SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 September 2011

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Transcript SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 September 2011

Russian- European co-operation
in electronics – experience and vision
Peter Kember
Alexei Danilin
A partnership for technology development in Russia
Details of the Company
Established 20 years ago, based in UK
High technology consulting company working all over the world, offering
technology support, business support and project management
Background in semiconductor technology but we are also active in related
areas including thin films, processing equipment, MEMs and flexible
electronics .
Some current projects:-
OLED line in Malaysia
0.18 µm CMOS factory in India
Plastic Electronics factory here in Russia
New GaAs factory in Russia
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Details of the Company
Established in 2004, based in Russia
Managing the "Business" of Technology
Background in material science and technology but now active in high-tech business
incubation and development processes based on the strategy of partnership.
Some latest and current projects:
 Strategy development for OJSC GIREDMET and OJSC VNIIHT
 Consulting services for Nokia Siemens Networks concerning creation of telecomm
equipment production plant in Russia
 Participation in technological audit of plastic electronics projects for Rusnano
 Public relationship management in A3B5 MMIC Fab creation project in Russia
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Some technical projects we have been involved
with in Russia in the last 10 years
• MIET photomask centre
• Angstrem photomask shop upgrade
• Angstrem assembly line grade and automation
• Micran (Tomsk) design of new III-V factory
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Some development projects we have been
involved with in Russia in the last 10 years
ROSEL - Planning for growth and exploitation.
“Russian Electronics - Vector of Changes
RUSNANO - Technical audit for Plastic Logic
ANGSTREM - Technical audit of upgrade path for
RUSNANO - Education project in UHF electronics for
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Some technology areas we have been
involved with in Russia in last 10 years
 GaAs
 MEMS & Nanotechnology
 Semiconductor processing equipment design
 Semiconductor technology (especially µPs)
 Flexible electronics
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Future Direction
 Infrastructure projects – new production
facilities, technology transfer , staff training and
project management
Minifabs designed for specific Russian
Nano-technology – new R&D centres, new
materials and nano devices
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Future Direction
 III-Vs
- all aspects. Potentially a big growth area for Russian
emerging telecom and radiolocation market
Plastic electronics - new materials and new processes
leading to production possibilities for whole range of new
applications. Again a potential big growth area for Russian ICT
market and logistics
Establishing better links between Russian R&D centres and
those in Europe. Russian R&D has a great deal to offer if the
right connections can be made.
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
How can we help?
 Project development – we know many Russian
R&D centres and can help tie up with suitable
partners from either side
Analysis of the potential of R&D ideas – we
already have a lot of experience of doing this for
Russian entities
Training projects – we like these!!
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011
Our Vision
In conclusion our experience leads us to believe
that there is a great of excellent R&D going on in
Russia – but often it does not get any further
through lack of links, opportunities or suitable
We see FP7 as a good way to help this activity and
we would like to play our part
SEMIDEC Workshop 24/25 October 2011