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The Mind of a Wahhabis!
Abu Muhammad
Why this write ups?
When you know, about the evil of this sect you will
put yourself far away from their doctrine thereby
safeguarding your faith.
When you know, about wahhabism you will have
something to say to them when they confront you
with their attack on Sufism.
When you know about the sect, you can talk to a lost
soul that joins the evil sect and if you are lucky your
talking may be a source of guidance and you save that
soul from going to hell.
When you know, you can talk to those that are
contemplating joining, here too you save a soul.
When you know & you talk you discharge your
Islamic responsibility of amr bil maáruf wan nahy anil
When you know & the ummat knows through you,
wahhabism can then be uprooted and their evil
activities put to an end.
When you know, we become two that know, when
you tell someone we become three and with this we
become many, if I'm gone I will be happy there are
other brothers who knows.
The Illuminati world head in state
visit to Wahhabis Monarch in Middle
East - allegiance of the sword.
Wahhabis “The Horn of Satan”
 The evil sect of
Wahhabism an invention of the British
Ministry of Colony to demolish Islam from within. The
blessed prophet(SAW) has already warned us about it and he
term them as “The Horn of Satan”.
 The blessed one(SAW) has given us accurate details about
them and about their nefarious activities to undermine Islam
and the Muslims.
Ibn Saúd a Wahhabis
conquered Mecca and
established the Wahhabis
Saudi Arabia, the centre
veteran who
Medina and
monarchy in
of Wahhabis
The evil minded
 That
man with sunken
eyes, prominent checks, a
raised forehead, a thick
beard and a shaven head
with his trouser ¾ of his
leg is an evil minded
person and enemy to
peace, be very careful with
him for he is a snake that is
ready to bite you – HE IS A
 Next slides will prove this.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Allah
Allah resides on throne (Al-Arsh) and looks at the heavens and earth
below Him. According to their scholars claimed Qurán 7:4 “Lo!
Your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth
in six days then Mounted He the throne….” and many other
verses that follow this one as their proof.
This belief makes the Wahhabis to assume Allah has body and
mounting the throne is literal as a body mounting a chair, wa inyazu
billah. A Wahhabis asked Imam Malik(RA) when he recited the
verse saying “How did Allah mounts the throne” The Wahhabis is
trying to assumed body to Allah. Imam Malik(RA) said, He
mounted the throne this is a must for us to believe, how we don’t
know and asking about it is innovation(Bid’a), remove this man from
our school!
Idris AbdulAzeez, a member of Salafi group in Bauchi confirmed this
Wahhabis’ theory in his 1434 Ramadan Tafseer in Bauchi town.
A wahhabis I Met on facebook argued with me on this matter and
finally before he run away he said this to me his exact word in
Hausa, “Wannan matsalarkace imma ka hardace din kamar
yadda kake riyawa yanzu toh baka fahimci komai acikiba
bari kaji...Allah ya daidaita kan Al'arshinsa,Allah baya ko
ina jismiyya kamar yadda kuke fada saidai bi ilmihi..ilimin
ya game ko ina ammar bashi tsungugum dinsa ba.”
meaning, “This is your problem, whether you memorize it as you
are pretending, now you did not apprehend anything in it, you
should know that Allah is sitting on the throne, Allah is not with His
BODY everywhere as you used to say rather with KNOWLEDGE,
the KNOWLEDGE was everywhere but not Him in person.” Wa
inyazu billahi see how the wahhabis attributed body to God clearly
and as body sitting on throne His knowledge everywhere fetching
information for Him and bringing it back to Him on the throne.
This alone has removed this man from Islam, may be Christianity
could have been better for him.
A wrong belief that removes one out of Islam completely.
Allah is everywhere on, below, above and inside the throne.
Reason is verse 4 of suratul Hadid “He it is who created
the heavens and the earth in six days. Then He
mounted the throne. He knoweth all that entereth
the earth and all that emergeth therefrom and all
that cometh from the sky and that ascended
YOU MAY BE. And Allah is seer of what ye do.” A
muslim should believe He mounted the throne and should
equally believe Allah is everywhere.
Allah is not body and there is no way human intellect will
understand his presence everywhere. His sovereignty is
directed toward throne, His Lordship toward Kaába and His
vicegrency toward the prophet(SAW).
A wahhabis commented before Mawlana Sheikh Ibrahim
Inyass(RA) that Allah is everywhere with His knowledge.
Sheikh(RA) asked him where is Allah found without His
The Wahhabis used to say is the Knowledge of God that is
everywhere verses that talks about He everywhere they
attached “‫ ”بعلمه‬the question is who supplements these
verses with that? Allah, the prophet(SAW) or Ibn
Taymiyyah? Let them provided us with an answer.
Furthermore who supplements the verses of the throne
with “‫”بذاته‬
The correct interpretations of these verses of throne which
confuses the wahhabis is indicating THE SOVEREIGNITY
of God, not literally meaning God sitting on Heaven for
God is not body like us that sits.
God residing on the heaven…
 In majmaúl Fatawah (Collection of
Edicts) by Ibn Taymiyyah, he stated that
“Muhammad the messenger of
God, His God made him to sit on
the throne beside Him” wa inyazu
 These are the teachings of Ibn
Taymiyyah handed over to Ibn
Abdulwahhab and it’s the tenet of
 The Wahhabis treated God as a body,
even sitting with another body beside
Him on His throne, Wa inyazu billah.
 Holy Qur’an 112:4 stated “And there
is none comparable unto Him”
Sitting on throne together with another
body is creature’s attribute and it
cannot be found in God.
God residing on the heaven…
 ‫ عن خارجة بن مصعب في‬4/1303 ‫وأما تفسيره بالجلوس فقد نقل ابن القيم في الصواعق‬
‫ قوله تعالى‬: ) ."‫ "وهل يكون االستواء إال الجلوس‬:‫) قوله‬1((‫الرحمن على العرش استوى‬
‫ وقد ورد ذكر الجلوس في حديث أخرجه اإلمام أحمد عن ابن عباس رضي هللا عنهما‬.‫هـ‬.‫ا‬
‫ وهللا أعلم‬.‫مرفوعا‬
 Translation(Majmu
“with respect to the sitting, Ibn al-Qayyim has reported in As-Sawaaiq 1303/4
from Kharijah bin Mus'ab with respect to the saying of Allah the Exalted :The
ayah: Ar-Rahmanu Alal Arshi Istawa, "How can the ascension be anything other
than sitting?" and the mention of sitting has been reported in the Hadeeth
from Imam Ahmad from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, in a
Marfu' fashion. And Allah Knows best.”
 See how the Wahhabis have completed replaced the Qur’anic word Istiwa with Julus to
support their evil theory of God.
God residing on the heaven…
The Holy Qur’an 6:18 says “He is
omnipotent over His slave” Here too should
we say God resides on top of His slaves? The
answer is No, even though Over is use, the
right is sovereignity.
 Al-Tabari in his commentary of the holy
Qur’an says, “Allah made Himself Exalted
over the heavens with the exaltation of
sovereignty and power, not that of
displacement and movement. ”
 Imam Ghazali(RA) said, “Whosoever thinks
that Allah has body made of organs is an idol
worshipper” (Iljam Al-Anam page 6-8)
 Imam Hambali(RA) condemned those who
said that Allah is a body (jism)
Allah does not need time or space to contain
Him, the throne and heavens inclusive; this
is contained in Holy Qur’an 29:6, “Surely
Allah is independent
of all the
Sayyidina Ali bn Abi Talib(RA) said, “Allah
existed when there was no place, and He is
now where He has always been” ( Al-Farq
bayn Al-Firaq, page 333)
Qur’an 50:16 stated, “We have created man,
and We know whatever thoughts his inner
self develops and We are closer to him than
(his)jugular veins.”
Kaába is described as the house of God, but
do you hold the believe that He is living in
that house?
Human intellect is so inferior to apprehend
God all those meanings given to Him by
Wahhabis are very wrong and heretic.
God Residing on the Throne in the
Mawlana Sheikhul Hadith, Sheikh Shareef Saleh(RA)
explaining the wrong interpretations Wahhabis placed
on most Ahadith to support their anthropomorphism.
Lecture is in Hausa.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Allah
Allah has hands, face and feet. These parts of the
body are not metaphorical rather real organs, wa
inyazu billah. The Wahhabis cited verses that
mentioned face, hands and feet of God, but refused
to accept metaphorical interpretations of these
verses, prominent is holy Qur’an 39:67, “"They
made not a just estimate of Allah such as is
due to Him. And on the Day of
Resurrection, the whole of the earth will
be grasped by His Hand and the heavens
will be rolled up in His Right Hand.
Glorified is He, and High is He above all
that they associate as partners with Him!"”.
This idea originated from Ibn Taymiyyah the
originator of anthropomorphism , in his book
Kitab Al-Iman “The book of Faith”
In chpater one of the same book to protect the idea
of anthropomorphism, Ibn Taymiyya said, “Thus,
not everyone that attests that Allah is lord
of all things is a believer of Tawheed when it
comes to His deification and His names and
attributes” meaning even if we believe in Allah as
long as we didn’t belive in anthropomorphism we
are not believers according to IbnTaymiyyah.
Another wrong belief touching faith. Qur’an 49:10
says, “Lo! Those who swore allegiance to
thee(Muhammad SAW). Swore allegiance
only to Allah. The hand of Allah is above
their hands….” Following the Wahhabis belief,
the companions of the prophet(SAW) made a
handshake with Allah, wa inyazu billah, A Wahhabis
will believe this if it is said by IbnTaimiyya.
The holy Qurán 28:88 says, “And call not, besides
Allah,on another gods. There is no God save Him.
Everything will perish except His own face(of
Allah). His is the command, and unto Him ye are
returning.” base on this verse and with literal
meanings the wahhabis are putting to hands, face
and feet of God, we may say the hands and feet of
Allah will perish leaving only His face, wa inyazu
Imam Al-Faqih Al-Asfaraini in his book At-Tafsiru
fid Deen, “The slave must know that anything which
dictates creationism such as limits, extremes,
places, directions, stillness and movements is
impossible to apply to (God), the one who is clear
of all the attributes of the creations
The Islamic meaning of God
 Listen to what a shareef
(member of the prophet
SAW family) said about
Islamic meaning of God as
contained in the holy
Qur’an and traditions of
the prophet(SAW); in his
song, Babu Tantama.
 The song is in Hausa.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Allah
Allah descends on the heavens like bird, wa inyazu
billah. The Wahhabis cited the hadith transmitted by
Imam Muslim “The messenger of God (SAW) said,
Our Lord – Blessed and Exalted is He – descends
every night to the lowest heaven in the last third of
the night and says: who is supplicating Me so
that I may answer him? Who is asking
forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive
him?”. We will elaborate on this hadith in the next
slide as it is the only hadith the Wahhabis are
claiming as source for their descending belief.
Ibn Taymiyyah in his book Kitab Al-Iman “The book
of faith”, under the names and attributes of Allah
said, “If you attest that Allah is a constant,
absolute reality, incorporating all the
attributes of perfection, dissimilar from any
other existing thing or being, you must
accept that his hearing, seeing, speaking,
descending, sitting and others ARE
PERPETUAL AND REAL” wa inyazu billah.
Another wrong belief touching faith. The last 1/3
of the night is never same all over the globe.When
it was due in Australia, In Nigeria is still day time,
so if descending is literal on which of the heavens is
the descending occuring? Is it on Australia that it
was night or Nigeria when it was broad daylight?
The knowledge God gave human is so small to
apprehend His essence, set aside declaring it to be
perpetual and real as claimed by Ibn Taymiyyah, the
holy Qur’an 17:85 says “They ask thee concerning
(Holy) Spirit, say the (Holy) spirit is from the
command of thy Lord, and of knowledge ye have
been vouchsafed but little.”
If Allah descends to our world in the last 1/3 of the
night PERPETUAL AND REAL, then what is the
meaning of this saying of the Holy Qur’an 56:8385 saying “Why, then, when (The soul)cometh up
to the throat (of the dying). And ye are at the
moment looking. And WE ARE NEARER UNTO
question is if the one dying is on the broad daylight
not in the last 1/3 of the night that Allah use to
come to our worlds as claimed Ibn Taymiyya, how
can He be more close to the one dying than us
when He is on the throne not yet descending to
our world? The big mistake with Ibn Taymiyyah he
originated all his ideas and never relied on
established sources within Islam, he was influenced
by the Greek’s mythology and concept of their god
– Zeus, who resides on mount Olympus and used
to descend to our worlds on some occassions.
Is Allah descending from the throne…
The wahhabis are putting a claim base on the hadith “The
messenger of God (SAW) said, Our Lord – Blessed and
Exalted is He – descends every night to the lowest heaven
in the last third of the night and says: who is
supplicating Me so that I may answer him? Who is
asking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive
him?” Ibn Taymiyyah totally threw away interpretations
given by early scholars on this subject and came up with his
PERPETUAL AND REAL theory thereby ascribing body to
Allah, coming down from throne and descending on lower
heaven. Let’s see what Islamic scholars said in respect to
this hadith:
Imam Malik bn Anas(RA) the famous scholar in Medina and
author of Muwatta a famous book of hadith and the earliest
interpreted this hadith saying the meaning is the descend of
His mercy and decree and His angels. As is said regarding
the sultan (King) that he did so and so’. When actually (the
task) has been performed by those under his command (and
not by him personally).
Isti’arah (metaphor) meaning to signify turning to qibla of
supplication which is toward the heaven same when salat
faces Kaábah the house of God and not His literal and
physical House.
Imam Qurtubi in his tafseer said “God the Exalted is not
attributed with transferring from one place to another.
How can transfer and movement be attributed to Him
when He exists without a place and is clear of time and
periods and intervals do not lapse Him”
Imam Al-Faqih Al-Asfaraini in his book At-Tafsiru fid Deen,
“The slave must know that anything which dictates
creationism such as limits, extremes, places, directions,
stillness and movements is impossible to apply to (God),
the one who is clear of all the attributes of the creations”
Imam Ahmad Ar-Rifa’I stated in his book Al-Burhan AlMu’ayyad, “Do not sanction attributing to God a directional
above or below , a location or a physical hand or eye or
interpreting the word nuzul(Descending) as physical
descending or ascending”
Ibn Al-Jawzi Al-Hambali said in his book Daf ‘u shuhabati t
Tashbeeh, “it is obligatory upon us to firmly believe that the
self of God is not confined to place, nor attributed with
change or moving”
Imam Al-Bayhaqi, a famous transmitter of Hadith said in his
book Al-Asma was sifat, page 488, “God the Exalted is not in
a place, movement, coming to rest, and sitting are among
the attributes of bodies (and God is not body)”
The famous commentator of the Qur’an, Sheikh AlBaidawi said, “since it is confirmed through irrefutable
proofs that God is clear of notions of body and dwelling, it
follows that it is impossible that God would be moving
from one(higher) place to another lower place”
Ibn Taymiyyah threw away all interpretations giving by
famous Islamic scholars of Hadith, Fiqhu and Qur’an on this
hadith and originated his own devilish interpretations of
descending as physical descending by God, thereby
ascribing a body subjected by place(From higher heaven to
lower) and time (in the last third of the night) to God, wa
inyazu billah.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Allah
Allah used to stroll, wa inyazu billah. The Wahhabis
cited the hadith Al-Quds, “If my servant draws
closer to me with a span, I draw closer to him with
a cubit,if he draws closer to me with a cubit I draw
closer to him with a fathom, if he came to me
walking I came to him running(strolling)”.
196‫ص‬3‫ فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية واإلفتاء ج‬:
( ‫ هل هلل صفة الهرولة ؟‬: ‫س‬
‫ على نحو ما جاء في الحديث القدسي الشريف على‬، ‫ نعم‬: ‫ج‬
‫ي العبد شبرا تقربت إليه‬
ّ ‫ إذا تقرب إل‬: ‫ما يليق به قال تعالى‬
‫ي ذراعا تقربت منه باعا وإذا أتاني ماشيا‬
ّ ‫ذراعا وإذا تقرب إل‬
‫ رواه البخاري وسلم‬. ‫) أتيته هرولة‬.
Translation: (Question passed to clerics in the
kingdom of Wahhabis KSA, and the rendered the
answer below)
Q: Is Jogging (Harwala) an attribute of Allah?
A: Yes, as it has been shown in the Hadith Qudsi
al-Shareef ..... "... and if he comes to Me walking,
I go to him running." Narrated by al-Bukhari and
Another wrong belief touching faith, creating body
to God and making such body subjected to place.
The holy Qur’an 112:4 says, “And there is none
comparable unto him.” Strolling is animal’s
behaviours and cannot be ascribed to Allah. It is
metaphorically used in the hadith to indicate how
God love his servant to come back to Him more
than how the servant loves.
Imam Al-Bayhaqi, a famous transmitter of Hadith said
in his book Al-Asma was sifat, page 488, “God the
Exalted is not in a place, movement, coming to rest,
and sitting are among the attributes of bodies (and God
is not body)”
Another important point is that any attribute of Allah
that is not a metaphor rather an attribute is copied into
His divine name; The holy Qurán mentioned Allah
forgive the shortcomings of His slave when they turned
back to Him, this is copied into His name Ghafur . It
also mentioned He subdues everyone with His might
and this is copied to His name Qahhar.. It mentioned
He created everything in the Heaven and Earth, this is
copied to His name Khaliq. Where is strolling(Harwilat),
sitting (Istiwaí) and all the anthropomorphism ideology
of Wahhabis copied into any divine name of Allah?
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in
Messenger of Allah
 The
Messenger of Allah is like
commoners he only conveyed message
and that is all, wa inyazu billah. The
Wahhabis cited many Ahadith where
the prophet(SAW) out of humility used
to say I am a man like you, or where he
(SAW) said do not honour me above
other prophets(ASA), or “Do not overextol me in the same way that Christians
extol their Prophet and their likes.
 A
prophet(SAW) as an envelope
conveying letter, after reading the letter
he can be thrown away, wa inyazu billah.
 Another wrong belief touching faith.
Believing the prophet(SAW) to be like
any ordinary man amount to apostasy
and whoever says so has left Islam
behind him, because of the following
verse of the holy Qur’an:
 Qur’an 5:15 says, “There has come to
you from Allah a Light and a
Manifest Book”
saying the
prophet(SAW) is like anyone is saying
that anyone is also a light from Allah
which contradicts this verse, because all
commentators agreed that the light
referred here is the prophet(SAW)..
 Qur’an
33:45-46 addresses the
prophet(SAW) as “light-giving lamp”
a title not given to any other
prophet(AS), here too saying he is like
anyone is saying anyone is light-giving
lamp of God.
Let’s examine their sources
Qur’an 18:110 says, “Say, I am a human like you who is
Divinely inspired…” This source the Wahhabis are claiming
for their belief is suppose to be a counter, because after I
am a human there follows Divinely Inspired. Is it everyone
that is divinely inspired? Of course nobody say the
embodiment of Muhammad is angel, his embodiment is a
human, but his soul is light from God. Currency note is a
paper, but not like every paper in all kind. In fact taking the
prophet(SAW) as literally a human like any other is the
manner of unbelievers the holy Qurán 11:27 saays,“So the
disbelievers among his people said, ‘we do not see you
except as a human like us…’”
The prophet(SAW), “Do not over-extol me in the same way
that Christians extol their Prophet…” (Bukhari #3189) We all
know how the Christians extols their prophet(AS), Jesus
Christ(AS) – They claimed divinity to him as Son of God,
that is the limit the prophet(SAW) is warning us not to
cross; Sheikh Busayri(RA) in his poem Burdat al-Madih said
“Leave what the Christians claim concerning their Prophet,
then decide and say what you wish in praise of him (SAW).
And attribute to his being what you can of excellence, and
attribute to his dignified status as much greatness as you
wish.”. Is there any Muslim who claims the prophet(SAW)
is son of God? So, the Wahhabis claim is baseless.
Scholars grouped together hadith and verses showing the
humility nature of the prophet(SAW) and the lesson there is
for us to humble ourselves as the prophet(SAW) himself
did, but they did not signify the prophet(SAW) as
commoner or like any of us, but the Wahhabis are confused
animals and took them as reason to level the prophet(SAW)
as mere and equal to any other human being, Wa inyazu
What will they say, ….
It is related that Jabir ibn Abdullah asked the Prophet
(SAW): “O Messenger of Allah! Please tell me of the first
thing Allah created before all others?” and that he (SAW)
replied: “O Jabir, verily Allah Most Exalted created – before
all else – the light of your Prophet from His Light. That
light remained (“turned”) in the midst of His Power for as
long as He wished, and at that time there was not a Tablet
or Pen or Paradise or Fire or angel or heaven or earth. And
when Allah wished to create creation, He divided that light
into four parts, and from the first made the Pen, from the
second made the Tablet, from the third the Throne, (and
from the fourth all else)…
‘Irbad ibn Sariya related that the Prophet (SAW) said: “I was
the Seal of the Prophets in the Presence of Allah when
Adam (asws) was between water and clay…and when I was
born my mother saw a light with which she could behold
the palaces of Syria…”Transmitted by Bayhaqi & Tabarani.
Abu Hurayra related that he was asked, “O Messenger of
Allah! When was prophet-hood bestowed upon you?” He
replied, “While Adam (asws) was still between spirit and
body.”Transmitted by Bukhari,Tirmidhi & Bayhaqi.
Even Ibn Taymiyyah, the father of Wahhabism in doctrine, at
one time was compelled to say, “Muhammad (SAW) is
the chief (sayyid) of all the children of Adam, the best
of creation and the noblest of them in the sight of
Allah. This is why some have said that “Allah
created the universe due to him,” or that, “Were it
not for him, He would not have created a Throne,
or Kursi, or a heaven, earth, sun, or moon”
collection of Fatwa (11:95-97)
The prophet(SAW) said, ”If you see what I see, you
would laugh little and cry much.”
Ibn ‘Abbas and A’isha said, “The Prophet (asws) could see
equally well during the darkness of the night and the
brightness of the day.” Transmitted by Bayhaqi. So is every
other person like that?
Abu Dharr reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW)
said, “Truly I see that which you do not see and hear
that which you do not hear…indeed, there is not a
space, four fingers wide, except that there is an angel in it
bowing its head in prostration to Allah” Transmitted by
Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah
The Prophet (SAW) said, “Truly my eyes sleep but my heart
does not sleep.” Transmitted Bukhari, Muslim and AnNasa’e
Anas ibn Malik reports that the Prophet (SAW) said, “O
people! Verily I am not like you. Indeed, I spend the
night in the (Divine) Presence of my Lord, and it is He Who
feeds me and gives me drink.” transmitted by Bukhari and
Sayyidina Umar and others related that the Prophet (SAW)
said: “When Adam (SAW) committed his mistake he said,
‘O my Lord, I am asking You to forgive me for the sake of
Muhammad.’ Allah said, ‘O Adam, how do you know about
Muhammad?’ Adam (AS) replied, ‘O my Lord, after You
created me with Your Hand and breathed into me from Your
spirit, I raised my head and saw written on the heights of
the Throne ‘La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul-Allah’, so I
understood that You would not place next to Your Name but the
most beloved one of Your creation.’ Allah said, ‘O Adam, I
have forgiven you, and were it not for Muhammad, I would not
have created you.’” Transmitted by Bayhaqi & Tabarani.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in
Messenger of Allah
 Most of the miracles of the
prophet(SAW) were not
believed by Wahhabis, wa
inyazu billah.
 A wahhabis said, “Most of
the miracles purported to
prophet(SAW) are the
fabrications by the Sufis”
 Another
wrong belief
amounting to apostasy,
since most of the miracles
were relented in the holy
Qur’an itself.
 The holy Qur’an 54:2 tells
us the fate of disbelieving
such miracles, “And if
turn away and say:
prolonged sorcery”
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
family of Messenger of Allah
 The Wahhabis believed the
members of the family of the
prophet(SAW) are extinct
and none exist nowadays and
even if they do, they are
commoners, wa inyazu billah.
 Retired Sergeant Ismaíl Idris
faction head of Izala group
claiming (there are)Ahlil Bayt,
while they(those claimed to
be) are mere Tuareg ”
 Another fabrications by the
Wahhabis, they forget the
established the coming of
Mahdi in the last years of this
world, who is member of the
Meaning to the last years of
the world there will be
member of prophet(SAW)
 The prophet(SAW) said,
“Instruct your children on
loving me, loving recitation of
the holy Qur’an and loving
my family members”
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The Saints
The Wahhabis believed there are no saint known by men,
they are only known by God, yet they ascribed the founding
fathers ofWahhabis as saints, wa inyazu billah.
A wahhabis cleric said, “Every Muslim is a saint”.
Gumi said, “A saint is anyone who controls his anger while
professing Islamic faith”
The Wahhabis are all beating around the bush to find a
definition of saint and whether to believe it or not.
Another wrong belief touching faith, to say there is no
saints amounts to apostasy because is Allah Himself that
mentioned their existences:
Qur’an 10:62-64 says, “Behold! Verily, the Awliya‘(Saints)
of Allah are those upon whom there is no fear, nor do they
grieve. Those who are fully confirmed in certainty of
faith, and who are in perpetual wariness of Allah.
Theirs is the good news in this life and in the hereafter,
and there is no change to the Decrees of Allah…”
From Anas: the prophet(SAW) said “The earth will never be
empty of 40 men who are similar to the Intimate Friend of
Allah (Sayyidina Ibrahim). By them rain falls and victory is
granted. Not one of them dies except that Allah replaces
him with another.” Qatada said, “We do not doubt that
Hasan al-Basri is one of them.”
Also from ‘Ubada that the prophet(SAW) said: “The Abdal in
my community are thirty. By them, the earth is established
(bihim taqum al-Ard), and by them you are sent rain, and by them
you are granted help and victory.”
From Abu Qilaba that the prophet(SAW) said: “There will
never cease to be in my Ummah seven, and they will never
ask Allah without Him answering them. By means of them,
you are given rain, victory, and protection (from enemies,
harm, etc…).”
From Anas: that Allah said, “The most beloved of My
worshippers to Me are those who love each other purely
for My sake, who frequent the masajid, and ask forgiveness
in the predawn hours. These are the ones whom I would
bring to My attention when I wish to punish My creation,
and then I divert My punishment from My creation because
of them.”
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
The Wahhabis believed there are people
worshipping saints, wa inyazu billah.
Ibn Taymiyyah, the father of Wahhabism in practice,
stated in his book Kitab At-Tawhid, where he said,
“Conditions have changed to the point that the
worship of monks has become the best of deeds
under the name of Al-Wilayah (sainthood), while the
worship of learned men in religion is considered
knowledge and understanding. Thereafter,
conditions changed to the point that those
worshipped besides Allah were not even righteous,
and those were also worshipped who were
absolutely illiterate.”
AbdulMalik Mujahid, a Wahhabis publisher and
biographer of Ibn Abdulwahhab said, “Same
condition was prevailing in both Makkah and AlMadinah also. Yemen was also in the same line.
Polytheism, erection of structures on the graves,
seeking refuge and assistance of the dead, saints and
jinns were the common religious features.”
Another wrong belief where Wahhabis quoted
verses of the holy Qurán and hadith meant for
pagans and idol worshippers and level it on
Muslims because of:
Respect to a saint,
Visit to graves of prophets(ASA) and saints(RAA).
It is related from Malik al-Dar, ‘Umar’s treasurer,
that the people suffered a drought during the
khilafa of `Umar(RA), whereupon a man (Bilal
ibn al-Harith) came to the grave of the
Prophet(SAW) and said: “O Messenger of
Allah, ask for rain for your Community, for
verily they have but perished,” after which
the Prophet (SAW) appeared to him in a
dream and told him: “Go to ‘Umar and give him
my greeting, then tell him that they will be
watered. Tell him: You must be clever, you must be
clever!” The man went and told ‘Umar(RA), who
said: “O my Lord, I spare no effort except in what
escapes my power!” if visit to graves of
prophets(ASA) is polytheism would Bilal(RA) did
More on visiting Graves…
Aws ibn Abdullah related that the people of Madina
complained to A’isha(RA) of the drought they were
suffering. She said: “Go to the Prophet’s(SAW) grave
and open a window towards the sky so that there will
be no roof between him and the sky.” They did that, after
which they were watered with such rain that vegetation
grew and camels got fat. They called it the Year of Plenty.” if
visiting grave of prophets(ASA) is polytheism will
Aíshat(RA) instructed on doing it?
As for the saints(RAA) they are all alive in their graves, so
visiting their graves is not visiting the deaths, they died in
active service to Allah and the holy Qur’an 3:169-171 says,
“And reckon not that those who have been killed in the Way
of Allah are dead. No! They are alive with their Lord,
provided for (continually). They are jubilant because of
what Allah in His Grace has given them, rejoicing in the
good news...”
Even Ibn Taymiyya, when asked whether the dead could
perceive the living acquaintances that visit them, answered,
“There is no doubt that they can.”
Abdullah ibn ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab related that the Prophet
(SAW) said, “Whoever visits my grave, my intercession
(shafa’a) will be guaranteed for him.” Transmitted by
Bayhaqi and Tirmidhi
From Abu Hurayra that the prophet(SAW) said: “By He in
Whose Hand is my soul, ‘Isa ibn Maryam will descend,and
when he comes to my grave, and calls out “Ya Muhammad,”
I will answer him.”Transmitted by AbuYaála.
Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab said: “I used to stay in the Masjid of
the Prophet (SAW) during the days of extreme heat, while
the people were fighting and there would be no one in the
masjid(Mosque) besides me, and whenever the time for
prayer would come, I would hear the Adhan(Call to prayer)
and Iqama coming from inside the grave of the Prophet
The Prophet (SAW) said: “Your deeds are shown to your
relatives and ancestors among the dead. If they consist in
good they are happy with it; if otherwise, they say, ‘O Allah,
donot let them die before You guide them as you have
guided us.’”transmitted by Tirmidhi
The Messenger (asws) said: “No one visits the grave of his
brother believer and greets him except that the inhabitant
of the grave finds joy in that and knows who visits him, and
returns his greeting.”
The prophet(SAW) said, “Whoever (makes pilgrimage
then) visits me after my death, it is as if he visited me
during my (earthly) life,” transmitted Bayhaqi & Tabarani.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The Killing of nonWahhabis
The Wahhabis believed the blood of any Muslim
who didn’t profess the Wahhabis belief is lawful
with this they killed any Muslim not Wahhabis, wa
inyazu billah.
With this wrong and fatal belief, the Wahhabis
carried suicide bombs to public places, shoot in
public places to kill any non-Wahhabis. This gave
Islam a bad name in the West, any Muslims is seen
as Terrorist because the Western world cannot
distinguish between Wahhabis who are terrorists to
the core and Muslims who are peace-loving people.
In subsequent slides we will talk about the way
Wahhabis terrorised the world.
Here is the word of Ibn Abdulwahhab in a letter he
sent to one of his general instructing him to
mercilessly kill any non-Wahhabis: “Today, Allah
has given you the religion of His prophets
which is the price of Paradise and freedom
from the Fire, and now you are acting
cowardly.” Take note of his word “Today”
meaning holy battles before then were not holy
battles until now after he declared Wahhabism
Another wrong belief touching faith, the famous
prophetic hadith stated “To vile a fellow Muslim is
an abormination and to kill him is infidelity”.
Once someone professes Islamic faith openly and in
hidden he did not believe it, such a person is called
a hypocrite. The prophet(SAW) never in history
fought the hypocrites of his time and never did he
killed any. The Muslims the Wahhabis are killing
have all professed Islamic faith openly that is to say
at worst they may be hypocrites and base on
Sunnah they are not to be killed. Set aside they are
not even hypocrites.
Usama(RA), a companion of the prophet(SAW) in
a holy battle killed an unbeliever after the
unbeliever has professed Islamic faith openly and
the matter was brought to the prophet(SAW)
where he was very angry. Usama(RA) complained
that the unbeliever only professed the faith as
deceit. The prophet(SAW) angrily replied have you
opened his heart and see deceit? On hearing the
Usama (RA) asked the prophet(SAW) to pardon
him there too the prophet(SAW) said if I pardon
you what about the Lailaha illallah (uttered by the
man you killed)? It was God Himself that pardoned
Usama(RA) else the prophet(SAW) could have
punish him. What will the Wahhabis say in their
actions of bombing Muslims, shooting them and
butchering them in the pretext that they are not
Muslims, have they opened their hearts and also see
that they are not Muslims truly.
Wahhabis shed blood of innocents
Ibn Abdulwahhab has already warned wahhabis never to use edict
enacted by any scholar who did not profess Wahhabism faith, and
even within the Wahhabis those edict must tally with teachings of
Ibn Tayyimiyyah.
Base on the above all militant organisations of Wahhabis relied on
edicts passed by their leaders and they never see any wrong in these
Al-Qaeda, the largest Wahhabis militant organisation relies on edict
passed by its leader Osama bn Laden to kill innocent children,
women, old ones and civilians in American soil and beyond.
Osama bn Laden said, “No American is innocent, since they pay
taxes to their government and from these taxes ammunitions were
bought and used to kill Muslims in middle East.”
You can see how Wahhabis minds can go wild. Are children paying
taxes in USA? Are taxes used for defence budget in USA? Are all
Americans in support of US policy on middle East and Islamic
countries? Are there no Muslims on American soil? Did the
prophet(SAW) ever killed women and children in any of his holy
battles? What benefits will be derived by killing the civilians, is it to
stop them from paying taxes? If no American pay tax, are there no
other revenue sources for US government to use? Above all, when
Americans are attacked, US retaliate with more brute force on
Muslims living in a country Al-Qaeda militant are residing or its
government harbouring Al-Qaeda at the end who losses the battle?
The video you are about to see is based on real life event that took
place in Iraq. Wahhabis militants attacked US marines killing very
few, but the Marines went on rampage killing dozens of innocent
families in the area of the attack and who loses there?
Why the prophet(SAW) did not fight back when he was in Mecca
and declare Jihad there? For the simple reason there will be high
casualty on Muslims side as they are not yet strong, he waited till an
Islamic state is established in Medina. The prophet(SAW) said,
“Battle is strategy.” And there is none with the Wahhabis.
Click on the footage to play. The footage contains violence and
killings, therefore your discretion is hereby sought.
The massacre in Haditha – Iraq
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Miracles of Prophets(ASA)
 The Wahhabis believed only
 This has been explained
on selected miracles of the
earlier prophets(ASA) and
disbelieve many, wa inyazu
under the miracles of the
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Miracles of Saints(ASA)
 The
Wahhabis did not
believe in miracles of saints
starting from the blessed
prophet(SAW), wa inyazu
 Explained
 Suratul Maryam tells us
about when Zacharia(AS)
visits her, he used to find
foods with her, brought by
no human. Is that not
miracle of saint?
 Suratul Kahf tells us about
the story of Ashabul Kahf
who slept for centuries is
that not miracle of saints?
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Tomb Raiding
 The Wahhabis believe is right to raid
tombs of saints(RAA), companions and
even prophets(ASA) and even to burn
or steal their bodies in order to prevent
people from worshipping it they said,
wa inyazu billah.
 Ibn Taymiyya also had the audacity to
make the unfounded claim that all the
Muslims are unanimous that travelling
to visit his(the prophet) grave is a
“Whoever makes visiting his grave
permissible like visiting other graves,
has contravened the unanimous
consensus of all of the Muslims”
 Ibn Abdulwahhab put the foundation for
raiding tombs, he personally took axe
and demolished the tomb of Zaid bn AlKhattab(RA) the brother to Umar bn
Al-Khattab(RA), who was martyred
will fighting the false prophet
Musaylama of the Banu Tameem.
 Another wrong belief touching faith, .
Graves of pious people are sources of
mercy. The prophet(SAW) frequent
visiting Al-Baqee cemetery where
Muslims were buried, is enough a
 Justifications for visiting graves of pious
ones has been explained earlier on.
 The Wahhabis raided tombs of
saints(RAA) and even companion of the
prophet(SAW), yet one tomb they did
not raid, even though it was daily
visited by people – that is the tomb of
IbnTaymiyyah in Syria.
Tomb Raiding by Wahhabis
The very first tomb to be demolished by Wahhabis
is that of Zaid bn Al-Khattab(RA) the brother to
Umar bn Al-Khattab(RA), who was killed fighting
away the false prophet Musaylaima who was the
same tribe with Ibn Abdulwahhab. Ibn
Abdulwahhab was the first to carry an axe and
started demolishing the holy grave of a martyr.
Uthaymeen the disciple of Ibn Abdulwahhab
regarding the demolishing of Zaid bn AlKhattab(RA) tomb lamented, “there is no doubt
that Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab’s destruction
of the tomb over the grave of Zaid ibn al-Khattaab
without any “divine” harm coming to him must
have convinced some of the ignorant people of the
area that those graves truly cannot benefit or harm
an individual.” In the first place Uthaymeen by this
word has disbelieved the hadith where the
prophet(SAW) said, “Grave is either an oasis of
Paradise or a pit of Hell.” Uthaymeen saying that no
divine retribution befall his master Ibn
Abdulwahhab for the destruction of Zaid bn AlKhattab(RA) grave indicated his ignorance about
Istidraj. The prophet(SAW) said, “If Allah wishes His
servant good, He will hasten punishment for him
in this world and if He wishes His servant bad He
will reserve punishment for him to next
world(after death)”. That is the case of those who
hack-sawed prophet Zacharia(AS) and the
Governor who beheaded John the Baptist(AS).
Istidraj is the reason why Ibn Abdulwahhab has no
retribution after demolishing the holy tomb.
The barbaric Wahhabis instructed to
raid tombs of righteous people and
exhume the bodies.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Earlier Islamic Scholars
 The
Wahhabis believe all
works of Islamic scholars are
wrong as long the scholars
are not Wahhabis and such
works and literature shall be
destroyed, wa inyazu billah.
 The Wahhabis burnt Islamic
literature they came across as
long as it was not written by a
Wahhabis and the Wahhabis
collected and formed into
digital library they called
Maktab Al-Shamilat widely
distributed on laptops and
hand held devices.
 Another
contradicting the teachings of
the prophet(SAW). The
prophet(SAW) is reported to
have said, “Take wisdom
(from anywhere) it will
not harm you from
which bag it comes
from.” meaning even from a
Non-Muslim we can take
knowledge, then what about a
fellow Muslim. Even Satan
taught a sahaba about Ayatul
kursiy and the prophet(SAW)
approved such by saying, “A
liar has said the truth.”
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Sufism
The Wahhabis believe all 313 Sufi Orders are
wrong and any initiate into these orders is not
Muslim and should be killed, wa inyazu billah.
In their book “The life, teachings and influence of
Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab ” slandered Sufis,
where they said, “The Sufis sang and played musical
instruments, and some of them drank alcohol,
smoked tobacco and hashish and earned their living
by fortune-telling on the basis of astrology and
magic.”What a big lie!
Hear what Gumi, the founding father of
Wahhabism in Nigeria and the patron of
Izala, said regarding Sufis - he said
Christian is better than a Sufi. (Clip is in
On Sufism, see my presentation title, “Sufism in
Brief ”
The Wahhabis even though hate Sufism to the core
used to praise selected Sufis, to gain acceptance
into Islamic world, like in one of their books, “The
life, teachings and influence of Muhammad ibn
Abdulwahhab” it was stated in page 172, “Of all
the movements that are ascribed as having
been influenced by ibn Abdul-Wahhaab,
Uthmaan Dan Fodio was definitely the
closest to ibn Abdul-Wahhaab in his
teachings and approach, leaving very little
doubt that the influence was quite strong.
In fact, Uthmaan’s brother Abdullah ibn
Muhammad explicitly stated that Uthmaan
started his movement after returning from
the Hajj and leaving the practices of his
people that contradicted the Shareeah” see
how trickish they are the person they believe as a
Sufi is infidel, they are now praising him and
likening him to Ibn Abdulwahhab in order to gain
acceptance in Sub-Sahara Africa!
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in
Parents of the Prophet(SAW)
The Wahhabis believe that the father and mother of the
blessed prophet(SAW) are in Hell Fire, wa inyazu billah.
A wahhabis in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University mosque
exclaimed in loudspeaker that “There is no doubt that
the father and mother of the prophet(SAW) are in
Hell”, wa inyazu billah.
They put their claims on the hadith where one man came to
the prophet(SAW) and inquired about the condition of his
late father and the prophet(SAW) told him, “Your father is
in Hell!” after seeing the sad look on the man face, the
prophet(SAW) further said, “My father and your father are
in Hell.”
Another wrong belief touching faith. The quoted hadith has
been declared as fabrication in both Isnad and Matn.
Scholars pointed out that the prophet(SAW) is referring to
one of his uncles who refused Islamic faith. It was a
common custom of Arabs to refer their uncles as father.
This uncle of the prophet(SAW) is Abu Lahb which chapter
111 of the holy Qur’an addresses.
Another point thrown by scholars on that hadith is that the
prophet(SAW) is referring to his guardian and uncle, Abu
Talib who refused Islamic faith at his dead bed. The
prophet(SAW) grew under his care and therefore was a
father to him.
My question is, the hadith mention father, then where the
Wahhabis got the audacity to join the mother into it, even if
we may take literal meaning to the hadith?
The prophet(SAW) used to visit his mother’s grave,
between Makka and Madina, and weep there. Transmitted
by Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood, An-Nasa’e and
Muslim. If she is in Hell, Allah could have revealed a verse
to warn the prophet(SAW) from visiting her grave.
Holy Qur’an 17:15 says, “Whosoever goeth right, it is only
for his own soul that he goeth right, and whosoever erreth
, erreth only to its hurt. No laden soul can bear another’s
burden. We never punish until we have sent a Messenger.”
The question here is which Messenger was sent to Mecca or
Jazeeratil Arab before prophet Muhammad(SAW) that will
warrant punishing Abdullahi and Aminat(RA)?
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
completion of Islam
The Wahhabis believe that Islam only becomes complete
with their invasion of Mecca, Medina and entire Hejaz
forming the Wahhabis state of Saudi Arabia. Ibn Suúd said
“Today your religion is perfected with Wahhabism”,
wa inyazu billah.
When the Wahhabis got the military logitics and facilities
they needed from Britain, they attacked Mecca in 1805 and
captured the city. They killed anyone who refused to profess
Wahhabism faith. In 1806 they attacked Medina and
captured it. The wahhabis soldiers carried women and
raped them and claimed the women are now their slaves
since they are unbelievers capture in what they called holy
battle. Their general mounted the pulpit in Majid AnNaby(SAW) and addressed the people of Medina
saying,”Today Allah perfected your religion with
Wahhabism. Follow the new faith we brought to
you else your blood is mubah(permissable) to my
soldiers and so is your wives and wealth. Know
that all your parents are polytheists and died as
such. Don’t ever come to this grave(Pointing at the
blessed tomb) and did any prayer.”
The Wahhabis in their book the life, teachings and influence
of Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab page 67 stated their worst,
they said, “Could Muhammad(SAW) return to earth,
he would unquestionably have anathematized his
followers as apostates and idolaters” Inna lillahi wa
inna ilayhir rajiún! Meaning the mission the prophet(SAW)
has failed!! Even the “SAW” it is me that added to that
blessed name in their book it was not written is the bare
name. To the Wahhabis, Ibn Abdulwahhab has revived where
the prophet(SAW) mission failed. In fact according to Ibn
Taymiyyah the mission of the prophet(SAW) only lasted
500 years after it is a complete failure of the nation of Islam
Another wrong belief touching faith, this clearly contradicts
the holy Qur’an 5:3 “….. This day have I perfected your
religion for you and completed my favour unto you, and
have chosen for you as religion ISLAM…”
Ibn Abdulwahhab after alliance with prince Ibn Sa’ud in
Diriyya, he launched what he called holy battle to carry a
new faith or a pure Islam as he claimed, but to nowhere he
is waging his holy battle except the two holy cities Mecca
and Medina! Not to the Western world where Islam has not
penetrated then, rather to the heart of Islam. If Ibn
Abdulwahhab is taking Islam in his battle it is Western
world he would have moved where there was no Islam. But
since it was a new faith he decided to move to Mecca and
Medina because that new faith was not there. What was
there is Islamic faith and not the new faith.
The prophet(SAW) stated that, “I do not fear that you
will worship anything other than Allah after me,
but I fear you may kill each other for worldly gains
” in another hadith the prophet(SAW) said,”The devil has
lost hope in making you to worship other than
Allah…” But the Wahhabis said if he would have come
back he would withdrew this statement of his and said “You
have all turned into apostates and idolaters” Wa inyazu billah.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
school of jurisprudence
The Wahhabis believe that all the four schools of
Jurisprudence (i.e. Maliki, Shafi’I Hambali and
Hanifi) are wrong and one should not align to
them, rather align to the teachings of Ibn Taymiyya
and Wahhabis leaders, wa inyazu billah. The
Wahhabis in their book The life teachings and
influence of Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab page 67
they made false claim about the four schools of
jurisprudence saying, “By the time of ibn AbdulWahhaab, strict and blind adherence to the
different schools of fiqh had become entrenched in
the Muslim world. The situation got so bad that in
areas wherein more than one school was present,
each school would pray separately from the others
in the mosque, with their own Imam. This was even
true at the Kaabah, the symbolic center of the
unity of all Muslims. Additionally, the schools
became “holy” and it was absolutely forbidden for
anyone to go outside the limits of the school”
Another wrong belief the basis of the schools of
jurisprudence is the prophetic hadith that stated
“Consensus(Ikhtilaf) of my people is a blessing” Base
on this four famous scholars of Fiqhu emerged
namely Maliki, Shafi’I, Hambali and Hanifi schools.
The prophet(SAW) asked Mu’adh (RA) as he was
going to Syria to be a Judge. What will you base
your judgement Mu’adh? On the book of Allah
replied Mu’adh. If you didn’t find it there? From
traditions of the prophet(SAW) replied Mu’adh. If
you didn’t get it there? I will use my understanding
of the book of Allah and traditions of the
prophet(SAW) to draw my judgement. The
prophet(SAW) then said “May Allah bless you
Mu’adh”That’s the basis for the four schools.
See how the Wahhabis are shamelessly claiming that
member of one school of jurisprudence do not
follow member of another school in Sallat and each
school has its mosque. Where do we ever a mosque
for members of Maliki school, another for
members of Hanifi school and so on? May God deal
with theWahhabis on behalf of the nation of Islam.
Even though Wahhabis condemned the four schools
of jurisprudence, Ibn Abdulwahhab cunningly
writes in his Muallifaat Vol. 7 page 40, “We, and all
praise be to Allah, are followers and not innovators,
upon the school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal.”
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The Six
Authentic Hadith Transmitters
 The Wahhabis believe that all the six
authentic transmitters of Hadith
(i.e. Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi,
An-Nasa’e, Ibn Majah and Abu
Dawood) are not authentic and
hadith from such collections can
only be accepted if stamped by Ibn
Taymiyya, AlBani or any Wahhabis
cleric, wa inyazu billah.
 Another wrong belief giving room
for rejection of authentic hadith and
introduction of fabricated hadith to
support Wahhabism. One needs to
read the biography of these hadith
dedicatedly collected authentic
Ahadith of the prophet(SAW).
 It was Ibn Tayyimiyyah that started
capsizing the hadith in the six
collections removing those that are
not in his favour. Ibn Qayyim
follows, Al-Bani also joined the
Abdulwahhab has not study Usulul
Hadith else he too could have done
some reduction in the number of
Ahadith, his own was the reduction
of number of Muslims in the world!
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Major Commentaries of the holy Qur’an
The Wahhabis believe that all the existing
commentaries of the holy Qur’an accepted in the
Islamic world e.g Zamakshari, Al-Baidawi, Razi,
Jalalayn etc are wrong and should not be used, One
should only used the literal Arabic meaning of
Qur’an and should not rely on any commentary
whatsoever, wa inyazu billah.
Ibn Abdulwahhab is reported by the Wahhabis in
their book Nussair page 82 that he said,
“Their(Muslims) religion is built upon some
principles, the greatest being taqleed(Blind
following). It is the greatest maxim for all the
disbelievers, from the first to the last of them.”
with this he stopped Wahhabis from following
Qur’anic commentaries rather to just go ahead and
interprete any verse of the holy Qur’an as long as
they understand Arabic language
Another wrong belief leading to disaster. The Holy
Qur’an is not all about Arabic else why would the
companions used to come to the prophet(SAW)
with inquiries regarding the holy Qur’an are they
not Arabs?
Sheikh Yusuf Ali, in his well known English
commentary of the holy Qur’an stated how the
field of commentary of the holy Qur’an is guided
that one should be very versed in
Arabic Language fields (Lughat, Nahw, Sarf,Ishtiqaq,
Ilm Al-Ma’ani, Ilm Al-Bayan)
Qur’anic fields (Ilm Al-Qira’at, Nasikh wa Mansukh,
Asbabun Nuzul )
Islamic Creed Knowledges (Ilm Aqa’id)
Islamic science of worships (Ilm Fiqhu, )
Knowledge of Hadith (Ilm Hadith)
Proximity to God giving access to inspired
knowledge (Ilm Wahabi)
Altogether having 15 fields to study first before
embarking into commentary of holy Qur’an as
agreed by all commentators, however Ibn
Abdulwahhab instructed his followers to embark
on it with just Lughatil Arabiyyat.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Temporary Marriage
 The Wahhabis believe that
permissible, this is put in
practice by their fanatic
leader Ibn Abdulwahhab
where he temporarily
contracted marriage with a
British woman who called
herself Safiyya, wa inyazu
 Another wrong belief as
this type of marriage has
already been forbidden.
 The Wahhabis managed to
conceal the practice of this
marriage by their leader
and they do not publicly
talk about it in public.
 May
be with time
civilisation, the Wahhabis
may review their stance on
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in The
Five Daily Prayers
 The Wahhabis believe that
 Another wrong that was
the five daily prayers are
established to remember
remembrance of Allah in
mind can be a substitute,
wa inyazu billah.
first practice in the early
days of Ibn Abdulwahhab
when he was commanding
the village Arabs as his
troop. Nowadays, the
Wahhabis are keeping this
secret now and may be in
due time they may review
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief in Calling
Non-Muslim to Islam
 The Wahhabis believe that the
time to call non-Muslims to
Islam (Da’awah) is over what
remain is killing anyone who
refuse to become Muslim
now. A Wahhabis militant
once said the time for
Da’awah is over remain
fire(on the unbelievers), wa
inyazu billah.
 Another
prophet(SAW) said, “Convey
from me even if it is a verse”.
 The Wahhabis want to justify
their killings which they
called holy wars and
therefore they have to close
the chapter of Da’awah,
according to them Ibn
Da’awah already now the
world should either believe
him or face fire.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
The Wahhabis believe that alcohol was not
completely forbidden there are areas where
it can be lawful, wa inyazu billah.
 Hempher in his confession mentioned how
he indoctrinate Abdulwahhab the father of
Wahhabis on this matter, “Muhammad of
Najd said,
According to some
narratives,’Umar drank alcoholic spirits
after mixing it with water and said it was not
harâm unless it had an intoxicating effect.
’Umar’s viewis correct, for it is declared in
the Qur’ân, ‘The devil wants to stir up
enmity and grudge among you and to
keep you from doing dhikr of Allah
and from namâz by means of drinks
and gambling. You will give these up
now, won’t you?’ Alcoholic spirits will not
cause the sins defined in the âyat when they
do not intoxicate. Therefore, hard drinks are
not harâm when they don’t have an
intoxicating effect.””, a slander Abdulwahhab
made against Umar(RA).
Another wrong Ibn Abdulwahhab used to get
Village Arabs to be recruited into his army.
After the conquest of Jazeeratil arab, they
dropped this belief.
 They always dropped dirty belief of theirs
whenever they found it too odd to be
 A brother and a fellow Sufis swore to me in
the name Allah that he heard from his friend,
who in turn swore to him that he visisted
Sergeant Samaíla Idris, the faction leader of
Izala, one day and found him drunk.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on Redo
of a broken fasting
 The Wahhabis believe that if a
Muslim break his fasting by
mistake should just continue
with the fasting and no redo
of that fasting is necessary and
they relied on the hadith “If
mistakenly, continue for it is
Allah that feeds you.”, wa
inyazu billah.
 Another wrong belief based
on the Wahhabis drawing
interpretation of any hadith
or verse that come their
interpretation given by early
 Imam Malik explained the
hadith to be referring to Imsak
(continue to observe fasting
after breaking it mistakenly)
and not Qada (Reobserving of
the fasting).
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on Visit
to the tomb of the Prophet(SAW)
 The Wahhabis believe that
no Muslim should visit the
tomb of the prophet(SAW)
and doing that is Shirk. One
should only visit the
mosque. Now the Wahhabis
regime of Ibn Su’ud has
mounted a guard in the
prophet(SAW) mosque at
Medina who will stop
anyone from coming closer
to the tomb in the name of
visit, wa inyazu billah.
 Another
wrong belief
touching faith. This has
been explained in the
previous slides umder
visiting graves.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
Waging Holy Battles
The Wahhabis believe that a holy battle can be declared not
by an Islamic State under organised political structure,
rather any Wahhabis cleric stamped from Wahhabis kingdom
of Saudi Arabia can declare war on any non-Wahhabis and
such war is holy and all Wahhabis within that region should
obey him, wa inyazu billah.
Under this pretext Wahhabis organisations keep on
unleashing terror to the societies they found themselves.
The Wahhabis clerics declared war against Americans in
Yemen few years ago, urging the populace to kill any
American found in Yemen. They called on civilians not
Military or at least trained militia, to carry war. People that
have no knowledge of war are called to wage war, at the
end small children and women took to the street and
started killing any American they could see, some
Americans are even health workers in Yemen. And when
these mob attacked American embassy in Yemen, the
Marines rained bullets on these children and women
mobilised by the Wahhabis, most were killed and the rest
Another wrong belief touching faith. This also has been
discussed under killing of non-Wahhabis by the Wahhabis.
The Wahhabis have succeeded in branding Islam as the
religion of anarchy and terror in the Western World because
of their killings they called holy wars.
Scholars have established conditions for declaring holy war
The Muslim ummat should have a military strength in the
ratio of 1:2 to the unbelievers force or something above
that this is explained in holy Qur’an 8:66
There should be a leader having all the excellent qualities of
Islamic leadership and nominated by the people not taken
power by force.
There must be a justified reason acceptable by Islam for
going into war.
All diplomatic means have been exhausted and no result is
The consensus of all Islamic clerics in the state must be
collected and all should approve war.
The leader must be inspired with an instruction to carry on
with war.
The leader must seek the opinion of his service chiefs an
the advantages and disadvantages of going into war.
The leader must consult his intelligence experts and seek
their opinion, before he will declare war against any hostile
state. And shall withdraw as soon as the prevalent
conditions warranting the war ceased to exist.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
Moderate Worships
 The Wahhabis believe that
worships in Islam ends with
the five articles of Islam.
They narrow down many
worships and declare they
are not necessary or they
(Innovations), by doing so
they bring laxity in
observing Islamic worships,
wa inyazu billah.
 Another
wrong belief
touching faith.
 They
worships to none, some to
lesser number.
 Refer to the book “Advice
to Wahhabi” and read more
about this.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
The Wahhabis claimed they want to remove
innovations from Islamic societies and put reliance
on the hadith “Avoid newly-introduced
matters. Verily, every heresy is a going
astray”. But a closer look at what they called
innovation one will see anything not within
Wahhabism framework is innovation even if it is
based on Qur’ an & Sunnah and anything in
support of Wahhabism is not innovation even if it
has no basis in Qur’ an and Sunnah, wa inyazu
Calling Hejaz as Saudi Arabia after Muhammad
Su’ud a friend to Abdulwahhab is not innovation
but calling Sufi orders after the patron saint of the
Sufi order is innovation according toWahhabis
Another wrong belief they have forgotten that the
prophet(SAW) said, “Whomsoever initiate a good
tradition he shall have its reward and the reward
for he who follows it”.
The rejected the classifications of innovations by
scholars like Sheikh Usman bn Fodio(RA).
Inspite of innovations appearing in most worships
like pilgrimage, Prayer and even fasting, they still
are selecting issues and branding them as
innovations and should be done away with.
Wahhabism itself rest fully on bid’a ,The coming of
Ibn Abdulwahhab is bid’a, attacking Mecca &
Medina is another bid’a, naming Hejaz as”Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia” is yet another bid’a, classfication of
Tauheed into Uluhiyya, Rububiyya & Asma was Sifati
by Ibn Abdulwhhab is another great bid’a, sucide
bombing is another bid’a, observing Tahajjud(night
vigil) in congregation is another bid’a, alliance with
US to attack Islamic nation is another bid’a,
organizing Daura is another’bid’a, writing small
pamphlet on Tauheed is another bid’a, calling Ibn
Tayyimiyya and Ibn Abdulwahhab as sheikhul Islam
without higher school’s authority confirming this is
another bid’a, and so many other bid’a observed by
Wahhabis and their government occupying Hejaz.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
The Wahhabis are so much eager to engulf
political power to establish more Wahhabis
state where they can train their soldiers and
send them for war with the non-Wahhabis.
As a result of this they believe politics is
better than prayer(Sallat). This doctrine was
made public by Gumi a founding father of
Wahhabis in Nigeria.
 Gumi also claimed under Wahhabism
doctrine that going to cast vote in election is
better than observing pilgrimage(Hajj) in
Another wrong belief touching faith, the
prophet(SAW) said, “Sallat (Prayer) is the pillar of
religion whomsoever abandon it has abandon religion”.
In another hadith he said “Sallat (prayer) is the first to
be audited on the day of judgement, if it is Ok all other
deeds are Ok.”
About 49 verses of the holy Qur’an emphasis the
importance and obligation of prayer, but the Wahhabis
have the audacity to say politics is better than prayer, wa
inyazu billah.
Sheikh Tahir Uthman Bauchi(RA) in an Islamic seminar
at Zamfara state(Nigeria) when Sharee’a legal system
was implemented in the state, some Wahhabis from
Izala confronted him saying, “When Mahmud Gumi
said politics is better than prayer, you people argued
with him. Can you see what politics has given birth to
here, where seventy years of prayer cannot give the
society”. Sheikh Tahir(RA) responded saying, “Here am
I seventy years old, I have never done politics and will
never. Can someone among you come out say the same
in regard to prayer. I also say Woe unto politics, can
anyone of you come out and say the same to prayer?”
Base on this theory USA the leaders of today’s world
politic are better than the sanctuary of Ka’aba where
people face for prayer.
Sheikh Uthman bn Fodio (RA) stated “Your
Imam(leader in prayer) is your commander(leader in
Listen To Gumi, the father of
Wahhabism in Nigeria and Patron of
Izala claiming that politics is better
than Sallat (Prayer)
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
Science & Technology
The Wahhabis recently updated their
doctrines with a new notorious belief which
even within the Wahhabis themselves some
didn’t find it easy to accept. The doctrine of
Boko Haram meaning going for western
education in the universities, polytechnics
and colleges are forbidden. Base on this a
young Wahhabis called Muhammad Yusuf
formed his Wahhabis organisation in Nigeria.
 Muslims under this doctrine cannot study
sciences and technologies, thereby becoming
lower class citizens whose fate will be on the
hands of the non-Muslims. The architects of
this doctrine, the master minds of
Wahhabism sect want Islam to become
unacceptable in the western world thereby
stopping its spread.
Another wrong belief not accepted by some
Wahhabis themselves.
 The funny aspect about this Wahhabis belief,
when Ibn Yusuf introduced it here in Nigeria,
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)
supported him actively. They are happy
Nigeria will soon be for the Christians alone
since Muslims are about to stop going to
colleges, polytechnics and universities. This
is indicated when top officials of CAN
including Professor Jerry Gana bailed Ibn
Yusuf out when he was arrested and
detained by security agents in Nigeria.
 Albany Zaria a member of Salafi group of
wahhabism made an attempt to send away
this theory away from Wahhabism, he
claimed Ibn Yusuf and Boko Haram are
members of Shiá and not Wahhabism. But
our question here is will there be any
member of Shi’a who follows the teachings
of Ibn Abdulwahhab and IbnTaymiyyah.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on Loving
the Prophet(SAW)
Another wrong belief touching faith. Not
loving Allah or the prophet(SAW) amounts
to apostasy. We cannot bring volumes of
Ahadith that talk about loving the
prophet(SAW) here because the space is too
small. You can however download my
see some.
 Absence of love is hatred, and that is the case
of Wahhabis. They hate the prophet(SAW)
and love Ibn Abdulwahhab. In page 84 of the
Wahhabis book, The life, teachings and
influence of Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab,
the Wahhabis showed their love for Ibn
Abdulwahhab where they said, “We have
not heard of anyone softer or kinder
than him to the students of
knowledge, to the questioner, to the
one in need” Here they have not even
spare the blessed prophet(SAW) in the
anyone they mentioned because their eyes is
closed with the love of Ibn Abdulwahhab and
yet they are telling us not to love the
The Wahhabis believe it is not an obligation
on Muslims to love the prophet(SAW) and
even if it is, the love shall be shallow and not
deep, Wa inyazu billah.
 Jaáfar Gadon kaya, a well trained Wahhabis
by the Wahhabi state of Saudia once said
“From Baqara to Nasi there is no any place
where Allah said we must love the
 Another Wahhabis in their Wahhabi
Monarchy lamented that what was wrong
with Sheikh Ibrahim Inyass(RA) was that he
love the prophet(SAW) so much, this event
was narrated by Sheikh Hassan Cisse in his
book “Sincere advice”.
The Mind of Wahhabis- Belief on
Intercession by the Prophet(SAW)
The Wahhabis believe the intercession of the
Prophet(SAW) on the day of judgement is not true.
One of their clerics said, “Intercession has
already been done here on Earth, you
follow the prophet(SAW) that’s all about
Some Wahhabis relied on the warning the
prophet(SAW) made to his daugther, Fatima(RA)
telling her to fear Allah and obey Him as there is
nothing he can do to her if she does otherwise.
Another wrong belief touching faith. The
prophet(SAW) said, “My intercession is real,
whoever disbelieves it will not be its beneficiary”
Holy Qur’ an 2:255 says “… Who is he that
intercede with Him save by his leave…” If there
will be anyone that will be given leave to
intercede by God, who will that person be?
Holy Qur’ an 21:29 says, “He knoweth what is
before them and what is behind them, and they
cannot intercede except for him whom He
accepteth, and they quake for awe of Him.” “They”
referred to here is the prophet(SAW) exclusive?
Holy Qur’ an 30:13 says, “There will be none to
intercede for them of those whom made equal with
Allah(worship other deities). And they will reject
thee partners(deities they worshipped).” This is the
limit of intercession, he who worshipped other
deities cannot benefit from it. Joining this verse
with the hadith above we can draw a conclusion
that it is polytheists that did not believe in
intercession of the prophet(SAW) hence not
beneficiaries of it. The state of Wahhabis is well
known with this conclusion.
Intercession is given to a person who worshipped
Allah alone but has sins that tipped his scale and
dragging him to goto Hell first, with intercession
he will be forgiven and goto paradise.
Intercession of the prophet(SAW)
Scholars made explanation in regard to holy Qur’an
17:79, “And some part of the night awake for it, a
largess for thee. It may be that thy Lord will raise
thee to a praised state(Maqam Mahmudan).” As a
position in which each and every creature will praise
the prophet(SAW) because of benefiting to portion
of his intercession. Scholars list six major areas his
intercession will benefit creatures:
 He will intercede for judgement to be
established, when all creatures are tired waiting
for it after resurrection,
 He will intercede for 70 thousands of his nations
to also intercede for 70 thousand others,
 He will intercede for thousands of his nation that
are condemned to go to Hell temporarily,
 He will intercede for thousands of his nation that
have one or two of their sins too damn to be
forgiven, but are cleared of any other thing else.
 He will intercede for thousands of his nation to
go to paradise without facing audititng.
 He will intercede for those people on Aáraf their
sins and good deeds are equal, so that they will
move to paradise.
Other dangerous beliefs of Wahhabis
Tha Allah has shadow (Wa inyazu billah)
The base this on errorneous
interpretation of the hadith
In the hadith of the
seven of those who will
be shaded by Allah in His
shadow on the day that
there is no shadow save
His shadow, is this
attributing Allah the
Exalted with a shadow?
And that
 Allah has a Limit(Ibn Baz on his
'commentary' on al-`Aqida alTahawiyya stated this)
 Allah is Located in a Direction (Ibn
Baz in the same book stated: He is
in the direction above us. They
even placed this on their
website: ‫فاهلل سبحانه في العلو‬
‫)في جهة العلو فوق جميع الخلق‬
 Allah has a Waist [Haqwu]
(Abdullah bin Aqeel says this in
his book "Tanbihat ala alAkhta'a Al-'aqadiyyah fiFath
 Allah is Attributed with Hesitation
(Abdel Aziz Ar-Rajhi said this
when he was asked.)
 Allah Almighty – Laughs (The
book "Sharh kitab al-Tawhid min
Sahih al-Bukhari" by wahabi
scholar al-Ghunayman stated this.
The book says – ‫ إن هللا‬:‫بل نقول‬
‫ وكما يليق‬،‫تعالى – يضحك كما يشاء‬
 Allah is Surrounding the
World(AlBani stated this in his
footnotes on Sahih at-Targhib
wat-tarhib, from the 1406 Hijri
edition of al-Maktab al-Islami
And many dangerous beliefs that are anti
Islamic are what form the Wahhabis belief
 This
heretical sect was
publicly announced in Najd
(Present day Riyadh) with
the aid of British spies in
1738 AD (1150 AH) and
was proclaimed the true
Islam and any other thing
before it as wrong with the
exceptions of few things
retained by theWahhabis.
The symbol of Wahhabism –
sword for killings, destructions
and suicide bombings of Public
places. Notice a cross at the
handle of the swords and a cross
formed by the sword, we will
talk about that later.
How does it all started?
 A master plan formed in Britain, as
part of its colonial conquest and
Illuminati agenda, a crack from
within should be created to destroy
Islam from within. Spies were sent
to Islamic countries particularly
Hejaz to brainwashed youths with
these doctrines we now called
Wahhabism. One of the spies called
Hempher did succeeded in finding a
young man called Muhammad
Abdulwahhab of Najd.
 The evil doctrines started by Ibn
Taymiyya and his likes were
carefully collected and modified
then given to Abdulwahhab to
Who is Ibn AbdulWahhab?
 Ibn
Abdulwahhab the man who
collected what Ibn Taymiyya has started
spreading put them together and
forcefully bring it as Wahhabism with
aids of British Empire.
 Hempher described him in his
confession saying, “Muhammad of Najd
was the sort I had been looking for. For
his scorn for the time’s scholars,
his slighting even the (earliest)
four Khalîfas, his having an
understanding the Qur’ân and
the Sunna were his most vulnerable
points to hunt and obtain him. So
different this conceited youngster was
from that Ahmed Efendi who had
taught me in Istanbul!”
Hempher the British Spy who succeeded in
indoctrinating Ibn AbdulWahhab with evil
theories that formed the tenets of
Who is Ibn AbdulWahhab?
Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab belonged to
the Bani Tamim tribe. He was born in
Uyayna village near the town of Huraimila in
the Najd Desert in 1111 A.H. (1699) and
died in 1206 (1792). Formerly, with the idea
of trading, he went to Basra, Baghdad, Iran,
India and Damascus, where he won the
name "Shaikh an-Najdi" due to his clever
and aggressive attitude. He saw and learnt a
great deal at these places and set his heart on
the idea of becoming a chief. In 1125 (1713
A.D.), he met Hempher, a British spy, in Basra,
who understood that this unexperienced
young person (ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab) has a
desire to be a chief by way of revolution,
established a long-term friendship with him.
He inspired him the trics and lies that he had
learned from the British Ministry of the
The Wahhabis say that Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab
disseminated his thoughts in order to attain
sincerity in his belief in the unity of Allah
and to rescue Muslims from polytheism.
They allege that Muslims had been
committing polytheism for six centuries and
that he came forth to renew and reform the
religion of Muslims. He put forward the 5th,
106th and 14th ayats of the respective Suras
al-Ahqaf, Yunus and ar-Rad as documents to
make everyone believe his ideas.
 However, there are many similar ayats, and
the 'ulama' of tafsir unanimously declared
that all these ayats were about idolatrous
unbelievers or polytheists.
 We will find out whether that was what
“Sheikh Al-Najdi” did or it was something
else he did.
Who is Ibn AbdulWahhab?
Abdul Wahhab was descended from Wahib
Al-Tamimi(Mind this as we will talk about it
later), so, as reported by al Said Nasir, in
"The History of the Saud Family", the
Saudi ambassador in Cairo, Abdullah bin
Ibrahim al Mufaddal, paid Muhammad AlTamimi thirty five thousand Jinee in the year
1943, to forge a family tree of the Saudi
family and that of Abdul Wahhab, and merge
them into one, claiming their origin from
Muhammad(SAW). A
fabrication to make Ibn Abdulwahhab a
member of the holy family of the
prophet(SAW) so as to make his sect
Wahhabism acceptable to Illiterates who
doesn’t know about this fabrication.
Ibn Abdulwahhab has already put the ground
work for using force to push forward his
new religion – Wahhbism, the call he made
in his pamplets to ride Islamic towns from
polytheists. What remain is soldiers under a
general to achieve his dream.
 Muhammad Abdulwahhab needs a military
general to mobilise his notorious gang, who
knew very little about war. And he needs
ammunition to carry out his war on Muslims
states. For the first need he got a man known
as Muhammad Saúd a prince of Daríyya and
for the second need he got Ministry of
common wealth of Britain through
Hempher. \
 Who is Muhammad Saúd whose name is
given to Hejaz by the wahhabis (Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia)Naming the two sacred
mosques after his name, not after the name
of the prophet(SAW) or any sahaba; next
slide will introduce him.
Who is Ibn Su’ud?
Muhammad Saúd as the world know him as prince
of Daríyya did not belong to any royal family, he
took power for himself by force. He was initially a
leader of Marauders full of village Arabs from Najd
and environs that used to attack and loot travellers
on the Najd routes. He became a village chief using
his troops and forced the Arabs clans to submit
themselves to him. He has a dream of enlarging his
The two made a perfect match, Ibn Abdulwahhab
needs a general and an army and Ibn Suúd needs to
enlarge his territory and the religion of Ibn
Abdulwahhab is a chance for him to realise his
The two united with Ibn Suúd accepting
Wahhabism. The union which is purely political
under the disguise of religion produced the first
constitution written by Ibn Abdulwahhab himself;
the consitution declares Ibn Abdulwahhab as Qadi
(Head of religious affairs) and Ibn Suúd as Hakim
(Head of the government) of the new Wahhabi state
in Najd. The constitution reserves these title to
only the blood of the two(Their descendant). To
date ministers, governors, Kings all come from Ibn
Suúd family, and Wahhabis clerics in the kingdom
come from Ibn Abdulwahhab’s family.
1st Flag adopted by the Wahabis
regime in Saudia
Flag adopted by the
Wahabis regime in Saudia
Final Flag adopted by the
Wahabis regime in Saudia with
a sword in it
Who is Ibn Su’ud?
Muhammad Saúd The head of Wahhabis
government belongs to Bani Hanifah tribe, the
tribe that accepted the call of the false prophet,
Musaylamtul Kadhdhab, so it was not strange the
tribe will accept the call of another heretic caller,
Ibn Abdulwahhab.
After the union, Wahhabis started spilling Muslims
blood in Hejaz and other Islamic cities, killing
anyone who didn’t believe in their doctrines, take
over his wives as slaves and belongings as booty and
they called this barbarism Jihad (Holy battle).
Muhammad ibn Sa'ud died in 1178 (1765), and his
son 'Abd al-'Aziz succeeded him. 'Abd al-'Aziz was
assassinated, stabbed in the abdomen by a Shiite, in
the Dar'iyya Mosque in 1217 (1830). Then, his son
Sa'ud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz became the chief of the
Wahhabis. All three strove very hard, as if
competing with one another, to shed Muslim blood
in order to deceive the Muslims and to disseminate
To formulize the friendship son of IbnSaúd is
married to the daughter of Ibn Abdulwahhab.
Crusaders sword with cross
when they massacred Muslims
in Jerusalem. Symbol of
eliminating Muslim from
Wahhabis sword with cross also
when they massacred Muslims
in Hejaz – symbol of
eliminating Muslims indirectly
from Hejaz
11 AH
100 AH 200 AH 300 AH 500 AH
Period in which Muslims all
over the globe degenerated and
became Polytheists according to
Ibn Abdulwahhab
Abdulwahhab renewed the faith
of Muslims all over the globe
and stopped them from
Polytheism according to Ibn
Uncategorised Period
Period of Tabiún Tabiún
Period of Tabiún
Period of the
companions of the
Period of the
The Boarder line drawn by ibn
1100 AH
All Muslims that died within this period are
Unbelievers and go to Hell according to Ibn
Abdulwahhab. Remember within this line we are
talking of Millions Muslims!
Ibn Abdulwahhab sees himself as the messiah of the Muslims all over the globe, who brought them back
to Islamic path and saved them from the major derailment they suffered from 500 AH. What makes Ibn
Abdulwahhab to have such a belief the next slide will explain insh’Allah.
Is Ibn Abdulwahhab Messiah of the
The wahhabis considered Ibn Abdulwahhab as next to the
prophet(SAW), because he saved Muslim ummat from the
derailment they were in for SIX HUNDRED YEARS
worshipping other deities not Allah.
Hempher’s confession gave us the missing link in the
Messiah-hood of Ibn Abdulwahhab, “One day I fabricated
the following dream: “Last night I dreamed of our Prophet.
I addressed him with the attributes I had learnt from hodjas.
He was seated on a dais. Around him were scholars that I
did not know. You entered. Your face was as bright as haloes.
You walked towards the Prophet, and when you were close
enough the Prophet stood up and kissed between your both
eyes. He said, ‘You are my namesake, the heir to my
knowledge, my deputy in worldly and religious
matters.’ You said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I am afraid to
explain my knowledge to people.’ ‘You are the greatest.
Don’t be afraid,’ replied the Prophet.””
Hempher continued, “Muhammad bin Abd-ul-Wahhâb was
wild with joy when he heard the dream. He asked several
times if what I had told him was true, and received a
positive answer each time he asked. Finally he was sure I
had told him the truth. I think, from then on, he was
resolved to publicise the ideas I had imbued him
with and to establish a new sect”
From that fabricated dream by his closest, a spy who
disguised as a Muslim and scholar and above all a student of
Ibn Abdulwahhab; Hempher working for British Ministry of
CommonWealth; Ibn Abdulwahhab started his ministry of
saving Muslims under his new sect WAHHABISM.
Symbol of Wahhabism cross
sword with date palm on top (We
will talk about this later
What are the sources of Ibn
The theories of Ibn Taymiyyah who was born in 1263 AD
and died 1328 AD born in Iraq studied in Syria. He is one
of the few Muslims within the red period of Ibn
Abdulwahhab. The major theory he learnt from the writings
of Ibn Taymiyyah is anthropomorphism.
Anthropomorphism is the assiging of humans or animals
attributes to God, Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the earliest
anthropomorphism writer who was jailed for more than 18
months for that. According to Ibn Taymiyyah, God has
literal and physical hands even though not similar to that of
man, face, feet and walks, sits and so on and so on; wa
inyazu billah.
Ibn Taymiyyah died in prison because of his introduction of
Greek’s concept of God into Islam –anthropomorphism.
Another source for Ibn Abdulwahhab is Hempher, a British
spy sent for the brainwashing of Ibn Abdulwahhab from
British Empire.
With these sources Ibn Abdulwahhab formulate his idea of
Islam and how it should be, he wrote the following books:
Kitaab ut-Tawheed
Al-Usul ul-Thalatha
Kashf ash-Shubahaat
Kitaab al-Kabaa’ir
Mukhtasar Seerat ur-Rasul )‫) صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
The most popular of his writings is the first. In it he
described his idea of Islamic theology and anthropomorphic
description of God. In the fourth, he listed polytheist
according to him, the first on the list was Adam(AS) and
Eve(RA), he said they are polytheists since they disobeyed
God by eating the forbidden fruit, wa inyazu billah.
Anthropomorphism is a mean the Devil is
using to steal faith from the mind of a
Muslim. Hands, feet and face mentioned in
the holy Qurán are not literal as Ibn
Taymiyyah took them on literal basis
Shaykh Al-Najdi (The Old man from Najd) is the
famous title of Ibn Abdulwahhab, does it have
historic significance?
Sheikh from Najd, the hometown of Ibn
Abdulwahhab, a title conferred on him and he
proudly answered it. This title has a historic
significance in telling us who Ibn Abdulwahhab may
become to Islam.
Tarikh Ibn Kathir Vol. 4 Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes
:"When the kuffar of Makka had a meeting
concerning the Prophet (may Allah bless him and
give him peace), an old man came claiming: "I am
a NAJDI- whatever you want to know, I will
be helpful."
throughout the meeting for
planning how to kill the prophet(SAW) which took
place in Mecca, this old man was addressed as
Shaykh Al-Najdi (An old man from Najd) –
Historian and biographers of the prophet(SAW) all
agreed that the old man is Satan himself who
transformed himself into man and participated in
that evil meeting against the prophet(SAW).
After that meeting no one ever take that title again
except Ibn Abdulwahhab – The missing link is
found, the two old men from Najdi have the same
agenda – seeing an end to prophet(SAW) and his
When unbelievers gathered to plan how to end
the prophet(SAW) mission and his life, Satan
transformed himself into an old man and said “I
am an Old man from Najd”. Ibn Abdulwahhab
too when he was about to start his evil sect for
demolishing Islam from within took unto himself
the title “Old man from Najd”.
In Najd where
Najd resides within the present day Riyadh, the
capital to the kingdom ofWahhabis.
Ibn Abdulwahhab belongs to Ibn Tameem family, a
family of village Arabs whose ancestors were Jews
and many of them practice Judaism and Kabala
sorcery.They are calledTameemites.
Abdulwahab's grand father was Suleiman according
to Wahhabis record! A lie to cover up Sheikh from
Najd’s ancestors that's not his true name, his name
was Shulman a Jewish name, Wahabis & British
changed to Suleiman to give it Islamic significance.
He lived in Bursa, Turkey From there he settled in
Damascus, where he feigned Islam, but was
sorcery(Voodoo magic). He then fled to Egypt
and he again faced condemnation, so he made his
way to Hejaz, where he got married and fathered
Abdul Wahhab the father of Ibn Abdulwahab the
founding father of wahhabism.
The Tameemites, kinsmen of Ibn Abdulwahhab, also
have significant history in hadith and the holy
Qur’an, next slides will explore these significances
Wahhabism has its ancestor a Jew practicing
Voodoo & Kabala, its teaching based on
Greek’s idea of God, its founder sharing the
same title with Satan himself, its global centre
Najd a town cursed by the prophet(SAW), its
symbol sword, its action killing of Muslims, its
hatred on the prophet’s family and saints, its
friends western world like British!
The Ancestor of Wahhabis
Narrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who
distributed it among four persons: Al-Aqra' bin Habis Al-Hanzali from
the tribe of Mujashi, 'Uyaina bin Badr Al-Fazari, Zaid At-Ta'i who
belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Nahban, and 'Alqama bin Ulatha Al'Amir who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Kilab. So the Quraish and the
Ansar became angry and said, "He (i.e. the Prophet, ) gives the chief of
Najd and does not give us." The Prophet said, "I give them) so as to
attract their hearts (to Islam)." Then a man with sunken eyes,
prominent checks, a raised forehead, a thick beard and a
shaven head, came (in front of the Prophet ) and said, "Be afraid
of Allah, O Muhammad!" The Prophet ' said "Who would obey
Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Is it fair that) Allah has trusted all the people
of the earth to me while, you do not trust me?" Somebody who, I think
was Khalid bin Al-Walid, requested the Prophet to let him chop that
man's head off, but he prevented him. When the man left, the Prophet
said, "Among the off-spring of this man will be some who will
recite the Qur'an but the Qur'an will not reach beyond their
throats (i.e. they will recite like parrots and will not understand it nor
act on it), and they will renegade from the religion as an
arrow goes through the game's body. They will kill the
Muslims but will not disturb the idolaters. If I should live up
to their time' I will kill them as the people of Add were
killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)." Transmitted Bukhari
This man and came from Najd he was Najdi too, the same town with
Ibn Abdulwahhab. The arrogant nature of this man and lack of respect
of persons God made respect to them obligatory to His servant, thes
traits were passed to his descendants and kinsmen – The Wahhabis.
Anywhere you see a Wahhabi you will know him by his arrogant
nature, lack of respect to respected persons and authorities, and
questioning anything that didn’t suit his Wahhabis mind.
From the kinsmen of this arrogant and evil man came Ibn Abdulwahhab
and Abdulwahhab formed Wahhabism, the Wahhabis are the people
being referred to in this hadith. They are very good in reciting the holy
Qur’an with full Tajweed but the meanings and blessings of the holy
Qur’an couldn’t even reach their throat set aside their hearts. They will
kill Muslims and they are killing Muslims next slides will show us the
The wahhabis bombed public buildings
killing innocent lives, they even attacked
secondary schools killing children, they
misled their adherents to carry suicide
bomb and told them they will go to
paradise by doing so!
Wahhabis Responded on Dhul Khawsira
Narrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who distributed it among
four persons: Al-Aqra' bin Habis Al-Hanzali from the tribe of Mujashi, 'Uyaina bin
Badr Al-Fazari, Zaid At-Ta'i who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Nahban, and 'Alqama
bin Ulatha Al-'Amir who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Kilab. So the Quraish and the
Ansar became angry and said, "He (i.e. the Prophet, ) gives the chief of Najd and does
not give us." The Prophet said, "I give them) so as to attract their hearts (to Islam)."
Then a man with sunken eyes, prominent checks, a raised forehead, a thick beard and
a shaven head, came (in front of the Prophet ) and said, "Be afraid of Allah, O
Muhammad!" The Prophet ' said "Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Is it fair
that) Allah has trusted all the people of the earth to me while, you do not trust me?"
Somebody who, I think was Khalid bin Al-Walid, requested the Prophet to let him
chop that man's head off, but he prevented him. When the man left, the Prophet said,
"Among the off-spring of this man will be some who will recite the Qur'an but the
Qur'an will not reach beyond their throats (i.e. they will recite like parrots and will
not understand it nor act on it), and they will renegade from the religion as an arrow
goes through the game's body. They will kill the Muslims but will not disturb the
idolaters. If I should live up to their time' I will kill them as the people of Add were
killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)." Transmitted Bukhari
 This man is popularly referred to as Dhul Khawsira and is the founding father of
The Wahhabis in an attempt to disassociate themselves from this notorious and cursed man
vehemently saidThis man is an ancestor of Khawareej and notWahhabis.
Let us examine this allegation.
Who is Dhul Khawsira
 The
appearance of Dhul
Khawsira as reported Hadith
# 4094 of Sahih Bukhari are:
Person with deep sunken eye,
Prominent cheek bones,
Elevated forehead,
Thick beard,
Shaven head,
In another narration, tucked
up loin cloth.
 While Dhul Khawsira and his
descendant according to the
prophet(SAW) have these
 They will recite the Qur’an
glibly but it will not go
beyond their throat.
 They will renegade from
the religion as an arrow
goes through the game's
 They
will kill the
Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.
Let’s closely examine these appearances and attributes before analyzing who are Khawareej
Person with deep sunken eye
These are selected members of Ahlish Shaykh
(descendant of Ibn Abdulwahhab) from Saudi and
their fore father; all have sunken eyes a branding on
Prominent cheek bones
Another member of Ahlish
Shaykh descendant of Ibn
prominent cheek bones
Elevated forehead
Elevated forehead on
another Ahlish Shaykh and a
blood of Ibn Abdulwahhab
Thick beard
 Keeping beard is a sunnah of the
prophet(SAW) but the message
is not on it, rather how the
Wahhabis will later hold to it.
 ISLAMABAD: In 1998 Having
declared the beard-keeping by
male Afghan citizens as a
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban
militia has now introduced a
unique instrument to ensure
minimum length of the beard
prescribed by the Islamic laws.
 Taliban A Wahhabi militia
dictated keeping beard as
compulsory and not Sunnah.
Mullah Omar Taliban leader who
rules out keeping beard is Wajib and
not Sunnah as agreed by all Islamic
Shaven head
Shaven head – another
Tucked up loin cloth.
 It is only wahhabis that
 ¾ of trouser becomes the
adherents to wear tucked
up loin cloth otherwise
known as ¾ of trouser due
to erroneous interpretation
of hadith.
identifying uniform for
wahhabis, the same way
their fore father was
identified in the hadith we
are examining.
They will recite the Qur’an glibly but it will not go
beyond their throat.
Listen to how the Wahhabis recites the
holy Qur’an – Recitation by a
member of Ahlish shaykh and
descendant of Ibn Abdulwahhab
The Wahhabis even organised the annual
Qur’anic recitation competition in their
But Recitation never go beyond their throat when you see their actions and
They will renegade from the religion as an
arrow goes through the game's body.
 A part from many dangerous
beliefs that makes Wahhabis
renegade from Islam, one
prominent action of theirs
ensure they are out of Islam
every second, the hadith below
If a person says to his
(disbeliever) ! Then surely
one of them is such. (i.e;
Kafir) (Sahih Bukhari Volume 8
Book 73 Number 125)
 The Wahhabis are very fond of
calling Muslims as unbelievers
and if these people are Muslims
then the Wahhabis are definitely
unbelievers. Another name
given to wahhabis is Takfiri as a
result of this.
 Ibn Abdulwahhab said all
Muslims from 500 AH to 1000
AH are all unbelievers and
 Wahhabis said all members of
313 Sufi orders are not Muslims
They will kill the Muslims but will not disturb
the idolaters.
 ISIL a wahhabi militia attacked
Mosul purely Islamic town, killed,
tortured and burn to dead many
 ISIL attacked Muslims in Syria,
Libya, Iraq, and Jordan.
 Ibn Abdulwahhab Attacked Mecca
and Medina in 1920s Killing
 Boko Haram and ‘yan tatsine attacked
muslims town of Kano, Borno,
Yobe, Gombe and Adamawa killing
thousands of Muslims.
 Non of Wahhabis militia
attacked Israel, the tyrannical
power killing Muslims in Palestine
and Lebanon on daily basis.
 Ibn Abdulwahhab never attacked
Britain who are unleashing colonial
conquest of Muslims lands in
1920s, he even allied with him and
was supply weapons by the British.
 Boko Haram and ‘yan tatsine never
launch offensive on South-South or
South-East who are launching many
Muslims in the Northern Nigeria.
Who are Khawareej?
Khawareej name is derived from Arabic word Khuruj
which means Rebellion or sedition. Khawareej are
therefore considered rebels against legitimate
Islamic authorities.
The first rebel is Dhul Khawsira himself who
rebelled against the justice of the prophet(SAW).
The next Kharijite is Abu Luálu’a a pagan who
rebelled against the court ruling of Umar bn AlKhattab(RA) the Ameeril Mu’emineen then and
succeeded in assassinating him in cold blood.
The Khawareej were able to form strong group
during the time of Uthman bn Affan(RA) and
rebelled against him thereafter assassinating him in
cold blood too.
The next Khawareej onslaught came at the time of
Ali bn Abi Takib(RA) were three of their killers
wanted staging three simultaneous killing of the
Caliph, Amr bn Al-Ass and Mu’awiyya bn Abi
Sufyan. They succeeded in killing the caliph (Ali bn
Abi Talib)
Ibn Abdulwahhab as a Khawareej rebelled against the
caliph in Istanbul who is ruling Hejaz then and
fought the caliph on two different occasions.
Ibn Abdulwahhab rebelled against the governors of
Mecca and Medina and in 1920s the Wahhabis army
attacked the two holy cities killing anyone that
comes their way and raping women.
Descendants of Ibn Abdulwahhab rebelled against
all rulers in Hejaz and invaded Hejaz to establish the
Wahhabis kingdom they named after Sa’ud one of
their prince.
Ibn Taymiyyah rebelled against the Caliph during
his time and he was captured.
Ibn Taymiyyah rebelled against Islamic scholars
when he started introducing his dangerous beliefs
on God and for that he was imprisoned.
Ibn Taymiyyah rebelled against all schools of
jurisprudence considering them as heretics.
Al-Bany the disciple of Ibn Taymiyyah rebelled
against the six authentic collectors of hadith and
levelled most of their collections as fabrications.
Khawareej A.K.A Wahhabiyya
 All Wahhabis are Khawareej as
ancestor(Dhul Khawsira).
 Rebel against legitimate Islamic
authority can only be carried
out under wahhabism.
 Wahhabism is created base on
 Wahhabis are initially referred
to as Khawareej, when Ibn
Abdulwahhab transformed the
doctrines of Khawareej into
religion, the Khawareej were
referred to asWahhabis.
 Holy Qur’an 3:118 mentioned
about Khawareej, other verses
are 5:33, 13:25, 18:103-104,
2:11-12, 35:8
 Before Khawareej took the
name Wahhabis, they are also
referred to as Hururiyya.
 Other names of Wahhabis is
Salafiyya, an abused of that good
 In Nigeria they are known as
Izala as well.
Dhul Khawsira & Ibn Abdulwahhab
came from the same town – the cursed
 The hadith mentioned Dhul Khawsira as tameemite just like
Ibn Abdulwahhab from the cursed city of Najd.
But Ibn Taymiyyah condemned
Khawareej ….
IbnTaymiyyah condemning Khawareej does not separate Khawareej fromWahhabiyya.
Osama a Saudi Wahhabis condemned Saudi Monarchy the biggest sponsorer of Wahhabism does not
make him not a Wahhabis or the monarch not a wahhabis.
When Izala separated into two in Nigeria, each faction condemned each side, but they are still
Salaf another wahhabis group condemned Boko Haram another Wahhabis militant group, but all are
Ibn Taymiyyah himself agrees Khawareej are known by ideology and anyone sharing their ideology is
also Khawareej read his saying below:
Ibn Taymiyya elsewhere also confirms the emergence of the Khawarij movement
during the end times: “And these Kharjites are not only the armed group that was known in
history [during the caliphate of ‘Ali]; rather, they are the ones who will appear time and time
again until the time of the al-Dajjal. The Prophet’s particular mention of the group that
appeared during the time of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib was due to the many traits found in them. Anyone
in whom these traits are found is counted amongst them, for the particular mention of them
[by the Prophet (peace be upon him)] was not because the ruling applied to them alone, but
rather it was because those who were addressed during the Prophet’s time needed to fix the
identity in the times to come.” [Ibn Taymiyya, Majmua al-fatawa, 28:495-496]
The capital city of Wahhabis was
cursed by the prophet(SAW)
Najd (Present day Riyadh in Saudi Arabia),
the hometown of Ibn Abdulwahhab , the
birth place of wahhabism and the global
capital city of the wahhabis all over the
world was cursed by the prophet(SAW).
 (The Prophet) said, "O Allah! Bless our
Sham and our Yemen." (some)People said,
"Our Najd as well." The Prophet again
said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and Yemen."
They said again, "Our Najd as well." On
that the Prophet said, "There will appear
earthquakes and afflictions, and from
there will come out the side of the
head of Satan." Transmitted by Bukhari.
these are the words of Rasulullah(SAW) so
that we will keep a watch over that town and
should never follow Ibn Abdulwahhab who is
one of the horns of Satan. The wahhabis
were deaf, dumb and blind over this warning
and be victims of the horns of Satan.
The prophet(SAW) said “There will
afflictions, and from there will
come out the side of the horns of
Satan”. That’s Riyadh the capital city of
wahhabis now and then.
 An animal with two functional horns
can butt and even kill, the devil has two
major deputies for destroying the faith
of Muslims or Destroying their lives. A
wahhabis leader once said, “You either
follow us or you die!”. These two
deputies from Najd are the horns of
 Ibn Abdulwahhab and Ibn Sa’ ud are the
two horns, one carrying the poison bag
the other carrying swords to force
anyone they met to take the poison.
 The brother of Ibn Abdulwahhab,
Ustadh Sulayman a good Muslim, was
the first to discover his brother’s evil
plan for Islam and one day he addressed
him telling him “No doubt you are
one of the Satan’s horns the
prophet(SAW) warned us about”
The two horns of Satan emerged
from Najd, from there they carry
their diabolical mission under the
house of Sheikh(Ibn Abdulwahhab)
and the house of (Ibn Sa’ud) with
the oil revenue they get from
bussiness with their grand masters
They carried the TWO HORNS OF
SATAN in their Flags
I said we will talk about the two sword in the
wahhabis flag. Allah out of His mercy made
the Satan Horns appears on their banner
which all Wahhabis revered and all their
organisations adopted.
 Take a look at the picture on the left. The
two swords forms the horn of Satan and
were crossed to accurately form the horns.
Date palm on top stands for Muslims based
on the prophetic hadith “Muslim is like
date palm tree its leaves never
wither”, Muslims in front of the horns of
Satan what meaning does it give you?
Muslims will be butted away by Satan’s
horns which are as sharp as sword. Lailaha
illallah Muhammdun Rasulullah(SAW)!
 The wahhabis claimed the sword stands for
Jihad, blatant lie. Jihad with who, with a
fellow Muslims? Why don’t the
fight the hypocrite in
Medina? The simple reason they claimed to
be Muslims openly even though in their
minds they are not. So the Jihad of Wahhabis
is that of killing Muslims which was the
exact meaning of the horns of Satan with
Muslims(date palm) within its target.
Wahhabis are also cursed by God!
Suratul Hujra verse 4 Allah says, “Those who call
most of them have no sense.” The sabab unnuzul of the verse is a group of Tameemites from
Najd came to masjidin Nabiy(SAW) & he was not
there so they came closer to his apartment and
from behind the wall of the chamber and started
shouting "Muhammad! Come and attend to
us, Muhammad!! Muhammad!!!". A clear sign
of arrogance, stupidity, uncivilised crude and
barbaric behaviours to anyone set aside to a
prophet(SAW) of Allah. So, Allah quickly revealed
this verse and branded them as "PEOPLE WHO
HAVE NO SENSE". And that is how they are to
date very arrogant and stupid, uncivilised, barbaric
and lunatics.
The wahhabis called the prophet(SAW) with his
raw name not attaching any word of respect like
their forefathers in faith, the Tameemites whom
Allah cursed them and called them PEOPLE WHO
I saw Wahhabis websites coming out to say the Najd
that was cursed by the prophet(SAW) was the one
in Iraq and not Saudi Arabia, this is because there is
a town called Najd also in Iraq. Fine and good, the
wahhabis have started seeing the historic landmark
on their evil sect and they are making efforts to
take it away by confusion. To find out whether the
cursed Najd is the one in Saudi Arabia or
somewhere else outside Saudi Arabia, we look into
other historical landmarks. In which Najd is
Tameemites found? Verse 4 of Suratul Hujra is
addressing people from which Najd? Satan when he
transformed himself and addressed himself as old
man from Najd, which Najd he told the gathering?
To refute this fake argument posted by wahhabis I
will cite some historical landmark on RIYADH the
home of Tameemites as the cursed Najd and not
Najd in Iraq or anywhere that may bear the same
name; in the next slide.
Is it Najd of Iraq or Najd of Riyadh?
To clear away this weak claim by the Wahhabis that
the cursed Najd is the one in Iraq not their
hometown in Riyadh, the prophet(SAW) has
already cleared away this weak argument they may
present. Let’s ask the Wahhabis about where is the
Miqat of the people of Iraq (including its Najd)
when they are coming for Pilgrimage? And where
did he said is the Miqat Najd(Riyadh)?
Miqat for Iraq entirely which includes its Najd is
Dhat ‘Irq As recorded on the authority of A’isha by
Imam Muslim (Kitab al-Hajj, #2028) in his Sahih,
and Ibn Majah (#2906), Nasa’i (Kitab Manasik alHajj, #2608), and Daraqutni (2:237) in their Sunan.
 And the prophet(SAW) after declaring Miqat for
entire Iraq which include its Najd, went ahead
declared Miqat for Najd to be Qarn al-Manazil As
recorded on the authority of A’isha by Imam Muslim
(Kitab al-Hajj, #2028) in his Sahih, and Ibn Majah
(#2906), Nasa’i (Kitab Manasik al-Hajj, #2608), and
Daraqutni (2:237) in their Sunan. Then which Najd is
this? The Najd in Iraq has already been declared under
Iraq entirety! Meaning the other Najd – the present
day Riyadh is the one the prophet(SAW) is referring
to. Yes, your hometown Wahhabis!! This is the Najd the
prophet(SAW) always called as Najd.
Najd The Cursed City (Global
Headquarter of Wahhabism)
Riyadh is the cursed Najd
One of d Tameemites known as al-Aqra‘ ibn Habis
who came from Riyadh(Najd) said "Muhammad!
My praise is an ornament, and my
denunciation brings shame!” Saying such a
word, praising oneself before Rasulullah(SAW) is
an insult. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihir rajiún. The
prophet(SAW) on hearing this said: "Woe betide
you! That is the due of Allah.". Another curse
on Tameemites from Riyadh(Najd). Look at the
way he called prophet’s name with no respect like
his predecessors.
Musaylamatul Kadhdhab, a false prophet at the
time of the prophet(SAW) came from
Riyadh(Najd) and not from Iraq another sign of
curse on Riyadh. Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping, two
golden bangles were put in my two hands, so I got
scared (frightened) and disliked it, but I was given
permission to blow them off, and they flew away. I
interpret it as a symbol of two liars who will
appear." 'Ubaidullah said, "One of them was Al'Ansi who was killed by Fairuz at Yemen and the
other was Musailama (at Najd) . Transmitted by
That he fought in a Ghazwa towards Najd(Riyadh)
along with Allah's Apostle and when Allah's Apostle
returned, he too, returned along with him. The
time of the afternoon nap overtook them when
they were in a valley full of thorny trees. Allah's
Apostle dismounted and the people dispersed
amongst the thorny trees, seeking the shade of the
trees. Allah's Apostle took shelter under a Samura
tree and hung his sword on it. We slept for a while
when Allah's Apostle suddenly called us, and we
went to him, to find a bedouin sitting with him.
Allah's Apostle said, "This (bedouin) took my
sword out of its sheath while I was asleep. When I
woke up, the naked sword was in his hand and he
said to me, 'Who can save you from me?, I replied,
'Allah.' Now here he is sitting." Allah's Apostle did
not punish him (for that). Transmitted by Bukhari.
The people of Riyadh(Najd) attempted killing the
prophet(SAW) or does the prophet(SAW) ever
travelled to Najd of Iraq?
Finally let us hear any historical evil carrying a
curse on any other Najd outside Riyadh. To cut the
story short there is no any Iraqis sitting with the
prophet(SAW) when he cursed Riyadh(Najd), then
how can it be Iraq?
Ibn Taymiyyah said the cursed city is
Najad (Riyadh)
They attacked the two holy cities!
The two horns of Satan after their alliance started preparing
to attack Mecca and Medina in order to implant their
poison in the heart of Islam. Humpher informed British
empire and British generals expert in desert warfare were
sold to Ibn Sa’ud disguised as slaves and British rifles and
cannons were sold to Ibn Sa’ud too.
When the Wahhabis got the military logitics and facilities
they needed they attacked Mecca in 1805 and captured the
city. They killed anyone who refused to profess Wahhabism
faith. In 1806 they attacked Medina and captured it. The
wahhabis soldiers carried women and raped them and
claimed the women are now their slave since they are
unbelievers capture in what they called holy battle. Their
general mounted the pulpit in Majid An-Naby(SAW) and
addressed the people of Medina saying,”Today Allah
perfected your religion with Wahhabism. Follow
the new faith we brought to you else your blood is
mubah to my soldiers and so is your wives and
wealth. Know that all your parents are polytheists
and died as such. Don’t ever come to this
grave(Pointing at the blessed tomb) and did any
The Wahhabis then started demolishing of any
Islamic monument they may come across in order
to wipe away the history of Islam.
The general instructed his soldiers to demolish the blessed
tomb of the prophet(SAW) so that it will be levelled and
unmarked to prevent people from worshipping it according
to the wahhabis. However any soldier that carried digger to
level the blessed tomb will instantly have his two hands
paralysed or instantly became mad. After several atteempts
by the Wahhabis soldiers to carry on the instruction of their
general, they finally stopped and left the blessed tomb as it
is. The caliph at Isstanbul, Turkey was informed about this
unwelcomed event and he instructed his general from
Egypt to come to the rescue of the two holy cities.
The governor of Egypt with his well trained garrison
defeated the wahhbis in 1818 and reclaimed the two holy
cities back to the hand of Muslims. Even Diriyya their
ancestral home town was taken away and the wahhabis who
are desperate to form a state have none.
In 1920 British soldiers accompanied the wahhabis and
together they capture Mecca and Medina again. The British
established and indirect rule system where the British
administered the two holy cities through the Wahhabis. This
indirect rule system was signed by the British and the
Wahhabis in what is known as Anglo-Najd Treaty. The
British are thinking by the Frankenstein monster they
created is only the Muslims that will be eaten by the
monster, little did they know that one day the monster will
turn toward its master and these same Wahhabis produced
Osama bn Laden who terrorised not only British but the
entire western world.
They wanted to wipe away Islamic
 In
1998 the wahhabis
invaders of the two holy
cities with British aids,
bulldozed the tomb of
Sayyidah Amina (RA) the
prophet(SAW) and gasoline
was poured over it. Their
reason was that the grave
was turned into a worship
place by some Muslims.
Blessed tomb of the mother of the
prophet(SAW) before it was bulldoze by
the Wahhabis.
The tomb of Ibn
Taymiyyah in Syria
rather flowered and
They wanted to wipe away Islamic
Monuments Contd.
The house of Khadija(RA) the blessed wife of the
prophet(SAW) was levelled down by the wahhabis.
The house the prophet(SAW) was born was
levelled down and converted to a parking space.
Al-Mu’ ala cemetery where the blessed family of
the prophet(SAW)(Ahlil Bayt) are buried was also
demolished by the wahhabis and cemetery
converted to sewage disposal area.
Dar Al-Arqam, the first meeting house of the
prophet(SAW) and his companions was demolished
and converted to escalator.
7 mosques in Medina were also bulldozed by the
wahhabis, these includes: The mosque of
Fatima(RA) the daugther of the prophet(SAW), the
mosque of AbuBakr(RA), the mosque of Umar AlKhattab(RA), the mosque of Ali bn Abi Talib(RA),
the mosque of Salman Farisi(RA). We asked the
wahhabis are mosques also worshipped as they used
to claim whenever they are demolishing any
Next on their list is the black stone in Ka’aba, the
green dome at the prophet(SAW) tomb and finally
Ka’aba itself.
The blessed house of Nana
Khadija(RA) wife of the
They wanted to wipe away Islamic
Monuments Contd.
Allah(SWT) says, “Verily the truth has come and falsehood has perished”.
This verse was revealed when the prophet(SAW) conquered Mecca and
removed all idols from it. But Ibn Abdulwahhab and his people said NO
truth has not yet come until one thousand years after this revealation and is
now that Mecca and Medina are receiving cleansing because of the coming of
the truth(The coming ofWahhabism).
The area wahhabis engulfed surrounding the two holy cities is known as
Jazeeratul Arab that was the name it was called at the time of the
prophet(SAW) when the wahhabis invaded it they changed its name to
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after Ibn Sa’ ud what a greatest bid’ a NOT EVEN
KINGDOM OF THE PROPHET(SAW),No they won’t name it as such
because they envied anything in honour of the prophet(SAW).
Saheeh al-Bukhaari, vol. 1 hadeeth no. 104 also in Saheeh al-Bukhari vol. 1
hadeeth no. 114 with the following words “Beware! (Mecca is a sanctuary.)
Verily! Fighting in Mecca was not permitted for anyone before me nor will it
be permitted for anyone after me. It (war) in it was made legal for me for
few hours or so on that day. No doubt it is at this moment a sanctuary. The
Wahhabis invasion of 1805 and 1920 contravened this hadith.
Allah(SWT) in holy Qur’an(22:32) says, “Whoever respect monuments
of Allah that is (as a result) of devotion of the heart” Having known
the wahhabis good in argument Allah in holy Qur’an 2:158 says, “Indeed
(The mount) of Safa and Marwa are monuments of Allah” The two
mounts carried Islamic history with them, it was there Nana Hajara(RA) the
mother of prophet Isma’el(AS) had a walkthrough in search of water for her
child. In the pre-Islamic period idols were mounted on these two mountains
and were worshipped by the Arabs. When the prophet(SAW) came he didn’t
order the demolishing of the two mountains as the Wahhabis used to do. The
holy Qur’an placed walkthrouggh on these mountains as part of pilgrimage
because of its Islamic history which overwritten the idol worshipping done
by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era. The wahhabis have no respect of
monuments of Allah and therefore are on rampage to destroy them on flimsy
excuse that the monuments are turned into worshipping objects.
So also in Qur’an 5:2”O ye who believe violate not the sanctity of
the symbols of Allah …”
If the wahhabis may meet Jesus Christ(AS) they will kill him on the charge
that Chritians are worshipping him as son of God!
The grandson of Ibn Sa’ud sitting with
his grand masters, British generals
lovely and merrily yet his soldiers are
killing Muslims.
“They will kill the Muslims but
will not disturb the idolaters.”
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
•Taliban, a wahhabis militant group attacked the Qadiriyya lead
authority in Afghanistan killing thousands, then formed wahhabis led
government and in 2001 it started war with US which resulted in
killing of another thousands of Muslims in that country.
•Boko Haram another wahhabis group in Nigeria killed Muslims that
refused to align with their call in Northern part of the country and in
their fight with Federal troops caused dead of thousand Muslims killed
by both side.
•El-Shabab, another Wahhabis group in Somalia carried an onslaught
on Muslims who refused to accept wahhabis faith in the country.
•Wahhabis rebel troops from Benghazi, Libya during their fight with
the government of Ghaddafi killed Muslims that reject wahhabism in
•Wahhabis rebel forces in Mali terrorized the country by attacking
non-wahhabis villages killing Muslims in thousands and destroying
Islamic monuments they came across.
•The Wahhabis monarchy ruling the two holy cities shipped oil to US,
their main customer and with the oil American fighter plane
bombarded Muslims in its war on terror.
•Maitasine another wahhabis group in Nigeria killed more than five
Million Muslims which they levelled as Polytheists hence attacking
•The wahhabis rebels in Syria killed thousands of Muslims with their
rockets which they propelled at Muslims cities.
•The run-away Taliban militia another Wahhabis , fled to Pakistan and
killed thousands of Muslims with their bombs implanted on public
The Arab Marauders Ibn Saúd mobilized to
first formed hisWahhabi army.
By-Pass Next Slide
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 In
the new manifestation of
Wahhabism a new sect popularly
known as Boko Haram slaughtered
thousands of Muslims who accepted
western education; and in their
clashes with security agent left
another thousands dead.
 The Wahhabis led Boko Haram
militant will come and attacked
one, two or dozen of security agent
and will run away and enter into
corridors of a town. Some minutes
after security forces will come and
killed anyone they may see in that
corridor – women, men and
Baga a small town in North-Eastern part of
Nigeria was burnt to ashes by Joint Task
Force after the Wahhabis led Boko Haram
attacked and killed a soldier in the town
and fled. Here a woman and her child were
killed and burnt to dead by the JTF. Large
number of men, women and children from
that village were killed that fateful night.
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 Wahhabism is the only sect
out from Islam, that
propagate killing of human
soul! Their greatest enemies
are Muslims who refused to
accept teachings of Ibn
 Wahhabis are always looking
for any slight chance to have
weapons in their possession
to start their onslaught on
Some of the houses burnt down by JTF in
Baga town resulting from the attacked on a
soldier by Wahhabi-led Boko Haram in that
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 The same town of Baga was
later attacked by Boko Haram
Wahhabis militants in 2015.
The footage beside showed
how the Wahhabis killed
innocent civilians in Baga.
 In the footage they are
claiming not to kill any
Muslim as the people of Baga
refused to join them so they
become infidels. You can see
how Satan remote the minds
of Wahhabis!
The leader in this attack claimed Prophet
Muhammad(SAW) was wrong for not
killing prisoners of wars, as for them they
will not keep any POW rather kill all.
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 In
1980 another staunch
Maitatsine started his killings
in Kano, Nigeria. He made
the blood of Muslims in Kano
lawful because they didn’t
 This evil minded Wahhabis
started butchering people of
Kano, he was stopped finally
by the Federal troops after
thousands have already fell
victim to Wahhabis sword of
Mushrik(Polytheists) among the Tijjania
& Qadiria in Kano” - Maitatsine
Mahmud Gumi the founding father of Izala
the first Wahhabis organisation to come to
Nigeria, was the person who gave
Maitatsine license to preach anywhere in
Nigeria; this gave Maitatsine the chance to
spread his idea and gathered followers.
The previous slides contain images of violence, your discretion is hereby sought!
Bye-Pass The Slides
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 It was estimated that more than
4,000 people were killed in
Kano alone by
mayhem in 1980, In Maiduguri
more than 6,000 were killed by
wahhabis under Maitatsine’s
teachings in 1982, More amount
of dead in Jimeta, Yola by
wahhabis sword in 1984, and
more than a thousand were
killed by wahhabis in Gombe in
 By the beginning of 2015 tripled
that number were killed by
Boko Haram wahhabis.
“They will kill the Muslims but will not
disturb the idolaters.”
 The
wahhabis monarchy called
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia handed
over Jazeeratil Arab to colonial rule
of Britain by a treaty known as
Anglo-Najd treaty of 1915. In this
treaty the king of KSA, a wahhabis,
handed over the two sacred
mosques and Hejaz to Britain rule.
Representatives of British empire in
signing & reviewing this treaty
were: Col. Shakespeare, Percy
Cox, Brigadier-General W. S.
Delamain & other British soldiers
and spy. Ibn Suúd & the wahabis
founding fathers on the other hand.
By signing the treaty Ibn Suúd
earned himself a salary from Britain
amounting to L100,000.25 per
He handed over Masjidil Haram and
Masjidil Nabiy to British indirect
rule in order to earn 100,000
Riyals annually!
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
 Sheikh Al-Najdi taught his
followers raiding of tombs
and exhuming dead bodies!
 The tombs that should be
raided are Muslims Tomb,
the Muslims who live and
die without accepting
Wahhabism faith, nonMuslims Tombs are not on
the list.
 The Wahhabis tombs also
not in the list.
The wahhabis rebels from Benghazi
raided the tomb of Sheikh AlMishry(RA), exhumed and stole his
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
The wahhabis rebels in Syria raided
and exhumed the body of a
companion of the prophet(SAW),
Hujr bn Adi(RA) who died more than
1,000 years back during the conflict
between Ali bn Abi Talib(RA) and
The tomb of Sheikh Masry(RA) also
raided byWahhabis militia in Libya.
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
In Mali, Wahhabis rebel soldiers
raiding tomb of another famous
Islamic scholar of his time who was
not a wahhabis!
The Wahhabis militia in Mali in search
for the next tomb to raid.
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
But this tomb shall never be raided
rather flowered, fenced and having a
seat for visitors – Tomb of Ibn
Taymiyyah in Syria!
The Wahhabis claimed the tombs they raided are
worshipped by Muslims and that was the
justification. A mere visit, and prayers offering are
what the wahhabis claimed as worship; yet they
visit the tomb on the left, even sit on that chair
and pray too; yet it was not demolish!
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
In 2000’s El-Shabab, a Wahhabi
militant group in Somalia started
fighting the transitional federal
commenced raiding of tombs of saints
and demolishing Sufi Zawiya.
Disturbed with the tomb raiding and demolishing
of Sufi centres by El-Shabab in Somalia, in 2008
Sufis in Somalia had to defend themselves and save
tombs of saints and Sufi centres, they formed a
defensive army known as Ahlil Sunnah Wal Jama’a
to fight back the El-Shabab.
In 2012, El-Shabab officially becomes a bramch of
Al-Qaeda, the largest Wahhabis Militia
Wahhabis are Tomb Raiders!
In 2012 Al-Qaeda sponsored a
Wahhabi militia known as Ansaruddeen
to rebel against the government of
Ansaruddeen raided tombs of Saints in Gao,
Timbuktu and other ancient cities of Mali. They
demolished Sufi centres in Mali.
However, the ECOMOG troop and AU troop end
the Ansaruddeen barbarism.
Wahhabis in Nigeria!
Mahmud Gumi was the first Nigerian
to be paid by Saudi Wahhabis
Monarchy to come and spread
Wahhabism in Nigeria in 1970’s.
He registered the first Wahhabis
organisation known as Izalatil Bid’a
wa iqamatis Sunnah – a modernised
Wahhabism which he removed
militancy from it, it was registered as
religious organisation.
10 years after, Izala gave birth to ‘Yan
Tatsine and militancy was reintroduced into it leading to
Maitatsine Mayhem of 1980.
After ‘Yan Tatsine, Kala kato Wahhabism was
formed which retained every aspect of ‘Yan Tatsine
but temporarily suspended Militancy. Salafi group
was formed again from the doctrines of Izala but
In 2012, Boko Haram was formed by Muhammad
Yusuf combining Salafi theories and that of ‘Yan
Tatsine with direct link to Al-Qaeda; this lead to
civil unrest in the North-East region.
In 2013, Federal troop killed most of the leaders
of Boko Haram and demolished their camps,
temporarily ending their scourge.
NEXT MOVE by the Wahhabis is to form a
Wahhabis political party in order to take power by
ballot since bullet failed to give them power.
Wahhabis in Nigeria!
Izala (founded by Gumi) in 1970
‘Yan Tatsine (founded by
Maitatsine) in 1980
Salafi Group (founded
in 1980’s)
‘Kala Kato (founded in
‘Boko Haram (founded
by IbnYusuf) in 2000’s
The only Wahhabis sect
that may die away under
their dream of a party is
‘Yan Tatsine
The Wahhabis Political
Al-Qaeda Network
Outside Nigeria
Wahhabis in Nigeria!
 Ja’afar Adam a Wahhabis belonging to the Salafi
Group was a pillar of Wahhabism in Nigeria
having large collection of Wahhabis followers and
fully sponsored and paid by the Wahhabis
Monarch of Saudi; he was assassinated in the
ancient city of Kano prior to 2007 general
 The Wahhabis immediately started pointing
fingers at the Sufis, particularly the house of
Sheikh Naseer Kabara (RA) the leader of Qadiria
Sufis in West Africa. The Wahhabis put this claim
on Sufis in order to cause havoc or start another
mayhem in Kano like Ýan tatsine Mayhem of 1980.
 Evidences coming out proved the Wahhabis
wrong in this claim and ….
 The killer of Ja’afar is not a Sufi rather a
Wahhabis and strong politician sponsored and
supported by Ja’afar in 2003 general election.
Prior to 2007 election the two were no longer at
ease and the politician feared losing his power
with his god father not on his side, like any
Wahhabis he resolved to kill his god father, so as
to have a hedge-free election.
 The next slide is a confession of one of the
men that killed Ja’afar in cold blood.
Name of the Wahhabis
politician is hereby
blocked for personal
The Remote Cause of his death
 The immediate cause of the
death of Jaáfar is an
assasination contract of
N50 Million granted by a
Wahhabis politician and
carried out by a Wahhabis
 The Remote cause IS A
He hates the prophet(SAW)
 “In the whole of the holy Qur’an from
Baqara to Nasi there is no any place
where Allah instructed us to love the
prophet(SAW)” - Ja’afar Adam
 These are the words of Ja’afar and the
genesis of his death which his followers
are wrongly claiming as martyrdom.
 He while sitting on the spot where he
was killed, roughly a year back said, “By
Allah Mawlid(celebrating the birthday
of the prophet(SAW)) is not part of
 It was not up to a year, Ja’afar was
killed on that spot, where he used to sit
and deliver Wahhabis lecture; as he
requested Allah to do to him if Mawlid
is accepted by Allah.
Divine Retribution always fall on
Wahhabis who invoke the name of Allah
over the Wahhabis doctrine as lawful. I
will challenge any Wahhabis to defend his
Wahhabism at the end of this
presentation with Invocation (Mubahala)
Why the funeral prayer was rushed?
 Wahhabis
officials from
funeral prayer to be
delayed until their plane
However, the funeral
 His
transforming into baboon
immediately growing hairs
and furs.
The founding father of Wahhabism in
 He died in United Kingdom in 1990’s
with mysteries surrounding his death.
 His death occurred in the night in
hospital and his funeral was scheduled
for the next day’s morning; however,
the management of the hospital made
an urgent call to the president of
Nigeria that his corpse should be
removed that day not only from the
hospital but from UK.
 The Wahhabis wished to smuggle the
body to Saudia, to changed history that
he died in the holy land; but Saudi
officials refused to grant the flight
permission to land with his body.
 The president was briefed about a
powerful offensive odour the body is
giving out which resists all chemicals
and air freshener in the hospital.
He refined Wahhabism doctrine and
registered it as Izala – a religious
organisation he chaired in 1970’s
The founding father of Wahhabism in
“How can an Islamic scholar died in the land
of infidels, this is my question” – Mahmoud
These are the words of the founding father
of Wahhabism when he was informed about
the death of Sheikh Ibrahim Inyass(RA) in
United Kingdom, little did he knew how his
own will be.
The hospital management informed the
president that the face has started
transforming into that of a baboon and it was
the source of the foul odour, so they sealed
his head inside a polythene bag.
That night, the president ordered Nigerian
Airways to transport his body to Nigeria and
an unarranged burial was scheduled by 2
On opening the polythene bag, the nose and
mouth has completely transformed into that
of baboon and the remaining face has grown
hairs and black fluid with foul smell is
dropping from the face
TheWahhabis – agents of Satan
• The ritual bath cannot be done to his
body because of the fluid dropping and
restricted number of people are allowed
to attend the funeral. The president
warned that no picture should be taken
and this unwanted metamorphosis should
not be made public, he feared nonMuslims may take it as retribution on
Muslims because they thought Wahhabism
is Islam!
The retired Sergeant the rebel within
the Wahhabis Izala
The retired Sergeant in the army who lead
the division of Izala into two, Samaíla Idris
was another staunch Wahhabis in Nigeria. I
remembered once I delivered lecture on
some of his evil actions, then he was alive,
one of his deputies instructed the Wahhabis
assassins to come and kill me in the dark
hours of the night. Allah(SWT) who is my
sole protector made this evil plan to fail,
small factions in the Wahhabis instructed to
kill me argued saying this man only talk why
can’t we reply him by a counter lecture why
killing him. The argument became so strong
that the assassination plan on me was
cancelled, and the factions came and
informed me.
 The sergeant met retribution when he was
about to die, he barked like a dog, bite
anyone who comes close to him and even
bite his body. He was caged by his followers
and refused to allow visitors to see him
except top members of Izala. He remained
in cage until his death.
The Wahhabis – Have many
skeletons in the cupboard!
•This was also concealed by the Nigerian
Deputy of Gumi has a branding…
 One of the deputies of Gumi and a
strong pillar in Izala, a modernised
form of Wahhabism in Nigeria, got
a mark branded above his nose.
 Holy Qur’an 68:15-16 says, “That,
when our revealations are recited
unto him, he saidth: Mere fables of
the men of old. We shall brand him
on the nose. ”
 Allah has said the truth, look at the
Wahhabis picture and look above
his nose - a cross is branded,
meaning he belongs to religion of
cross since Wahhabism was an
invention of people (British) of the
cross religion; so he was branded
with the religion of his grand
 Prophetic hadith says, “He who
align with people, he is with them.”
Forehead that is supposed to show
sign of prostration shows a cross!
The Wahhabis raped young girls
 The members of Boko Haram a
formed to
terrorize Northern Nigeria
by Ibn Yusuf, kidnapped
hundreds of girls when they
raided girls boarding schools
in The North-East region of
Nigeria (Chibok), they forced
these girls to have sex with
them and claimed the girls
have became their wives!
Army of darkness, the Wahhabis militia –
putting bombs in public places, rampage
shooting in public places and raping young
girls that are taken hostage in their camps is
what theWahhabis called holy war!
The Wahhabis allied with US to…
The US Intelligent communities particularly
CIA is making use of Wahhabis to massively
kill Muslims thereby bringing the population
to the size they want.
 Carter’s report of 1999 recommended the
use of Intelligent communities to reduce the
size of enemies of America.
 The formula is Train the Wahhabis, give them
weapons and they will attack Islamic
country, topple its government and establish
a Wahhabis-led government. Allow the
wahhabis-led government to go into excess,
then US will file a case before the UN
security council asking for military
intervention in that same country. Then the
wahhabis-led government is toppled by US
Marines and group of Westernised Muslims
who are only Muslims by name are assigned
to rule such country thereafter. In all these
processes thousands and thousands of
Muslims are killed by the Wahhabis and by
US Marines.
The Wahhabis with their friends
in killing Muslims!
•This is what the Illuminati are dreaming
of and they called it THE NEW WORLD
In Afghanistan is the same formula!
CIA trained Osama bn Laden and members
of Taliban – a Wahhabis-led militant
 Bush in his statement said “These young
fellows(Taliban) are like George Washington
and the founding fathers of America”
 The Taliban invaded Afghanistan toppling the
Islamic government led by Qadiriyya Sufis.
All the government officials were killed by
Taliban and anyone who resisted them. They
established a Wahhabis government that
harbour Al-Qaeda recruits.
 In 2001, CIA master-minded a conspiracy
and demolished World Trade Centre and US
government pointed fingers at Osama and
his Al-Qaeda that same year American
Marines invaded Afghanistan bombing large
number of Muslims and killing many. Taliban
was toppled and large number of Muslims
were killed, the country’s infrastructure
Afghanistan under Taliban became a
recruiting centre for Al-Qaeda Network
Osama bn Laden on the left, leader of Al-Qaeda
List of Muslim dominated countries targeted
by CIA for Wahhabis-Marines formula
 Libya (Already reached second stage –Benghazi Wahhabis have
toppled Ghaddaf’s government with NATO aid)
Egypt (in Second stage too, Islamic brotherhood a Wahhabis
organisation is clamouring for power)
Syria (The rebels(Wahhabis) attempting to topple Asad’s
government with aid from US air strike)
Somalia (US is aiding El-Shabab another Wahhabis rebel
clamouring for power too)
And Indonesia
Spreading Misconception …
A small village in Bauchi(Nigeria) close to
Miya village, the inhabitants are pagans and
Christians, delegation of Muslims from
Bauchi town went and spread the message of
Islam to the village and luckily the entire
village accepts Islam. The villagers were
taught how to observe Islamic worships. The
wahhabis under Izala after hearing that, they
rushed to the village and summoned the
villagers telling them the Islam giving to
them is fake and not genuine, Inna lillahi wa
inna ilayhir rajiún. Is there any Kalimatush
shahada (‫ )الله االهللا‬that is fake? The Wahhabis
are best friends of Satan. The villagers were
thrown into confusion. Luckily for them, the
first delegation visited the village again and
this conception was cleared. The villagers
were angry and said if the Wahhabis come to
their village again, they are going to kill
 My advice is any new convert to Islam must
be oriented to know about the cobra that is
living inside this house of ours – The
Wahhabis, so that he will be prepared for
The portrait of Ibn
Abdulwahhab the founding
father of the evil sect of
The Wahhabis has a conception…
 That the scripture of Islam – Holy
Qur’an and traditions of the
prophet(SAW) are all about Arabic
Language mastering the language
directly means mastering them; to that
they went to the Kingdom(KSA) for
short Arabic courses and returned to
their countries believing they have
mastered the scripture and traditions of
the prophet(SAW).
 A very wrong perception, Abu Jahl was
born an Arab and was fluent in Arabic
more than Ibn Abdulwahhab, but that
did not give him mastery of the
scripture and traditions.
 Sayyidina Ali bn Abi Talib(RA) said that
if he is to write the meanings of the first
chapter in the holy Qur’an having just
seven verses; he could have written
scrolls that seven donkeys will carry. Is
that Arabic alone that can give this
The Wahhabis has a conception…
 That every Wahhabi that visits the
kingdom (KSA) and had short
certificate course or diploma in
Arabic and Wahhabism doctrine is
an Islamic cleric who can virtually
talk on every aspects of Islam and
can pass an edict to his subjects on
virtually everything.
 A wrong perception as well, fields
of advanced Islamic studies have
their pre-requisite for having a
refutable cleric. These fields are
fiqhu, hadith, Qur’an, manteeq, and
tasawwuf. Like for example to be a
sheikh of hadith one has to study
that field very well and must have
commit to memory not less than
200, 000 Ahadith (both matn and
isnad). This is to prevent ignoramus
professional endeavours.
“Had it been I meet them I will …”
 My reason for putting these
slides is to let the ummat know
about this venomous snake that
enters into the house of Islam –
Wahhabism and know what to
do about it.
 Also to assist the misled youths
who are pushed into Wahhabism
due to ignorance perchance they
may come out of it
 Allah is my protector on this
quest, and until I finish His work
No wahhabis can block my
Join me to spread the message
The Holy Qurán 58:22 says:
“Thou will not find folk who believe in Allah and the
last day loving those who oppose Allah and His
messenger: even though they be their father or,
their son or their brethren or their clan. As for such
He hath written faith unto their hearts and
strengthened them with a spirit from Him, and He
will bring them into gardens underneath which
rivers flow, wherein they will abide. Allah is well
pleased with them and they are well pleased with
Him. They are Allah’s party. Lo! Is it not Allah’s
party that are successful?
The Army of Darkness
They are everywhere, don’t allow them take away your faith and lead you to delusion, is better
they take away your life than to take away your faith. They are there to impose a new religion of
Britain on you, don’t allow them to impose it on you.
The army of darkness are here my brothers and sisters, may Almighty God safeguard your faiths
against their attacks and your lives against their bullets.
Give security agency maximum cooperation to exterminate these cancers from your town, now
before is too late, before they turned your town into ruin. If they make the government of your
country crumbled by their evil actions, form militia group get weapons and fight back to defend
yourself, dón’t just stay to be butchered by these Devils. May God protect you all.
Evidence for Mubahala
 Chapter 3:61 of the holy Qur’an justified the reason for
invoking divine curse on anyone that is wrong in an
argument. The verse is an instruction from Allah on the
prophet(SAW) to go ahead with Mubahala on certain
Christians that were arguing with him on Christ(AS). God
told the prophet(SAW) to call the people and together they
should invoke divine curse on whosoever is wrong on that
argument. The Christians ran away in fear and did not
I Abu Muhammad say
 Can any Wahhabis put forward his
own counter?
 By Allah whom there is no God to
worship but He, Wahhabism and all
its ramifications are unbelievers and
out of Islam, they are the horns of
Satan the blessed prophet(SAW)
informed us about. O! Allah, if
what I’m saying is lie put an end to
any effort I was putting to enlighten
the ummat about Wahhabism;
particularly deny this presentation
the right to circulate. If on the
other hand, I said the truth, then
protect me against all their evils,
give me the strength and
knowledge to enlighten the ummat
about them; particularly give this
presentation the power to circulate
I Abu Muhammad say
 Can any Wahhabis do the
 By Allah whom there is no
same, by asking Allah to
place him beside Ibn
Abdulwahhab, Ibn Suúd
and Ibn Taymiyya since they
are claiming they are
righteous Muslims?
God to worship but He, I
implore you Almighty Allah
to place me beside Sheikh
Ibrahim Inyass(RA) as soon
as I breath my last and raise
me on the day of
judgement beside him, let
his abode that day be also
my abode Ya Arhamar
I Abu Muhammad say
 Can any Wahhabis do the
same by condemning anyone
who did not professes
Wahhabism faith and beliefs?
 By Allah whom there is no
God to worship but He, any
Wahhabism faith and beliefs
and dies without repenting to
Allah and shunning away
these beliefs WILL GO TO
HELL FIRE, if this is not
correct O! Allah prove me
wrong so that the ummat will
know and if this is right
continue to show sign in this
regard so that your slaves will
be saved againstWahhabism.
I Abu Muhammad say
 Can any Wahhabis do the same
by counter oath on these
persons and end with invoking
death on himself if he is wrong?
 By Allah whom there is no God
to worship but He, Sheikh
Ahmad Tijjani(RA), his brothers
patron-saints of Sufi Orders, his
vicegerent Sheikh Ibrahim
Inyass(RA) they are all righteous
Muslims who lived and died as
Muslims contrary to what
Wahhabis are saying, O! Allah if
this is not true, show Your sign
by ending my life before I bring
this presentation to public. If
this is true spare my life to bring
this presentation to public and
increase their love in my mind.
And there is …
 A fellow Sufis has another
Mubahala too, listen to it.
 It is in Hausa language.
 Can any Wahhabi make a
Convey this to any Wahhabis
 Let any Wahhabis who can
counter by taking these oaths do
so, please.
 Ya Allah, any Wahhabis who
reads these slides, couldn’t
counter by taking an oath and go
ahead to counter by other
sake of the virtues of Holy
Qur’an which no error can dare
come to it.
 I did not intend to humiliate anyone in this presentation, but
to say the truth and save the Ummat, to discharge my duty of
Amr bil ma’aruf wan nahy anil munkar, and to show you what
Allah has shown to me regarding Satanic faction – the
 I am not sponsored, paid or hired to write these, it is rather
my sympathy to the innocent lives that were brutally put to
an end by the Wahhabis and the earlier mentioned reason that
made me to put down my pen and write this.
 And to Allah alone is success.
 I dedicated this presentation to the prophet(SAW) who
earlier warned us against the Wahhabis and give us all the
signs we can rightly identify them.
 And under that roof, a room for this dedication also goes to
all the faithful believing men and women that were put to
dead by the Wahhabis sword starting from Umar bn AlKhattab, Uthman bn Affan, Ali bn Abi Talib, Husayn Sibt
(RAA) reaching our time and beyond, may any reward
associated with this presentation be extended to them.
To Allah is Success
[email protected]