Transcript File

Mountain Pointe High School
Socrates student
Wealthy Family
Started out with a
career in politics, but
left when he realized
politicians weren’t
truthful (even then!)
Started his own
Was all about “ideas”
as truth
Believed that the
physical world was
Constant struggle for
humans is discovering
the reality of the world
while balancing what
you know to be true,
and what the physical
world shows you to be
true (faith, ethics,
morals, philosophy)
The word means “love
of wisdom”
Live your life according
to ideas and
assumptions about
what the world is like—
that is your philosophy
“The unexamined life is
not worth living” –
Socrates 400 BC
“Know Yourself” Plato
387 BC
Where do we obtain
An allegory is a form
of extended
metaphor, in which
objects, persons, and
actions in a narrative,
are equated with
meanings that lie
outside the narrative
The underlying
meaning has moral,
social, religious, or
political significance,
and characters are
often personifications
of abstract ideas as
charity, greed, or
envy. Thus an
allegory is a story
with two meanings:
literal and
Be sure to highlight
any words you don’t
star/underline parts you
think are important.
Enlightenment is
when the light bulb
finally goes off!
It feels like finally
“seeing” the optical
The veil of
has been lifted
Cave Video
The Truman Show
The Shadows of Life Comic
Symbolic cave/shackles?
Road to enlightenment?
First exposure to “light”?
Consequences-For better or worse?
The Count of Monte Cristo…
Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth…
To Kill a Mockingbird…
Toy Story:
BUZZ: "Woody you're not a
collector's item; you're a child's
plaything. You are A TOY!”
WOODY: "For how much
longer? One more rip, and
Andy's done with me. And
what do I do then, Buzz? Huh?
You tell me.”
BUZZ: "Somewhere in that pad
of stuffing is a toy who taught
me that life's only worth living
if you're being loved by a kid.
And I traveled all this way to
rescue that toy because I
believed him.”
Buzz Lightyear, as he reminds
Woody who he truly is