AMiBA: Hexapod Commissioning and Pointing
Transcript AMiBA: Hexapod Commissioning and Pointing
Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy
AMiBA hexapod commissioning and pointing
AMiBA team
NTU Physics
On-site control room:
Remote TCS
2005: on-site testing
Antenna control computer
Example: identification of oscillation problem
and debugging
assembly and
intstallation of optical
telescope (OT)
from oscillations to
smooth trajectories
from hard limits to
working safety checks
Pointing control computer
commanding possibilities:
• preset az el pol
• startrack ra dec skypol
(hexpol=const or skypol=const)
• program track: ‘any trajectory’
from manual operation
to automatic schedule
from no star images to
correct star positions smooth operation
Pointing error model: a 2-step approach
1st pointing run: all known pointing corrections activated (PTC)
→ ccd star position error as a function of mount position
→ separate average mount error from optical telescope (OT) error
mount error = left-overs interpolation table
Pointing error corrections
define telescope pointing!
jack corrections:
jack pitch error compensation
temperature compensation
2nd pointing run: all known pointing corrections + interp. table
jack rotation correction mode
→ check improvement
ujoints locations and jack lengths
support cone compensation mode
pointing accuracy:
telescope corrections: RF/optical refraction mode
without laser system: 12 arcsec
OT correction → dominant correction
with laser system: 6 arcsec
error table interpolation → “left overs”
2006: Improvement in optical pointing performance with interpolation table
azimuth signature
perfect axes
mount axes
without interpolation table
mount/cone tilt
automatic pointing schedule:
OT axes
1 hour ~ 100 star images
(const. solid angle distribution
over accessible sky)
ccd image analysis: split error
into azimuth and elevation error
with interpolation table
identify main OT signature
(solid green line)
and remaining pointing errors
(red scatter)
one iteration with interpolation
pointing error in az, el reduced
from 0.8 to 0.4 arcmin rms
cone N misorientation
2006: radio pointing: drift scan versus offset tracking
A) drift scan
B) offset tracking
step patterns of 2
arcmin offset
Ideally the centers of
cut intersections should
approach a specific line...
compare maximum
to find relative
misalignment of
different antennas
Ant 1
Ant 7
elevation signature
Ongoing efforts and next steps
use each dish to
measure total power of
the Sun
A) cut the saturated
power curve horizontally
to find the center, vs.
B) scan around the Sun
by offsets and compare
their step-like patterns
to find relative
Polarization pointing
Long-term stability and repeatabilty
of pointing model
2nd,3rd iteration for interpolation table
(goal: 10 arcsec pointing accuracy)
radio alignment: goal : 2 arcmin relative
alignment w.r.t central reference antenna
integration of 2nd and 3rd OT