Feudalism and Manorialism

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Feudalism and
What’s the difference between feudalism
and manorialism?
What was life like on the manor?
How did noble life differ from serfs?
Feudalism- political and social system of western
local government based on the granting of land for loyalty,
military assistance, other services
Fief- land given to a vassal from a lord
Vassal- person granted land from a lord in return for
Serf- peasants bound to the land where they worked for
a lord.
Manorial System
Manorialism shaped the economy of much of Europe
for safety and defense, people formed small communities around a central lord or
Most people (lords and serfs) lived on a manor, which
consisted of the castle, the church, the village, and the
surrounding farm land
manors were isolated
manor usually located along a stream or river
Manorial System
People had to produce everything they needed,
including food, clothing, and shelter
Peasants gave the lord some of their crops (taxes) and
helped to farm his land
Items such as iron, salt, wool, wine, and certain
manufactured goods, were purchased
Land was divided into 3 fields for growing grain
Only two of the three fields were planted at one time.
The third field could lie fallow, or unplanted, for a
season to regain its fertility.
Manorial System
Feudal System
Feudalism provided social and political structure to the culture
of the Middle Ages
King awarded fiefs to most important nobles for soldiers in the
king’s armies
The lowest class of society was the peasants and serfs
In exchange for living and working on his land, the lord offered his
peasants protection
Nobles divided their land among the lesser nobility, who became
their servants or “vassals”
Feudal System
By 1100, certain nobles
had castles and courts that
rivaled the king’s
serious threats if they were
not pleased with the king
The medieval church
owned vast land and had
their own vassals
Feudal justice
Lords assumed the roles of judges in carrying out the laws of the
A feudal trial was decided in one of three ways: trial by battle,
compurgation, or trial by ordeal.
battle- could be a duel in which the outcome determined innocence or guilt
compurgation- oath taking; similar to character witnesses in today's trials.
ordeal- accused had to carry a piece of hot iron, plunge his hand in a pot of
boiling water, or survive extended immersion in cold water.
If accused person's wounds healed quickly and well, he was innocent; if not, guilty
Peasant Life
Peasants worked hard labor jobs and were heavily taxed
 Children as a source of farm labor
 The peasants were not free
 could not leave manor without permission
 Not allowed to hunt on the lord’s land, so rarely ate meat
Serfs had short life expectancies due to disease, starvation,
Noble Life
The lord spent most of his day managing and
organizing the manor
Marriage as a way to advance fortune, status and land
Women's rights regarding legal property were
When married, her husband gained control over her
rights and money
cooking, baking bread, sewing, weaving, and spinning
Occasionally hunted, fought in battles