Kingdom Protista

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Transcript Kingdom Protista

 Eukaryotes
 Mostly Unicellular Organism
 Evolved from the symbiosis of several cells of
 Heterotrophs
 Animal – like Protozoa (classified by locomotion)
 Fungus – like Protist (absorb nutrients from
dead/decaying organisms)
 Autotrophs
 Plant – like Protist (unicellular and plant like protist)
 Phylum Sarcodina
 Free living- Fresh or brackish water, bottom dwellers
 Parasitic
 Pseudopod: temporary cytoplasmic projection
 Food vacuoles, some have shells
 Use pseudopods to take in food by phagocytosis
 Use psedopods for movement and feeding (phagocytosis)
 Example: Amoebas, Foraminiferan, Heliozoan
 Phylum Ciliophora (Ciliates)
 Free living- Fresh and salt water
 Have two nuclei: Micronucleus and Macronucleus
 Contractile vacuoles, gullet, cilia
 Use cilia to sweep food particles into the gullet
 Use cilia for movement (short hair like-projections)
 Example: Paramecium
 Phylum Zoomastiginia
 Free living – lakes or streams
 Symbiotic relationship with host
 One or 2 flagella to swim
 Feed by absorbing nutrient
 One or 2 flagella to swim
 Example: Trypanosoma
 Causes sleeping sickness spread by tsetse fly
 Phylum Sporozoa
 Habitat – host organism
 Sporozoites
 Live off the host. Infects and destroys RBC
 No locomotion
 All parasites with complex life cycles
 Example: Plasmodium (causes malaria)
Bellwork 1-27-2014
 What uses do humans have for genetically engineered
 What ways do we keep bacteria from growing on our
 How do we differentiate between animal-like protist?
 Unicellular Algae
 Photosynthesis using chlorophyll and other pigments
(absorb different light wavelengths)
 The base of the food chain in oceanic life
Special Structures
 two flagella
 Eyespot
 pellicle (cell membrane)
 no cell wall
 Chloroplast
 Contractile Vacuoles
Special Structures
 Pectin – carbohydrate in cell wall
 Some have cellulose
 golden algae – gold color
 Yellow-green algae
Special Structures
 silicon dioxide cell walls
 Intricate designs
 diatoms
Special Structures
 2 Flagella – wrap around the organism
 Bioluminescence – chemical light
 dinoflagellates
 Phytoplankton
 Small photosynthetic organisms close to the surface
 Carry out half the photosynthesis in the world
(Important source of oxygen for the atmosphere)
 Base of aquatic food chains
 Algal Blooms
 Rapidly growing algal populations in response to sewage
(nitrogen) and other organic materials
 Blooms remove nutrients from water, this causes death
of other organisms
 RED TIDE: and algal bloom that causes shell fish
poisoning. !!!!!!
Satellite Photo Barents Sea
 Multicellular Plant – like Protist
 Red algae – grow the deepest due to certain pigments
 Phycobilins- red pigments
 Brown Algae – largest and most complex algae
 Chlorophyll A & C
 Fucoxanthin – brown accesory pigment
 Example: Kelp and Sargassum weed –
 have blades (leaf like),
 stipes (stem – like),
 bladders (gas filled for floating)
 hold fast (root – like)
 Green Algae
 Have cellulose in cell walls; considered plant-like; store food
as starch
 Chlorophyll A & B
 Example: Sea Lettuce
Base of food chain in the ocean (make for diversity in ocean)
Production of Earth’s oxygen
Source of Vitamin C and Iron
Chemicals used to treat stomach ulcers, high blood
pressure and arthritis
Food and food additives – thickeners and
texturerizers of ice cream, salad dressings, and candy
Used to make plastics, waxes, and transistors
Agar- used in labs to thicken nutrient, to grow
Fungus-like protists
• include slime molds and water molds
• decomposers, like fungi
• can move, like animals
Slime molds
 Eukaryotic organisms: fungus-like and animal-like
 Decomposers, can move
 Water molds are freshwater, fungus-like protists.
– one type of water mold caused Great Potato Famine
of Ireland in the 1800’s
– made of branching
strands of cells
– can be parasites of
plants or fish