1. Encoding 2. Storage

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Transcript 1. Encoding 2. Storage

1. Encoding
2. Storage
3. Retrieval
1. Encoding
• Translating information into a form that can be
stored in memory
• There are codes we often used to help encode
• Visual codes, Acoustic codes, Semantic codes
Look at the letters below and try to remember them:
Visual code: make a mental picture of the letters in your mind
Acoustic code: repeat the list to yourself, out loud or silently
Semantic code: attempt to make sense of the letters or figure out what
they mean – make a word for each letter “Only Tiny Tots Feel Fine…”
One, Two, Three, Four…..
1. Encoding
2. Storage
• Maintenance of encoded information over time
• Maintenance Rehearsal – repeating info over and over
• More time repeating/rehearsing, the longer it stays with us
• Elaborative Rehearsal – relating new info to old info
• Creating connections or using new information
• Organizational Systems – memories become stored &
arranged in your mind for future use
• Brain organizes information by common features
3. Retrieval
• The process of recalling information from memory storage
• Recall – retrieve info without help
• Recognition – recognize from a list of alternatives
What’s the capital of Michigan?
What’s the capital of Florida?
a. Tallahassee
b. Orlando
c. Miami
d. Fort Lauderdale
3. Retrieval
• Context-Dependent memory: info is more easily retrieved in the context
in which it was encoded and stored
• Quiet or noisy environment, listening to music versus not, in a specific
• Going back to a place may stir up memories you wouldn’t remember
• State-Dependent memory: info is more easily retrieved when in the same
emotional/physiological state as when the memory was originally learned
• Mood (happy, sad) and state of consciousness (under the influence)