to
application programs and making sure that
they do not interfere with each other
The problem of memory management is
composed of three sub-problems:
 This is the problem of assigning suitable
storage space to processes as required.
 An efficient memory allocation mechanism
may be expected to respond quickly to:
 requests for assorted amounts of memory
 to assign memory only when needed
 To reclaim memory promptly when its use is
 This is the problem of matching programs and data to
the memory locations that have been allocated to them.
 A program on disk is a binary executable file, it must be
loaded into memory in a process to be executed.
 In general, a user process can reside anywhere in free
memory. Possibly even being moved once execution
has begun. Modifications must be made to addresses in
machine instructions and data to reflect the addresses
actually used.
 Addresses represented in source programs are symbolic, such
as the name of a variable. Sum
 The compiler will “bind” these symbolic addresses to relocatable
addresses, such as 100 bytes from the beginning of the module.
 The linkage editor/loader will bind these relocatable addresses to
absolute address, such as byte 74321
 This is the problem of restricting a
process’s access to memory that has
actually been allocated to it.
 When we think of the structure of an OS,
an OS is generally a collection of routines
 Some that are essential such as those that
control physical I/O are resident (or always
loaded into memory)
 Others are transient, which means they are
stored on disk, and read into memory only
when needed. These are usually utility
routines that are not essential to the control
and operation of the system.
Normally the OS occupies low memory beginning with address 0,
although the resident portion of the OS can be in high or low
memory, the location of the interrupt vector is the primary factor in
governing the kernel’s location.
Control information comes first, followed by resident routines and
the remaining memory forms the “transient area” where
application programs and transient routines are loaded
Transient Area
Resident Operating System
System Control Information
 Memory allocation refers to the action of selecting and reserving
particular parts of memory for use by particular processes.
 Early operating systems allocated space in physical memory with
little or no hardware assistance, or protection.
 The need for memory management grew as OS capabilities
 Usually memory is allocated to a process in discrete blocks or
regions that must be contiguous (they must occupy consecutive
addresses in the logical or virtual address space of the process.)
 These logical addresses are converted to physical addresses when
data and instructions are fetched during the instruction execution
In early systems…
 The evolution of memory management
techniques has been shaped largely by the
resource’s early characteristics.
 Memory was expensive and slow
 Only very limited amounts were available
 Multiprogramming evolved partly because of the need
to share such an expensive resource among several
concurrent processes, increasing the amount of work
 The memory allocation strategies have evolved as
OS’s have become more complex.
No Allocation
 Simplest strategy is none at all.
 Possible only on systems that run
a single program at a time
 Each program has total access to
ALL portions of memory and can
manage and use it in any manner.
 Simple approach with costs
nothing to implement (it entails no
OS services)
 The program can use all memory
A bare machine with no
memory allocation and no
OS in memory
previously occupied by the OS.
It’s the program’s responsibility to
reload the OS when it completes.
Single-user Operating Systems
 The simplest type of OS serves only a
single user and runs only one process at a
 Memory needs only to be shared between
the single process and the OS itself
 A program may use whatever memory it
needs as long as the required memory
exists and is not needed by the OS.
Single user OS
 Memory in such systems is typically viewed as
being divided into two regions: one for the OS
and one for the application program
 The placement of the resident portion of the OS
in memory can be in either high or low memory
 Some systems use low memory for the resident
portion of the OS because this region contains
locations with special built-in properties such as
interrupt vectors.
 Sometimes, even though it controls special
hardware locations in low memory, the OS itself
may be located in high memory.
Protecting the Nucleus
 RAM is easily changed. Providing allocation mechanisms is only
meaningful when it is accompanied by protection.
 With multiple programs in memory, it is easy for one program to
destroy the contents of memory belonging to another program.
 Some mechanism should exist to prevent a process’s access to
unallocated locations.
 Generally the OS keeps track of the space assigned to each program.
In terms of the address of the first byte of memory assigned to the
process, and the range (or # of bytes assigned to the process)
 If a program attempts to modify the contents of memory locations that
do not belong to it, the OS’s memory protection routine intervenes and
usually terminates the program.
 For single user OS’s, the lack of protection is typically viewed as not
serious since it is a single user machine, and disruption of OS
services would affect a single user.
Allocation for multiprogramming
 Memory Management in a
Application 2
Application 1
Resident Monitor
multiprogramming environment
is more difficult than with a
single user system.
Multiprogramming operating
systems require that memory be
shared among two or more
A portion of memory must be
chosen for allocation to each
process, when it is created
Memory allocated to a process
should be protected from
access by another process
As part of the process we will
need to keep track of the
starting address of the memory
assigned to the process, and
the range of addresses it can
access. The CPU must load
this information when a process
is selected for execution.
When allocating memory, an OS
can take either a static or dynamic
 With static allocation a process is assigned
all the memory it is expected to require when
it is loaded and started.
 It can not be loaded until sufficient memory is
 The process keeps all its memory throughout
its lifetime, and cannot obtain more
 Simple to manage strategy, but does not
allow effective sharing of memory in a multiprogrammed system, may result in under or
over allocation.
 Dynamic allocation offers more efficient
memory use.
After an initial allocation, each process is
permitted to request addition memory as needed
during execution and is expected to release
memory it no longer needs.
In this strategy, the OS is presented with an
unpredictable sequence of allocate and free
requests to assign and release individual blocks
of memory
Memory is viewed as consisting of a variable
number of blocks which may vary in size
Each request must be filled by a single
contiguous region made available in the logical
address space of the requesting process.
The next issue is HOW to divide the
available memory into portions that can
be allocated to processes!
There are 2 general strategies.
Static memory area definition:
 This is the simplest approach to managing
This divides the available memory into a series
of “fixed-length” partitions, each of which will
hold one program. (USED BY MFT)
The # and size of each partition is determined
when the OS is loaded, and once established
does not change. # of processes is fixed!!!
This means that in part the some of the memory
allocation decisions are made before the actual
amount of space needed by a program is
Blocks defined and allocated via this strategy
are called fixed partitions (partitions).
Dynamic memory area definition:
 The transient area is viewed as an
unstructured pool of free space.
 When a program is loaded, the OS
allocates a region of memory just sufficient
to hold the program.
 The number of concurrent programs
depends of the size and number of
Static allocation can be used
with either static or
dynamically memory area
Assuming a multiprogramming operating system uses
static allocation and either static or dynamic memory
area definition, several scenarios exist for loading
programs into memory:
1. Several processes can share memory, each being
allocated the same amount of space using
statically-defined fixed partitions. There is a fixed
maximum number of processes.
2. Several processes can share memory, each being
allocated different amounts of space using
statically-defined fixed partitions. Again, there is a
fixed maximum number of processes, based on the
number of partitions.
3. Several processes can share memory, each being
allocated different amounts of space using a
variable number of variable-size regions. Here the
number of processes may have no fixed maximum.
Using Statically defined partitions
 A fixed memory partition strategy divides
all available space into a fixed number of
 The partitions may or may not be all the
same size (# of bytes)
 Each has a fixed size established when
the OS is first loaded and initialized.
 Common strategy in real-time systems
and early batch OS’s such as OS/360 and
is no longer in use.
 In this example memory is partitioned into a fixed
partition system.
Four partitions allow up to four processes to execute
Simplifies memory management, because we only need
to identify if a partition is free or allocated. Usually
accomplished through the use of control blocks which
defines the size of an individual partition, and whether or
not it is free.
Memory allocated to a process which is not needed by
that process is wasted
If no waiting program can fit into a free partitions the
partition remains empty, and processes must wait.
 Disadvantages
 # of process that can run is fixed
 Unused memory at the end of each partition is
wasted if the process does not need the entire
partition into which it is loaded.
Dynamically Defined Regions
 Allows the dynamic definition of a variable
number of variable size memory regions.
 The size of each region is determined
when the region is allocated by the OS
 The number of concurrent processes
becomes variable, depending on the
amount of memory available when the
allocation request occurs.
Figure 7-5: A Variable Partition Environment
 Control blocks are dynamically created to
keep track of which regions have been
allocated to processes and which areas of
memory are free.
 This method has been used by several
OS’s including OS/360 (MVT), some
versions of Windows and Macintosh OS.
 This method is a cross between static and
dynamic methods
 From the standpoint of the process:
 allocation is static. (only one region will be allocated)
 The space assigned to each process is variable and
determined when the process starts, but doesn’t change.
 From the OS’s standpoint:
 Allocation is dynamic
 It deals with many processes of different sizes that must start
and stop at unpredictable times.
 Memory can become fragmented as processes are
allocated regions, and then free them when the processes
Figure 7-6: Fragmentation in Variable Space Allocation
 A disadvantage is that this method STILL
does not solve the wasted space problem.
 Fragmentation occurs when memory
becomes divided into many small separate
sections that are not large enough to meet
the needs of waiting processes.
 As processes terminate, regions become
available but another process can not use
that memory unless it will fit inside the
existing region.
 We need to implement methods to
reorganize processes to reclaim free
partitions such as swapping or compaction
Dynamic allocation
 Processes are allocated memory as requested.
 Principal OS support operations are allocate & free
 Operations are invoked via a system call at the program
 Heap management
 Memory is viewed as a collection of blocks of random sizes that
will be allocated and freed in unpredictable order.
 Essentially, a collection of blocks/holes are scattered throughout
memory. These blocks are of various sizes, and we have
processes waiting in the input queue.
 Memory is allocated to processes until finally the memory
requested by the next process is not available .
 The OS can wait until sufficient resources are available, or skip
down the input queue, handling requests that can be fulfilled.
 An allocate call requests a specific amount
of memory from the OS.
There is no requirement that the memory
be in a specific location within memory
But it must be contiguous
The OS must allocate the memory and
make it available in the address space of
the process.
If no suitable region is available the
process must wait
 The free operation is used by a process to deallocate regions it no longer needs.
 Each de-allocated block must be freed in its
 The OS needs to reclaim freed blocks and make
them available to later allocation requests
 Any remaining un-freed space belonging to a
process is freed when the process terminates.
Memory Control Blocks
 Blocks of memory whether allocated or free are
described by memory control blocks (MCBs).
 Free memory control blocks represent “free”
blocks of memory (FMCBs)
 Allocated memory control blocks represent
allocated blocks of memory. (AMCBs)
 Free blocks are maintained on a linked list of
FMCB’s ordered by either decreasing size,
and/or increasing memory address.
 Where are Memory Control blocks stored?
 FMCB’s and AMCB’s may be stored in a
system control block area that is separate and
protected, accessible only by the OS
 Alternately, they may be a part of the
corresponding memory block they describe,
conveniently placed as a header at the
beginning of the block
Figure 7-7:
 Handling requests:
 When an allocation request is received, the
system searches the free list for a block that
is large enough for the process. If the block
selected is “too big” it is split in half, part is
allocated to the process and the other
returned to the free list.
 When a process terminates or frees allocated
memory, the released block is placed back
into the list of free blocks. If the newly
returned block is physically adjacent to other
free blocks, they are joined together to form a
new larger free block.
How do we quickly determine
which blocks are free or allocated
Boundary Tag Method
 Devised by Knuth in 1973
 Two MCB’s are placed in each region
 At the end of each region is a simplified MCB containing
the size of the block and an indication of whether or not
the block is allocated
 At the beginning of each block is a complete MCB
containing the size of the block and all of the appropriate
pointers to the next and previous FMCBs or AMCBs
 This method simplifies the joining of adjacent free
 As blocks are freed, it is simple to check the boundary
tag of adjacent blocks. IF they are free then the blocks
can be combined into a single larger block.
Bit Maps
 Useful when memory is partitioned into blocks of
equal fixed size.
Each block is represented by a bit, and the value
of the bit indicates whether the block is free or
allocated (1 allocated, 0 free)
Allocation is done in multiples of these fixed size
The address and size of the memory blocks
allocated must be stored in or linked to the PCB
When a process terminates, the appropriate bits
in the bit map must be set back to zero to
indicate that the memory blocks are now free.
Figure 7-8: Memory Management Using Bit Maps
Allocation Strategies for
supporting Dynamic
Allocation of a Varying
number of variable sized
First Fit
Process A
First Fit
 This method examines each FMCB starting from the
beginning of the list of FMCBs and selects the first one
large enough to fulfill the request.
 The selected block is then divided into two parts
 A portion large enough to fulfill the request
 Remainder is returned to the FMCB (a new smaller block is
 Method is simple and fast
 May lead to a rapid breakdown of large blocks, because
a small request may be filled from a large block.
 Tendency for small blocks to collect at the front of the
free list.
Next Fit
 A roving pointer is maintained which points to
the location where the last search ended.
New searches begin at this location
The list is treated as a circular list, so that the
pointer in the “last” FMCB is linked to the
beginning of the list
If the pointer returns to the place where it began,
then request can not be fulfilled
Eliminates some of the problems with the “firstfit” strategy, because small blocks do not
accumulate at the beginning of the list.
Allocation is more evenly distributed throughout
the list and memory is used more evenly.
Best Fit
 Neither of the previous strategies consider the
size of the block selected.
The best fit strategy examines ALL free blocks
and chooses the one whose size most closely
matches the request.
Requires a search for the one best fitting block
(more efficient if FMCBs are linked together in
order of size!)
Wastes the smallest amount of memory
But leftover portions are usually too small to be
useful, so often the block is not divided
 Selects the block that yields the largest
remainder after it is divided.
It allocates from the largest block
FMCBs should be linked in descending
order by size
Yields leftovers that are likely to be useful
in future allocation requests.
However since largest blocks are always
consumed first, they are unlikely to be
available if a large request is submitted.
Choosing a strategy
 Each of the previous strategies have advantages and
 One measure is the amount of time it takes to “block” –
how long before the system is unable to process and
allocation request because of insufficient memory.
 Fragmentation (both internal and external) and eventual
blockage is inevitable with all of the algorithms
 Internal fragmentation is when a requested block is not used in
its entirety by the requesting process.
 External fragmentation is when several free blocks exist, but are
not contiguous so they can not be used to fulfill a request.
 When blockage occurs it must be resolved via some
technique such as swapping or compaction.
 Also we must consider HOW do divide the block when
an allocation request if fulfilled. Do we allocate from the
beginning or the end of the block?
Recovering Blocks
 The heap manager relies on the “free”
operations to return storage blocks when
they are no longer needed.
 These blocks must be returned to the free
list in a way that makes them useful to
future requests.
 The smaller a block is the less likely it is to
be useful in fulfilling future allocations.
 Freeing memory should involve 2 steps
1. Moving the blocks MCB from the allocated
list to the “free” list.
2. Checking to determine if adjacent blocks are
free, and if so combining them into a single
larger block represented by a single MCB
 If the linked list of FMCBs are ordered by
increasing memory address, then
checking adjacent blocks is simple.
How do we divide blocks
 As previously mentioned, free blocks are divided
when allocated to a process.
 A part big enough to fulfill the request is associated
with an AMCB and provided to the process.
 The remainder is returned to the system associated
with an FMCB.
 An important issues involves how to divide
blocks effectively so that the remainder is useful
to the system in fulfilling future requests?
 If the remainder block is VERY small then
it will be “useless” as an independent free
 To solve this situation, the memory
manager may choose NOT to divide
blocks if the remainder is less than some
pre-selected minimum.
 When a “free” is performed the entire
block rejoins the free list intact!
 This strategy works well with a best-fit
allocation method
The Buddy System
An alternative strategy is the “buddy system”
In this strategy a block must be used intact or divided exactly in half
If a block is divided the 2 halves are considered “buddies.
A freed block can ONLY be combined with its buddy to form a larger block.
for 60 k
be filled
block A
60K from
block A
 The boundary tag method (explained
earlier) also simplifies determining if
adjacent blocks are free.
 Also if FCMBs are maintained as a linked
list it is also simple to “unlink” blocks,
reform them into a single block, and then
“relink” the new block back into the list!
Involves Preparing a program to run in the location into which it is
loaded, there is a difference between a programs logical address space
and it’s physical address space
Program 1
Program 1
 A computer’s memory is addressed by numbering the
bytes sequentially, from 0 to the total number of bytes in
memory. Hardware uses these absolute – or physical
addresses to fetch and store the contents of individual
 Addresses in source programs are generally symbolic,
logical, such as the name of a variable.
 A compiler will typically bind these symbolic addresses
to relocatable addresses, such as 14 bytes from the
beginning of this module.
 The linkage editor or loader will in turn bind these
relocatable addresses to absolute addresses within the
memory space of the process once the program is
 The binding to absolute addresses can
occur at three times:
 Compile time
 Load time
 Execution
Compile time: If it is know at compile time where the
process will reside, then “Absolute code” can be
generated. Though the use of absolute addresses is
not convenient for software. Because the program
must be loaded into exactly the same place in memory
every time it runs.
Load time: If it is not know, at compile time, where
the program will be loaded, then the compiler must
generate relocatable code. Final binding is delayed
until the program is loaded and the starting address of
the program is known.
Execution time: If the process can be moved from
one memory segment to another, during its execution
then binding must be delayed until run time.
 If relocation is performed when the program is
loaded or before it is called STATIC
 If relocation is performed after the program has
been loaded and execution has begun, when we
dynamic relocation
 Relocation can be performed either by hardware
or software means
Static Relocation: via software
Figure 7-12: Program Relocation by a Relocating Loader
Relocation Via Software
 Object file is converted to an executable file by
either a “relocating linker” or processed when
loaded by a “relocating loader”
 Requires recording what memory references
must be changed and how with in the symbolic
 Object file may include a “relocation
dictionary” which identifies all instructions and
addresses that may need to be modified.
 The relocating software uses the dictionary information
to decide which memory references to adjust and how
when the actual memory location is known. Normally the
address are specified from some general location such
as 0.
 A drawback is that it requires that additional information
be maintained in object files.
 Relocation Information isn’t loaded into memory, so no
further relocation is possible. The program can not be
 This strategy provides only static not dynamic relocation!
Dynamic Relocation:
Based Addressing
4406 +
3000 =
Dynamic Relocation:
“Based Addressing”
 A program routine is written as though its first byte is at some base
location, usually address 0, and every other location expressed as
an offset or displacement from the starting point.
 A “base register” then contains the actual first (or base) address for
the program
 Relocation is achieved by loading this base register with the actual
starting address of the program.
 Address references in machine instructions are adjusted to create
“effective” addresses by adding the contents of the specified base
register to the value in the address field (displacement).
 A program can be relocated by changing this base register to point
to a new location, however to work instructions had to reference the
correct base register.
Relocation Registers!
An improvement on the base register concept
is the introduction of a relocation register.
 Involves a “relocation register” that is
always added to every instruction address
and data address before the instruction or
data is fetched from memory.
 Used uniformly for all memory references
and isn’t specified with each instruction.
 Simplifies relocation
 The relocation register contents must be
saved and restored via the PCB during a
context switch
The sub-problem of protection, involves
allowing a process to accesses only that
memory which has been allocated to it.
There are several possible strategies, but all
rely upon hardware assistance.
Fences: simple single user OS
 One of the simplest protection mechanism is the
idea of a Fence address or Fence register. This
works in simple singer user computing
environments where memory is divided between
the OS and a single process.
 The fence register specifies a fence address. A
memory reference above this fence address will
result in a trap or memory error occurring.
 It is difficult to choose this value correctly, If it is
too small, programs will not have enough
memory to run, if it is too large, then there may
be unused space.
Bounds Registers
 Bounds registers works for OS’s that have
parts of the OS in both high and low
 It is a more general protection algorithm,
and specifies an upper and lower bound
on the memory accessible to an
application program.
Base and Limit Registers
 This uses a limit register in conjunction with a
base register to limit a process’s access.
 The base register contains a beginning address
for the process in memory.
 The limit register specifies how many bytes of
memory the process has available to it. Added
to the contents of the base register creates an
upper limit.
 An address reference in the code, is calculated
using base addressing. And is added to the
contents of the base register. If it exceeds the
“limit” specified in the limit register, then the
reference is invalid.
Protection Keys
 Associated with the IBM S/360 Architecture.
 Each partition in memory is assigned a unique
protection key value between 0 and 15.
As a process is loaded and assigned memory, it
is assigned a protection key, that matches the
set of blocks assigned to it.
The protection key of the currently executing
process is loaded into a special register.
An access to a memory block, results in the
current protection key being compared to the
protection key of the block. If they match the
access is allowed, other wise it is an error
Limits memory to 15 protected areas.
 Swapping involves moving portions of
programs and their data from main
memory to secondary storage before they
complete execution.
 Processes which are swapped to disk are
expected to be restored at some point so
that they can finish execution
Program 1
We can remove a process that has been
suspended by the medium term scheduler
allowing another process to execute
It can be used to increase free memory if an
allocation has been blocked.
We can temporarily remove a process that has
been blocked awaiting a long term event, such
as waiting for resources.
We can use swapping to prepare a process for
relocation to a new location, such as during
Additional material obtained from:
Operating Systems, a Systematic View by Davis & Rajkumar
Operating System Concepts, 6th edition, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne