Transcript Slide 1

 The most significant early civilizations in Africa were
Egypt and Carthage.
 Both civilizations were located in N. Africa, along the
Med., N. of the Sahara Desert.
 There were several other civilizations in Africa as well.
Some of them existed long before 600C.E.
 Kush and Axum civ. Developed S. of Egypt in the
upper reaches of the Nile.
 Kush developed about the same time as Ancient Egypt,
and at one point around 750 B.C.E. actually conquered
 Less than 100 yrs. later they retreated back S. to their
capital Meroe, where it became a center for ironworks
and trade.
 After the Kush declined around 200 another empire
 Axum - modern day S. Ethiopia
 They traded with many other civilizations with items
including ivory and gold.
 In the 4th century they converted to Christianity. In the
7th century they converted to Islam.
 Religious conversions show that Axum were in
constant contact with Med. Civ.
 Ethiopia's present day large Christian population is
due to this contact.
 The E. coast of Africa was linked to India and S.E. Asia
through shipping lanes of the Indian Ocean.
 The E. coast of Africa’s population was Bantu speaking
 These people settled into lives as farmers, fisherman,
and merchants.
 This area was known as the Swahili Coast. The Swahili
lang. is a mix of the original Bantu with supplements
of Arabic.
 Trade with Muslims started in the 10th century. Swahili
traders brought gold, slaves, ivory and other exotic
items to the coast.
 Trade = Incredible wealth= large powerful kingdoms
and trading cities. These trading cities became
cultural and political centers.
 By the 15th century these cities were built up and the
merchant elites and merchant classes converted to
Islam (to facilitate relationships) but they maintained
their own tradition.
 Eventually Islam spread through most of E. Africa.
 These cultures were located in W. Africa, S. of the
 Before this point the desert was a barrier people did
not want to deal with. However, Islamic traders began
penetrating the desert and reached the fertile wealthy
interior of Africa. Africans also started pushing N. for
trade. This led to a trade explosion.
 At first the w. Africans were in search of salt, but when
they found the Islamic traders they started trading
much more.
 The Islamic traders were very interested in trade with
these people because in Ghana (800-1000 c.e.) and
Mali (1200-1450 c.e) there was tons of gold.
 Dealing with the conditions of the desert was worth it
for these traders.
 The constant trade resulted in Islam spreading to
 In Ghana the result was devastating. The empire was
subjected to a holy war led by an Islamic group intent
on converting (or else killing) them.
 Ghana was able to defeat the Islamic forces, the empire
fell into decline.
 By the time the Mali came to power the region had
peacefully transitioned to Islam.
 One of the greatest Mali rulers Mansa Musa, built a
capital at Timbuktu and expanded the kingdom way
beyond Ghana. In 1307, Musa made a pilgrimage to
Mecca complete with an entourage of hundreds of gold
carrying servants and camels.
 The largest empire in W. Africa was formed in the mid
15th century . Songhai ruler Sonni Ali conquered the
entire region and established Songhai Empire.
 It lasted until around 1600 C.E., and during it’s reign,
Timbuktu became a major cultural center, complete
with a university that drew scholars from around the
Islamic world.
 The oral literature was an important part of life in
most African communities.
 History and stories were passed from one generation
to the next through storytelling. The stories were told
in the fashion of a dramatic performance.
 The stories were told the same way for many
generations so that many people knew the lines.
 Everyone was able to participate in the stories by
reciting responses at the appropriate times.
 Early sub-Saharan African cultures are known for their
sculptures, particularly out of pottery and bronze.
 The Benin culture (near present-day Nigeria) mastered
a bronze sculpting technique.
 They made clay molds around wax carving, melted
wax, filled the mold with melted bronze, and, after
breaking the clay mold, revealed some of the most
beautiful early bronze work created by any civilization.