SWE 637: Here! Test this!

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Transcript SWE 637: Here! Test this!

CS 217
Software Verification and
Week 2, Summer 2014
Instructor: Dong Si
What is (software) testing?
Softeware Testing – definition
The process consisting of all life cycle activities,
concerned with planning, preparation and evaluation
of software products and related work products to
– that they satisfy specified requirements,
– to demonstrate that they are fit for purpose and
– to detect defects
Validation & Verification
Validation : Have we built the right software?
 i.e., do the requirements satisfy the customer?
 (This is dynamic process for checking and testing the real
product. Software validation always involves with executing the
Verification : Have we built the software right?
 i.e., does it implement the requirements?
 This is static method for verifying design, code. Software
verification is human based checking of documents and files
Introduction to Software Testing, Edition 2 (Ch 1)
© Ammann & Offutt
What is a computer bug?
In 1947 Harvard University was operating a room-sized computer
called the Mark II. – made of vacuum tubes
A moth flew into the computer and was killed by the high
voltage. Operators traced an error in the Mark II and
taped the bug to log book.
Hence, the first
computer bug!
I am not making this up
The Term Bug
Bug is used informally
Sometimes speakers mean fault, sometimes error, sometimes
failure, Incident, problem, Inconsistency … often the speaker
doesn’t know what it means !
This class will try to use words that have precise, defined, and
unambiguous meanings
Introduction to Software Testing, Edition 2 (Ch 1)
© Ammann & Offutt
Software Faults, Errors & Failures
Software Fault : A static defect in the software
Software Failure : External, incorrect behavior with
respect to the requirements or other description of the
expected behavior
Software Error : An incorrect internal state that is the
manifestation/expression of some fault
Faults in software are equivalent to design mistakes in
Software does not degrade.
Introduction to Software Testing, Edition 2 (Ch 1)
© Ammann & Offutt
Fault and Failure Example
The doctor tries to diagnose the root cause, the disease
– Fault
A patient gives a doctor a list of symptoms
– Failures
The doctor may look for anomalous internal conditions
(high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, bacteria in the
blood stream)
– Errors
Most medical problems result from external attacks
(bacteria, viruses) or physical degradation as we age.
They were there at the beginning and do not “appear”
when a part wears out.
Introduction to Software Testing, Edition 2 (Ch 1)
© Ammann & Offutt
Sources of Problems
Requirements Definition: Erroneous, incomplete, inconsistent
Design: Fundamental design flaws in the software.
Implementation: Mistakes in chip fabrication, wiring,
programming faults, malicious code.
Support Systems: Poor programming languages, faulty compilers
and debuggers, misleading development tools.
Sources of Problems (Cont’d)
Inadequate Testing of Software: Incomplete testing,
poor verification, mistakes in debugging.
Evolution: Sloppy redevelopment or maintenance,
introduction of new flaws in attempts to fix old flaws,
incremental escalation to inordinate complexity.
Summary: Why Do We Test
Software ?
A tester’s goal is to eliminate faults
as early as possible
• Improve quality
• Reduce cost
• Preserve customer satisfaction
Introduction to Software Testing, Edition 2 (Ch 1)
© Ammann & Offutt
Testing main principles
Testing Principles (1)
Testing can demonstrate only the presence of defects and
not their absence
– Testing can show that defects are present, but cannot prove that there
are no defects. Testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects
remaining in the software but, even if no defects are found, it is not a
proof of correctness.
Exhaustive testing is impossible
– Exhaustive testing (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not
feasible except for trivial cases. Instead of exhaustive testing, risk
analysis and priorities should be used to focus testing efforts.
Testing Principles (2)
Early testing is important
– Testing activities should start as early as possible in the software
or system development life cycle and should be focused on
defined objectives.
Defects are clustering
– A small number of modules contain most of the defects
discovered during pre-release testing, or are responsible for the
most operational failures.
Testing Principles (3)
Testing is context dependent
– Testing is done differently in different contexts. For example, military
software is tested differently from an business site.
Software Testing Process
V&V Targets
Code & Implementation
Unit test
Software Design
System engineering
Software Development Lifecycles
Code and Fix
 Waterfall
 Cycle
Week 2, topic 1
Logic became popular in the early 20th century among
philosophers and mathematicians
What constitutes a correct proof in Mathematics?
Some ‘correct’ proofs were later disproved by other
Concept of logic helps us to figure out what constitutes a
correct argument and what constitutes a wrong argument
Faults (bugs) have been detected in proofs (programs)
Bugs are hard to detect!
LOGIC enabled mathematicians to point out WHY a
proof is wrong, or WHERE in the proof, the reasoning has
been faulty.
By symbolizing arguments rather than writing them out in
some natural language (which is fraught with ambiguity),
checking the correctness of a proof becomes a much
more viable task.
Since the latter half of the 20th century, logic has been
used in computer science for various purposes ranging
from software validation and verification to theoremproving.
Objective of the class
Understand why logic is important to Software Testing
To prepare the student for using logic as a formal tool in
computer science
Introduction to Logic
Logic is called the CALCULUS of Computer Science!
LOGIC --- Computer Science
CALCULUS --- Physical sciences & Engineering
CS areas where we use LOGIC
Architecture (logic gates)
Software Engineering (Validation & Verification)
Programming Languages (Semantics & Logic Programming)
AI (Automatic theorem proving)
Algorithms (Complexity)
Databases (SQL)
History of Logic
Symbolic Logic (500 BC – 19th century)
Algebraic Logic (Mid to late 19th century)
Mathematical Logic (19th century to 20th century)
Logic in Computer Science
Fundamental of Logic
Declarative statements
Examples of declarative statements
– “A is older than B”
– “There is ice in the glass”
– In CIS, describing the data (variables, functions, etc.)
- a statement that is either true or false.
For every proposition p, either p is T or p is F
 For every proposition p, it is not the case that p is both T
and F
Which statement is a proposition?
A . Which bird did the cat kill?
B. It is a beautiful day today!
C. William's wife's name is Irene.
D. Give me an A!
Which statement is a proposition?
A. 2 + 3 = 5
B. 4 / 9
C. 1 + 1 = 3
D. Both A and C
Fundamental of Logic
We are interested in precise declarative statements about
computer systems and programs
We not only want to specify such statements, but also
want to check whether a given program or system fulfills
specifications that user needs
Fundamental of Logic
5 basic connectives:
– And
– Or
– Not
– If…then…(else)
– If and only if
Logic in CIS
Simple Logic underlies the reasoning in mathematical
statements / programming languages
Objective is to develop codes to model the situations that
we encounter
1. Reasoning about situations formally
 2. Then constructing arguments/programs about them that
can be executed on a machine
We also want to check whether a computer program or a
system satisfies the specifications - TESTING
Propositional Logic: Basics
Propositional logic describes ways to combine some true
statements to produce other true statements.
If it is proposed that `Jack is taller than John' and
`John can run faster than Jack' are both T
=`Jack is taller than John and John can run faster than Jack'.
Propositional logic allows us to formalize such statements.
In concise form: A ^ B
Propositional Logic: Basics
For CS/CIS, we will restrict our attention to mathematical
objects, programs, and data structures in particular.
Statements in a logical language are constructed according
to a predefined set of formation rules called ‘syntax rules’.
 Same for computer languages
C/C++. Java, HTML,…..
All have their own ‘syntax rules’
But the LOGIC behind them are the same !
Propositional Logic: Basics
Why English or any other natural language can’t be used?
– Meaning of an English sentence can be ambiguous, subject to different
interpretations depending on the context and implicit assumptions.
– Another important factor is conciseness. Natural languages tend to be
wordy, and even fairly simple mathematical statements become
exceedingly long (and unclear) when expressed in them.
The logical languages should contain special symbols used
for abbreviating syntactical constructs.
Declarative sentences in English string of symbols in CIS
Propositional Logic in CIS
Compressed but complete encoding of declarative
statements allows us to concentrate on our
Software is sequence of such declarative statements
Automatic manipulation of such statements, something
that machines love to do
“Siri” in Apple:
“If…Then…” logics in cloud
Propositional Logic
Composition of atomic sentences
p: I won the lottery yesterday
q: I will purchase a lottery ticket today
r: I played a football game yesterday
~ p: Negation. “I did not win the lottery last week”
p v r: Disjunction. The statement is true if at least one of
them is true. “I won the lottery or played a football game
Propositional Logic
p ^ r: Conjunction. “Yesterday I won the lottery and
played a football game.”
p q: Implication. “If I won the lottery last week, then I
will purchase a lottery ticket today.” p is called the
assumption and q is called conclusion.
Propositional Logic
q: Implication, Some interpretations
– p implies q
– If p then q
– p is a sufficient condition for q
– q is a necessary condition for p
– q if p
– q follows from p
– q provided p
– q is a consequence of p
– q whenever p
Natural Deduction
Set of rules which allow us to draw a conclusion by given a
set of preconditions
Constructing a proof is much like a programming!
It is not obvious which rules to apply and in what order to
obtain the desired conclusion, be careful to choose proof
Rules of Natural Deduction
Fundamental rule 1 (rule of detachment)
The rule is a valid inference because
[p ^ (p
q is a tautology!
Rules of Natural Deduction
 Example:
if it is 11:00 o’ clock in Norfolk
if it is 11:00 o’ clock in Norfolk, then it is 11:00 o’ clock in DC
then by rule of detachment, we must conclude:
it is 11:00 o’ clock in DC
Rules of Natural Deduction
Fundamental rule 2 (transitive rule)
This is a valid rule of inference because the implication
(p q) ^ (q r)
r) is a tautology!
Rules of Natural Deduction
FR 3 (De Morgan’s law)
~(p v q) = (~p) ^ (~q)
~(p ^ q) = (~p) v (~q)
FR 4 (Law of contrapositive)
q = (~q
FR 5 (Double Negation)
~(~p) = p
Examples of Arguments
If a baby is hungry, then the baby cries. If the baby is not
mad, then he does not cry. If a baby is mad, then he has a
red face. Therefore, if a baby is hungry, then he has a red
Model this problem!!
h: a baby is hungry
c: a baby cries
m: a baby is mad
r: a baby has a red face
Logic is the Skeleton
What remains when arguments are symbolized is the bare
logical skeleton
It is this form that enables us to analyze the program /
code / software.
Software V&V = Logical proof & Logic error detection
Week 2, topic 2
Code coverage is a measure used to describe the
degree to which the source code of a program is tested by
a particular test suite.
A program with high code coverage has been more
thoroughly tested and has a lower chance of
containing software bugs than a program with low code
Coverage criterias
Function coverage - Has each function (or subroutine)
in the program been called?
Statement coverage - Has each statement in the
program been executed?
Coverage criterias
Branch coverage - Has each branch of each control
structure (such as in if and case statements) been
For example, given an if statement, have both the T and F
branches been executed?
 Another way of saying this is, has every edge in the
program been executed?
Coverage criterias
Condition coverage - Has each Boolean sub-expression
evaluated both to true (T) and false (F) ?
In “A and B”,
 if sub-expression A is evaluated both to T and F
 if sub-expression B is evaluated both to T and F
consider the following C++ function:
If during this execution function 'foo' was called at least
once, then function coverage for this function is satisfied.
consider the following C++ function:
Statement coverage for this function will be satisfied if it
was called e.g. as foo(1,1), as in this case, every line in the
function is executed including ’z = x;’.
consider the following C++ function:
Tests calling foo(1,1) and foo(0,1) will satisfy branch
coverage because, in the first case, the 2 if conditions are
met and z = x; is executed, while in the second case, the
first condition (x>0) is not satisfied, which prevents
executing z = x;.
consider the following C++ function:
(x>0) && (y>0)
Condition coverage can be satisfied with tests that
call foo(1,1), foo(1,0) and foo(0,0). These are necessary
because in the first two cases, (x>0) evaluates to true,
while in the third, it evaluates false. At the same time, the
first case makes (y>0) true, while the second and third
make it false.
Condition / branch coverage?
Condition coverage does not necessarily imply branch
coverage. For example:
Condition coverage can be satisfied by two tests:
However, this set of tests does not satisfy branch
coverage since neither case will meet the if condition.