Transcript Chapter

Chapter 11
The Islamic World
Section 1
The Rise of
Arabia: It’s Geography & People
The Arabian Peninsula is bordered on the south by the Arabian
Sea, the Syrian Desert in the north, the Persian Gulf in the east
and the Red Sea in the west
Except for the strips along the gulf most of the Arabian
Peninsula in desert
{Because of the climate and geography, most early Arabs were
nomadic herders called bedouins}
{The bedouins were separated into tribes the leaders of these
tribes were called Sheikhs}
Areas along the coast were heavily populated and used as
ports. From there the goods were transported to the city of
{Mecca was important because it was on a trade route to
The Prophet Muhammad
At the age of 40 a man from Mecca named
Muhammad said that the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) told
him that he was to be a prophet of God (Allah)
{Muhammad’s teachings clashed with Arab powers
because it was monotheistic}
Every year Arab pilgrims came to Mecca to worship at
the {Kaaba- a stone building filled with idols}
Rulers feared that Muhammad’s teachings of one god
might stop the pilgrimages. They began harassing
Muhammad and him followers
Eventually Muhammad and his followers looked for a
more accepting place
In A.D. 622 Muhammad and his followers settled in the
town of Yathrib which later became known as {Medina
and became the first base of Islam}
Their journey from Mecca to Yathrib is known as the
Muhammad gained followers in great numbers,
increasing tensions between Mecca and Medina
Several years of war ensued until finally Mecca
Muhammad went back to Mecca and destroyed the
idols in the Kaaba and made it a holy place to the
worship of the One God, Allah
Islam spread across Arabia and the Middle East and
into North Africa
Medina today
The Faith of Islam
In Arabic the word Islam means “submission to
the will of God” Followers of Islam are called
The holy book of Islam is called the Qur’an
There are 5 basic acts of worship called the Five
Pillars of Islam all Muslims are required to follow
The Five Pillars of Islam are: the profession of
faith, the five daily prayers, paying zakat, fasting
through the holy month of Ramadan, and
making the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once
Islam also emphasizes the importance of the
{Jihad- the struggle to defend the faith}
Qur'an on display at the Islamic
Arts Museum, Kuala Lumpur
Muslims worship in mosques they have no
furnishings only mats or rugs on which to kneel
and pray
{There is no official clergy in Islam}
{Men who are trained in the Qur’an and Islamic
law guide the people in worship}
On Friday at noon, Muslims gather together for
congressional prayer and sermons
Women say the same prayers at home or in a
section of the mosque that is set aside for them
Section Review
Because of the climate and geography, most early
Arabs were _______ _______ called bedouins
The bedouins were separated into tribes what were
the leaders of these tribes called?
Why was Mecca so important?
Muhammad’s teachings clashed with Arab powers
because it was _________
Every year Arab pilgrims came to _____ to worship
at the Kaaba- a stone building filled with idols
What and became the first base of Islam?