Transcript Islam Notes
Number your paper #1-8.
Write down the first word or phrase that
comes to your mind for each picture.
There are no right or wrong answers.
Muslims practice religion
known as Islam
Islam means “Submitting to
Mostly found in Middle
East, but 2 billion
Due to recent events
(9/11) Islam has been in
the news
Before Islam, most Arabs (people living in Middle East) practiced
religion w/ many gods
Muhammad (570-632)
Wealthy businessman who lived in Mecca
At 25, married a 40 year old woman named Khadija
Upset at how most Arabs lived
Drinking, gambling, being unfaithful bothered him
Believed the Arab gods were bad and the God of the Jews and
Christians was THE ONLY GOD
God was called “Allah” (father)
While praying on a hill outside Mecca, Gabriel, the angel that
spoke to Moses, told him to spread his message to the Arabs
about God
Told people Allah is their only God
Many Arabs did not want to hear this
Flees to Medina
This year 622 “Year of the Hijra” is first
year of the calendar
Other Arabs mad at Muhammad and
invaded to end this new religion
Muhammad and people of Medina
defend their city over and over
In 630, Muhammad invades Mecca
Muhammad wins, but dies 2 years
Most Arabs become Muslim
Spread of Islam
Muhammad dies in 632 AD and father-in-law,
oldest friend, Abu Bakr becomes leader of new
“Caliph” – successor to the prophet
Caliphs conquered Syria, Persia, North Africa in 25 years
New “Muslim” empire treated people well
Could either accept Islam, or pay a tax to empire
Some killed, but many converted
Many didn’t even resist their taking over
Spread of Islam
Tried to take over
Constantinople (711)
First major conflict
between Muslims and
DID enter Europe and
Moors ruled Spain
Tried to enter France,
defeated at Battle of
Tours (732)
Muslim influence in
Europe stopped at Spain
Spread of Islam
Islam Splits
Uthman: ooth-MAHN
Mu’awiya: moo-AH-wee-ya
Sunni: SOOH-nee
Shi’ah: SHEE-ah
Muslims killed their 3rd caliph, Uthman
Causes BIG division in Islam
Brief civil war, the next caliph Ali is killed,
Mu’awiya takes over (661)
Those that followed Mu’awiya called Sunni
Those that followed Ali’s sons were called Shi’ah
Violence then, violence now between the two
90% Sunni, 10% Shiite
Islamic Powers
Originally from steppes
of Asia
Ruled by Sultan
North African Berbers
Tariq led army into
Spain (711) and stayed
for 700 years
Islamic Civilization
Producers: artisans, spices, textiles
Most important contribution
Surgeries and hospitals
Basis for Renaissance revival of medicine/learning
Art & architecture
The Alhambra, Spain
The Alhambra, Spain
Quran is holy book of
1 God
Prophets include
Abraham, Jesus, & Moses
Muhammad = prophet
Words of angel Gabriel
compiled over 23 years
Believe in Judgment Day
and human resurrection
Quran & 5 Pillars
Contains Muhammad’s writings for
proper living
Five Pillars of Faith
1st -Must say Muhammad is God’s
2nd-Must pray 5 times a day facing the
direction of Mecca
3rd-Give money to charity
4th-People must fast during Ramadan,
the Holy Month, during the daylight
5th-Every Muslim must travel to Mecca
once to pray and worship (Hajj)
Kaaba in Mecca
Islamic Culture
Requires a strict code of
virtuous conduct
Beliefs stressed in the Koran
Cannot drink alcohol or
eat pork (like Jews)
Allows for polygamy
(multiple wives)
Only four, must be treated
Women can only have one
Allowed slavery, but
encouraged freedom
Idea of Jihad—“Struggle” (Holy War)
Interpreted differently (violent vs. nonviolent)
Anyone who died in this kind of “struggle” would
receive blessings in heaven
Major issue today
Muslims worship in mosques
No images or statues (not even Muhammad)
No ceremonies or priesthood
Prayer services led my learned Muslims
Women pray separately from men in mosques
Common features
Minaret (tower), dome, and no furniture
Mirab: niche that points toward Kaaba in Mecca