Middle Ages - pamelalewis

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Transcript Middle Ages - pamelalewis

Unit # 3 – Middle Ages
Lesson # 2 – Feudalism
Objective and Bell
Rome Falls
Feudalism Begins
Christianity Spreads
Cities and Towns
Trade Increases
The Crusades are
• Bell Ringer: On new page, complete “Rome Falls”
portion of the Flow Chart (see above if missed class)
• Objective: Describe how loyalty was used as a means of
• Homework: Further Thinking worksheet-Classroom Wiki
• Feudal Name Game
• Notes-Explaining Relationships & Feudal Pyramid
• Notes-Costs and Benefit Analysis
What was going on in Europe?
• Rome fell
▫ Why?
• People are without a leader, a government,
protection, or money
▫ What should they do?
• In order to protect themselves, they band
▫ Define Feudalism in your notebook-Label using
title of slide
▫ www.classzone.com-Hierarchy of Feudalism Chpt.
9 Animated Geography- Describe the connection
between each level as you copy the organizer.
Feudal Name Game
Find matching Terms pp. 382-386-Copy in
•loyalty to lord that required military service to be
•person who gave land to a vassal
•land given to a knight for his service
•obligation of vassal to lord
•person who accepted this land
•medieval economic system associated with feudalism
•high skilled soldier who fought on horseback
•peasants on a manor
Explaining Relationships & Feudal
• Using the reading from the Feudal Name Game,
explain how the three roles within feudalism
were connected.
▫ Lords
▫ Knights
▫ Serfs
• Explain what each role provided to one another
by copying and completing graphic organizer on
next slide.
Explaining Relationships
Copy and complete the organizer below to show the relationship between
Lords, Knights and Peasants. What did each group give/take from one another?
Lords gave knights…
Knights gave lords…
Knights gave serfs…
Serfs gave knights…
Cost-Benefit Analysis
• Look at the different roles that existed during
Feudal times on the next slide.
▫ Write down the two roles that you feel are the
most important and explain why.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
• Admission closed (translation: born into it)
• Danger of expulsion or assassination
• Admission very limited
• Danger of going to war
• Admission limited; security, free from harsh physical labor of peasants
• Chastity, church discipline, poverty
• Admission limited, security
• Chastity, personal and church discipline, poverty
• Admission limited, security
• Chastity, personal and church discipline, poverty
• High standard of living
• Risky (because carrying money)
• Freedom
• Risky (many variables to run successful shop)
• Independence
• No guarantee of protection, money
• Safety
• Loss of freedom, poverty
• In your pairs, choose a setting (home, office,
place of business, etc)
• Choose two roles associated with this setting
• Assign each person one of the roles
• Design a 1-2 minute skit that demonstrates
What these roles are
How they are connected
Each person must have a speaking role
10:00 to prepare
Simulation Example
• Setting
▫ Phillip O. Berry
• Roles:
▫ Principal
▫ Student
• Skit:
▫ Explain how each of these interact with one
another. Design a story that shows them working
Simulation Submission
• To be turned in before presenting
• 1 sheet of paper with:
Each students’ name
Setting of skit (2 points)
2 different roles (2 points)
1 cost/1 benefit of each role (2 points)
Description of scene that will be acted out (2 points)
• Perform skit (2 points)
• Total: 10 points
Homework: Further Thinking
• Compare Feudal times to Modern day society